Best sweeper pokemon gen 5. Starmie, great spinner and SpecsStar.

Best sweeper pokemon gen 5 It can truly counter team an opponent if you’re attempting to make a sweeper for a tournament game. These Pokemon are great at doing just that. Mar 20, 2023 #4 It did not work in Pokemon showdown because of chein pao is a uber not and ou like the rest of the Pokemon so yeah. Galvantula has access to a 91% accurate Thunder, Bug Buzz and even Energy Ball if you play through the post game. That would make Dragonite your best rain sweeper in the entire meta-game! answered Jul 27, 2012 by Brandonerd91 edited Oct 29, 2022 by Tensa which isn’t that amazing, even with the 92 Speed EVs. Best Special Sweeper. I know there exists a ton of sweeper Pokemon that anyone could argue could be #1. Gyarados is commonly used as a powerful sweeper thanks to its solid 125 Attack stat, a range of powerful attacks What is an Offensive Team? Hyper Offense. Consider Overheat or Fire Blast as good special attacks in addition to its good physical ones. It hits hard on the physical side. Ferrothorn’s bulky defense, combined with Heracross is easily one if not the best late game sweepers in the whole game. Which fighting-type Pokemon reign supreme? Check out our list of the best fighting-type Pokemon of all generations. With its dual STAB abilities and nearly perfect coverage, it can easily be an effective sweeper. I. 5 = 120) and also good coverage. Contrary Extreme Eeveeoboost for the instant -1 to all stats combined with a mixed set. Pokemon with the Forecast ability change their type to Water. Perfect for catching ghost type Pokémon! Leech Seed is really good for recovery especially if you are facing a Physical sweeper because that is 30% damage in 1 turn (10% ability, 10% Rocky Helmet, and 10% Leech Seed) before taking power whips damage into consideration. Conkeldurr was introduced in Generation 5, it has a sheer force and guts, and its Iron Fist ability makes it even stronger. 5 = 135. Mienshao has a 125 Base Attack, a 95 Base Special Attack and a 105 Base Speed. What is the best sweeper in Scarlet and Violet? In Scarlet and Violet, the best sweepers are: 8 Hawlucha (Fighting / Flying) Barraskewda is a newly added Pokemon to gen 8, but it has already proven itself to be one of the best rain sweepers. It may appear to be an inferior Pokemon, but it has a handy niche in Telepathy, Ally switch and base 125 sp atk. Tags: Volcarona may be the perfect pick to be the special sweeper if you aren't using Darmanitan or Chandelure already. 🇬🇧 English; 🇩🇪 Deutsch; Generation 5 Unova region; Generation 6 Kalos region; Generation 7 Alola region; Generation 8 Galar region; Generation 9 Paldea region; Best Attackers by type. Examples include sylveon, excadrill, or Torkoal and Regidrago honestly have good synergy with torkoal resisting ice and fairy moves and drago resisting water moves. New posts All posts New profile posts Latest activity. one of my personal favourites is lapras. 2. So CBMence would be: Salamence @ Choice Band Adamant Nature EVs: 252 Attack - 252 Speed - 4 HP Slow and frail is one of the worst archetypes in all of Pokemon, and Glaceon is a good example of one suffering from it, opening up the bottom 5. The main attraction of 40k is the miniatures, but there are also many video games, board games, books, ect. Since special walls are Pokémon: The Best Trick Room Sweepers (List) February 29, 2024; In the realm of competitive Pokemon, Trick Room is always an interesting topic of conversation. So for me to get warmed up in the current meta i just decided to use the team i reached 11th in Gen8 OU a year ago which is the sharpedo team. It’s pretty strong STAB, with 120 BP. [Gen 5] OU Sweeper Team. It's Move Pool isn't too bad too and each of it's Abilities are amazing (Inner Focus, Regenerator and Reckless). Home. Volcarona; B Rank: Reserved for Pokemon who cannot sweep through or wall significant portions of the metagame, but can properly fulfill a given offensive/defensive niche. Another great Pokémon to consider is Zoroark, which is an incredibly useful lead as well. (4 Gym Badges, 3 Pokemon) Go to Driftveil and use Oshawatt to absolutely crush Clay. Valarauca I > U for all real values of U. Pokemon Light Platinum takes the top 5 spots in our list of best Pokemon rom hacks for the year. With it's already incredible base speed, it is basically impossible to go faster while rain is active. I have never heard someone scream so loud when my Dusknoir (my favorite Pokémon) crit a A Special Sweeper is one of several roles a Pokémon can fill. Yeah Gen 5 was definitely its best gen, while Pressure is a quite solid ability on a defensive mon in Draco Meteor the tier (gen 4 ubers), getting multiscale makes it indirectly less passive via the threat of roosting to full if not at full and the requirement for your opponent to break multiscale before it can get much done if at full. Pokemon Liquid Crystal. Also, historically, the best rain squads always had a good fire pokemon. hmm, i seemed to have forgot about T-tar, and now that i think about it, it seems like a good addition to my team, i just wanted to have a good sweeper from each gen, right now i got Starmie, Sceptile, and infernape. Dragon Tail/Haze is used to deal with setup sweepers by forcing them out the field/removing their stat boosts. Gen 5 Good special attackers? Discussion in 'Other Pokémon Games' started by RadEmpoleon, Oct 9, 2018. Rotom-W's various traits make it one of the best defensive Pokemon in OU. Venusaur (M) @ Leftovers Ability: Chlorophyll EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD Modest Nature - Toxic - Venoshock - Solar Beam - Leech Seed / Synthesis It’s a good start, but this seems really vulnerable to Ting-Lu (which is probably going to be big as a TR sweeper or anti-TR tech): -It underspeeds most of the team. 282 Posts 16 Years. It is a perfect choice for a Sweeper. Released for Nintendo Switch on November 18, 2022, Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet are the newest chapters in the Pokémon mainline series. On top of that, choice banded liquidations and flip turns hit super hard under rain. The Total column shows the total of all the Pokémon's stats, same as on the regular stat Pokédex. Eiscue is a After explaining/ranking wallbreakers in my previous wallbreakers video, I wanted to take some time to (quickly) explain how all the top setup sweepers in th Like the "Best Physical Sweeper" thread I made. I suggest you try them all and see what fits best for you. The best Innards Out user is Chansey with as little defensive investment as possible. Sweepers such as Kingdra and Venusaur were brutal and powerful (though Kingdra was used against rain teams due to the combination of Drizzle + Swift Swim not being allowed on the same team), while Excadrill was even banished to Ubers Status also cripples setup sweepers by refusing to let them manage a full team KO. Excadrill, Landorus, Conkeldurr, Mienshao, Haxorus, some old stuff that got new DW abilities (they're Gen V-ish) You can't make an omelette without crushing dozens of eggs beneath your steel boot and then publicly disemboweling the chickens that laid them as a warning. Bronzong's defensive stats, typing, and access to Levitate makes it a good defensive Pokemon for Gen 9 NU, being able to check Flygon. A true monster. ExtremeSpeed can one or two HKO most offenesive pokemon. Read on to learn what a Trick Room team is, how to make a Trick Room team in The best Fire-type Pokemon for competitive battles have managed to get around Arcanine is surprisingly getting some run as a pivot in Generation VIII. Starting off completely useless in Gen 3, it has become one of the premier weather Pokemon in the franchise because of its ability Drought. Atk + Sp. Pokémon's competitive scene really blossomed within the fifth generation, with popular events such as the Pokémon World Championships. Also, the receiver is the Pokemon hit by Pursuit rather than the passer. Starmie, great spinner and SpecsStar. That's why I switched an old moveset into Fire Fang. Another support Pokemon, Xatu with Magic Bounce is useful as it can block any hazards and then send them over to the opponent whilst setting up screens at the same time and being able to paralyse them, Xatu is really good its a shame it gets outclassed by other Pokemon. Note that these sets posted are used in Gen 9 What are some good Sun sweepers that aren't Grass or Fire type? What are some good late-game sweepers for each tier? Is Physical or Special Landorus more viable in OU? Iron Valiant is amazing, its speed tier is perfect for what’s its tryna to accomplish. Skeledirge’s high HP, defenses, and access to Unaware instantly gives it a great niche against set up sweepers. I try and set-up one or two Swords Dance and then sweep as many pokemon as possible, usually 2, 3 or more. Clefable on the other hand is an staple in OU since the 6th gen In order to centralize and organize the location of sample teams on the Battle Stadium Singles sub-forum, we are going to be reviving the top Japanese teams thread! While this thread will be the hub for the top 20 or so teams from each season, the Team Bazaar will continue to function as the community team submission outlet. Nature: Adamant 4. MTU Seen Feb 13, 2012 Aug 7, 2008 Gen 5 - Best: Snivy, Worst: Tepig (I didnt like the Gen 5 starters) Gen 6 - Best: Fennekin (Delphox is <3), Worst: Froakie (I do love him and his evo line, but everyone picked him) Gen 7 - Best: Popplio (Primarina is <3), Worst: Litten (Im okay with Incineroar now, but still wish it Gen 5 Sweeper team. It This is a very common Lucario set-up sweeper. If you look at the current viability This is our tier list for the best Pokemon for competitive battles in Regulation G of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) and the DLC. (Muscle band tyranitar w/ crunch, rockslide, earthquake, dragon dance). I used to do my fair share of Wi-Fi battling and follow Smogon religiously. def heatran for dragon energy only to get KOed by Earth Power. Dragon Pulse - This should take care of most Dragon-types in one/two hits due to the Choice Specs. Not sure if that’ll be enough to earn it OU usage, but it’ll definitely be a viable pick on certain OU teams that appreciate its niche. Be sure to include full set details in your post, e. . Search. By Christopher Julian Anaya With Dragon Claw, Earthquake and Fire Fang I got three movesets which can cause alot of damage to my opponent. A crazy Ivy Cudgel, strong healing Horn Leech, good coverage Play Rough, and setup Swords Dance. What's a physical sweeper with good coverage that can reliably take at least 1 hit when it switches in? Gyrados was more popular early meta, but still a great late game sweeper. Support Pokemon in this category have flaws that prevent them from doing their job or are setup bait for dangerous sweepers. The team: Sharpedo team feat. Salamence @ Life Orb Ability: Moxie EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe Hasty Nature Breloom is a physical set-sweeper that can hit with its strong Technician-Boosted Mach Punch and Bullet Seed. In general Mienshao is a fast Pokemon - Aegislash with weakness policy and automatize can also work for mixed sweeping, but is very circumstantial. The best part is this shit gets earth power for whatever reason so it can still deal with magearna with out using tera. Mar 21, 2023 #5 Krookodile and Galvantula are some of the best sweepers you could ask for, but since you already have Zoroark your best bet is probably Braviary for a fast physical attacker Reply reply WHO do you think Is the most underrated Pokémon in gen 1 upvotes It holds the tier together by checking many Pokémon like Yveltal, Marshadow, and Kyogre by itself, which are all top threats. You're looking for a wallbreaker. We’ll have to see how much set up sweepers crop up in the Gen 9 meta. Thread starter nocturnalnathan; Start date Mar 21, 2011; N. i dont know any good gen 4 sweepers. Which non-legendary Pokemon has the best base learnset and stats for a solo playthrough of the game? Assume the Pokemon is level 100 with perfect IVs and access to all learned moves, excluding those learned by TMs/HMs or breeding. See cheats. For a Pokemon of its mold, it has surprisingly solid bulk and access to Learn about best Lechonk moves and movesets in Pokémon GO with this guide. As the other guy said, your Mega Mewtwo X set is just bad. Beheeyem: Another Bulky psychic. Sweeper for Endless? The Official Subreddit of PokéRogue, a browser-based Rogue-lite Pokémon battling game spanning all 9 generations Members The premier competitive Pokémon GO league. Psychic fangs and crunch are there for If you have a good competitive moveset for Bisharp, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Zebstrika is not very good as it hardly learns any good physical moves to use it’s better attacking stat aside from Wild Charge. Reply reply Music_Elegant • I think you have to recognize in team preview what is VERY useful in the matchup and preserve it i. this is my exact tank. 5% of their maximum HP per turn; Cherrim and Castform change formes Some readers may remember Generation 5. Pokemon Liquid Crystal is a hack based on FireRed. Item: Life Orb 2. 2nd: You can only use that trap if you haven't Mega-Evolved yet which is not the best limitation to your turn-strategy, because keep in mind that Gyarados was never a good lead: Generation 2-4 UNOVA, GEN-5, SAMUROTT Aqua Tail, Surf, Ice Beam, Megahorn Samurott is a bulky mixed attacker and a rare good Water-type in this gen. Untill now, it was a good idea. In the first four generations of Pokemon, there were 493 monsters, and the fifth generation introduced another whopping 156 creatures in Pokemon Black and White. Two problems are Cynthia's Spiritomb and Milotic. Reactions: Teals, Enri1988 and Pokémaniac13. However my physical sweeper isn't cutting the mustard. Let me Both of AgilityGross and DD Dragonite are the best setup sweepers in the tier in my opinion : They can't really be easily revenge killed (neutral/resisted priorites, the resist Gyarados is just plain great. This isn't my first competitve team, but I am still relatively newish to competive battling, having Pokémon Pearl: Pokédex: Seen: 493/Caught: 493, Hours: 670 Started: June 2nd 2009 Pokémon Black 2: Pokédex: Seen 649/Caught: 649, Hours: ~ 170 Started: October 11th 2012 Pokémon Master Cecelia - she wants to be the very best like no one ever was. A glue Pokemon more than a sweeper. I second Grey Knight's suggestion for Serperior (gen 5 grass starter) but I suggest you use the Sub CM set instead of screens as your set up sweepers are pretty bulky by itself already. It can also run Encore to lock an opponent into an attack giving you a free I'm asking for people on this board to post the 3 best Sweepers (Physical, Special, mixed----it doesn't matter) and the 3 best Walls (6 Pokémon total) of Generation V. The Swor It can run Perish Song to crush any Baton Pass chain or to force out a dangerous boosting sweeper. Ice Beam targets the Grass-types in the tier, while Alluring Voice hits Aqua Tauros super Ferrothorn isn’t exactly the first Pokémon that would come to mind when you talk about sweepers, and for good reason. Suggested Team: Samurott, Galvantula, Krookadile, Chandelure, Haxorus, Golurk (learns Fly) KALOS, GEN-6, DELPHOX For Pokemon Black Version on the DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "3 Best Sweepers and 3 Best Walls of Generation V" - Page 2. This is my most recent favorite team to play with, and although it has slight weaknesses to Mixmence, it's nothing that can't be played around! The only thing that stops this team cold is Blissey Ground types in rain aren't great because you're taking more damage from SE water attacks. I didn't list items because I want to know what you think the best one would be is. that's a good Pokémon. His hacks generally do several things: Increase Pokemon availability (in Black/White, you can only catch Gen 5 Pokemon until you beat the Elite 4, which he changed), increase difficulty (not to an insane degree, but enough to not be a breeze like the regular games), and remove impossible Evolutions (all Pokemon will evolve in a way that doesn This is a list of the greatest Generation 5 Pokemon, ranked by fans like you. One of its biggest weakness is that is stacks important weakness with its Sand Stream partner. Imagine being so stupid that you insult somebody to the extreme and ten still demand respect Imma try this out though, i havent been able to make a good ou team for gen 9 yet . The other attacks are up to preference—Hidden Power Fighting and Dark Pulse cover the resistances to Porygon-Z's Normal STAB, but for a Wi-Fi team, Ice Beam may be preferable. Pokemon with the Magic Guard ability also function well in this type of team, Alazakam and Reuniclus resist Fighting type attacks while hitting those Fighting types hard with their STAB attacks. It is a good trap for Azumarill though. A good set will be: Hawlucha @ Grassy Seed Ability: Unburden EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Adamant Nature - Acrobatics - Swords Dance - Close Combat - Throat Chop I would recommend Mienshao. g. Protect can turn a 5 turn “sweepfest” into a stall match. Ok, retaining its status as a top-tier Pokemon. with these moves: body slam surf ice beam iron tail. Coming in many forms, most are faced with the difficulty of having to deal with Blissey and other such Special Walls. Assuming you get lucky enough to be able to protect for 3 turns of Trick Room and force the sweeper to switch out. Ribombee and Silvally formes are some of the best setup sweepers available with their natural Speed and strength in addition to their types' defensive utility The best Sweepers of Pokémon are listed below with impressive builds to save players time and effort. CBmence has Fire Blast, and DDmence has leftovers. I'm asking for people on this board to post the 3 best Sweepers (Physical, Special, mixed----it doesn't matter) and the 3 best Walls (6 Pokémon Sawsbuck is a gen 5 pokemon that has much potential. Explore freely in a richly-expressed open world and get acquainted with the Paldea region, its Pokémon, and choose your own path! What are some effective defensive tanks in Gen 5 competitive play? 1 vote . What I'm specifically looking for within these, or any hack, is making the games as close to 'Current Gen' as possible. Gen 5 introduced a monster, the best sand rush sweeper of all time, the one and only Excadrill. (3 Gym Badges, 3 Pokemon) Use sandile with Elesa, just make sure your pokemon are strong and stock up on potions. The games took place in Unova, a region that was supposed While not compatible with Teleport, Wish's mechanics were changed in Gen 5 so that the reciever is healed by an amount equal to half the Wish user's HP, so if a Blissey with 31 HP IVs and 252 HP EVs used Wish, the Pokemon recieving the Wish would get 357 HP back. Gleam on it because don't waste time with Koraidon. General Pokémon Discussion. Outrage, in Gen 5, can do damage to every Pokémon except Shedinja, since Fairy types don’t exist. Earthquake Crunch Stone Edge Swagger Darmanitan In Scarlet & Violet, these Gen 9 Pokemon are ideally suited to the Sweeper role. - MegaZardX is often used as a DD sweeper, but can use special attacks also since it is base 130. To succeed with an offensive team, you I'll go first. What's new. a scarf revenge killer, unaware mon, a status spreader wall. Pokemon with the Hydration ability heal themselves of status effects at the end of every turn. Beastie the birdy, mixed sweeper with Psychic for special STAB, Drill Peck for physical STAB, U-turn to damage Dark types while fleeing, and Shadow Ball for other Psychics and Ghost types. Movesets for its pre-evolutions, if any, can also be shared on this thread. Yache kinda sponges an ice move, Lum can absorb a status, and lefties keeps up the survivability. A Physical Sweeper is one of several roles a Pokémon can fill. This is a list of all the Pokémon from Generation 5. There are 156 Pokémon in this generation. The Sims 4; Meme Galleries; Listicles; Fun content on everything pop culture. Garchomp is one of the earliest faces of the Choice Scarf, banned in Gen 4 OU and the best Pokemon in Gen 5 OU. nocturnalnathan So, I've decided to go back to what I'm best at, Pokemon that hit hard and fast, hopefully before my opponent has time to set anything up. Chandelure-best special attack of all fire types I think plus can cover weaknesses with energy ball and shadow just put speed on this and youve got one of the best sweepers you want Charizard-good physical attacks plus flying type to get rid of the big earthquake weakness but adds a HUGE rock type weakness overall one of the best fire types you Hey, found your comment via google searching. Gyarados dragon dance Earthquake Waterfall Ice fang Sweeps all 5 with 2 dd Only danger is infernape due to focus sash thunder punch Based on everything I've looked at, it seems like the most recommended Hacks are Sacred Gold/Storm Silver and Renegade Platinum for Gen 4 and Blaze Black/Volt White for Gen 5. This allows us to For clarity’s sake, Lanturn can learn Tail Glow from the Move Expert, who pretty much has a list of high-tier moves that he can slap onto a few specific Pokémon in fusions that don’t normally learn them; for instance, he can teach Shore Up to Grimer/Muk, Accelerock to Aerodactyl, Kabutops, and Anorith/Armaldo, and Flying Press to the Blaziken line, Farfetch’d, and Heracross. The Best Shinies From Sinnoh's Gen 4 Pokémon Roster; Best Gen 2 Johto Shinies From Pokémon G/S/C (And HGSS) Best Shiny Starter Pokémon From Every Gen (All Ranked) 25 Best Grass-Type Pokémon From Every Gen (Ranked) Browse Fandoms. While the premise is good, since there’s only one Gen 9 Pokemon on the team, everything else feels sorely lacking. Solarbeam's Base Power is reduced from 120 to 60. Dragonite is the best setup sweeper in the game because it's ability Multiscale which almost always allows a turn of setup. Video games, movies, TV shows . Pros: Good physical attack Good movepool, can beat Heatran (even balloon ones) Good STABs (normal is useful for dragons) Cons: Cannot beat certain physical walls Weak to mach punch Okay, so I'm theorycrafting a variation on the "no TMs" challenge. Great for Pokémon that are prone to using Self-Destruct or Explosion! It can also learn Spore, which has a 100% chance to put the opponent to sleep (unless the target is grass-type). Lucario won't be sweeping if the rest of your team can't beat Scarf Rotom, for example. Moxie is what makes this Pokemon great. Compare Lechonk moves with similar Pokémon. Here are some of the best special sweepers in: Ubers: Kyogre; Deoxys forms (other than defense) Genesect; Darkrai; Lucario (Mega) Mewtwo (Mega Y as well) Galvantula is better. Def ; Physical Tank = Attack + Defense ; Special Tank = Sp. Tauros doesn't see as much use but is still cool. This ‘mon has been a staple defender since its introduction in Gen V. Arguably the most important decision a player makes in a Pokémon playthrough, selecting a starter defines the journey a player is about to embark on. Salamence's high Special Attack and Speed stat makes it an amazing Special Attack Sweeper, even without setups. Thread starter Truly Deceptive; Start date May 15, 2011; Best Special Sweeper? have spammable STABs capable of sweeping or cleaning through teams easily, either have U-Turn or Volt Switch to keep up momentum, and have some type of have defensive utility. ". Serperior @ Leftovers OR Life Orb Trait: Overgrow 4 HP/ 252 Spd / 252 SpA Timid Nature-Calm Mind What is your favorite Pokemon that can be either a Physical, Special, or Mixed sweeper/attacker? it down to just 1 so here's 1 for every generation Gen 1: Dragonite Gen 2: Entei Gen 3: Salamence Gen 4: Lucario Gen 5: Virizion Gen 6: Aegislash Gen 7: Tapu Koko I'd say Infernape is probably one of the best examples of a true mixed sweeper For Pokemon Black Version on the DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Best Sweeper from each Gen. Poképolls . 5% of their max HP every turn. A I've been into competitive battling since the 4th gen (Diamond/Pearl) mostly due to the DS actually being Wi-Fi compatible. It might do better as a hyper-offence And use sandile to take down colress as ground types are effective against electric. S. now i got to think of 2 other pokes that would go good with them Both of AgilityGross and DD Dragonite are the best setup sweepers in the tier in my opinion : They can't really be easily revenge killed (neutral/resisted priorites, the resist berry with their natural bulk allow them to setup, lure or even revenge kill mons with them (Metagross resist to EQ Gon and setup on him, he can also resist EQ from Dragonite/Tyranitar at +1 and Running quiver dance over geomancy gives you the option of using it to break a wall somewhere in the middle of the match without severely hurting your chances of sweeping later. Since this Salamence build uses the ability Intimidate, pairing it with Special Tanks like Gholdengo or Below is the list of Pokémon attacks that were introduced in Generation 5 (Black, White, Black 2, White 2). As an added bonus Conkeldurr can even take status aimed at your main sweepers to get a Guts boost from it. Discover which winged Pokemon are a must-have for your team. Partner in crime of Tyranitar, Excadrill is used in any decent Sand team due to its explosive offensive capabilities when its speed is doubled. Special Sweepers often excel in the Special Attack and Speed stats and use Special Attacks as their medium for inflicting great damage on opposing Pokémon. attack stat. The good thing is that this is a remake of Pokemon Crystal. Adaptability makes Tri Attack, already a powerful move, almost unstoppable. Click a move name to see even more detailed information, including which Pokémon can learn that move. Coming in many forms, a Physical Sweeper has a greater likelihood of breaking various Physical Walls than a Special Sweeper has of breaking Special You're not looking for a sweeper. It was a brutal battle of sun vs rain vs sand, with hail teams not having much of an impact. (5 Gym Badges, 3 Pokemon) Dragapult can work, it's got a usable special attack stat (and can make better use of its ghost stab than a physical set), though it's physical stats are superior. Ability: Inner Focus 3. This is the team I used to get the reqs for the cancer respects suspect. 35) Eiscue Hold your Belly Drum sweeps you did with thing, this is not good, at all. Pokemon to consider A) Hail Summoners Hi all, I'm strongly considering participating in the 2011 Video Game Championship but I'm drawing a blank when it comes to assembling my team. Orbeetle can be a good stored power sweeper, as well, though it may struggle with some Pokemon, steel types come to mind. I had Excadrill on here because I didn't realize that Glimmora had memento. Nicehatking. Another 2 good Sweeper will be Hawlucha and Toxtricity Hawlucha's ability was Unburden, which helps it sweep with it's good attack and 110 Pow Acrobatics without item. Pokemon with the ability Chlorophyll have their Speed doubled; Pokemon with the ability Solar Power have their Special Attack increased by 50% but lose 12. We've all fought them and we've all used them. Gastrodon can switch into Water-type moves trying to hit Volcarona, and cripple with either a Scald Burn or Toxic. With its high Attack stat and powerful STABs, Garchomp Who is the best sweeper in Pokémon? The best sweeper in Pokémon is Flutter Mane who is equipped with Choice Specs. For the potential Pokemon, I'm mostly looking at them in terms of effectiveness after one turn of setup, after two turns of setup, and general survivability or support required. Alakazam, trick and sweep, K. specs pelipper Been a while since i last played on showdown let alone Gen8 OU. what are some good gen 4 sweepers(can be physical or special)? sweeper; physical; special; gen-4; heartgold; soulsilver; asked Dec 12, 2011 by sassmangg5 What are all the Pokémon with a higher special attack that are usually ran physical and vice versa? Which types are now more Physical than Special, and Those familiar with Gen 3 will know that the Dugtrio + Special Sweeper is a tried and true strategy. EVs: 252 Attack / 4 HP / 252 Speed 5. This monster only appears in the depths of hell at Gen 7 OU, so its Dark typing makes it perfect to be in hell. It will pay off well if it works though. Ranking All Pokémon Starters is Hard Work. hope this helped! In addition, it escapes the trapping effects of Shadow Tag, Mean Look, Magnet Pull, Arena Trap. Dragon Claw is a good STAB choice, Earthquake and Ice Punch are for coverage. Its 143 base defense means it can tank a couple of hits. Thread starter NotPezizzle; Start date Mar 2, 2012; Status Not open for further replies. Cinderace is the new and improved gyrados with better coverage and speed. Imagine the opponent switching in sp. The Pokémon Spectral Thief steals the boosts of the opposing Pokémon before dealing damage, allowing it to be a cold stop to a lot of Swords Dance sweepers and even other sweepers. The above set represent his best coverage options. All my teams i have posted on here have been quite gimmicky so far and i realised sharpedo is somewhat gimmicky as well Explore our detailed guide on the top 15 best Flying Type Pokemon of all generations, conveniently ranked for you. Use over 30 new Field Effects for even more layers of strategy. You have to actually make smart plays. Pangoro- The only Pokémon that can learn False Swipe that can also have the ability Scrappy. It can run both offensively and defensively due to its well rounded stats, and depending on investment can be a Lyranoc is a nice SD Sand Sweeper that killes pesky normal/dark types that get in the way of Houndstone (Houndstone can still deal with any normal or dark type as long as its in sand). Perhaps it represents a division in the fandom because Gen 4 unto 5 represents a major shift in design. while using 5th gen pokemon. Pokemon who are partially outperformed by a Pokemon in A or Introduction. Krookadile With Intimidate. Flash Cannon (STAB) - A good STAB move (80 x 1. It just feels like an overwhelming task. If you&#39;re planning to get into ranked battles but don&#39;t know which Pokemon to However, its true value lies in the fact that it can act as a multipurpose utility Pokemon for almost any team: a STAB and Technician-boosted Bullet Punch is excellent for revenge killing fast and frail sweepers; Pursuit wrecks fleeing Pokemon like Latias or Choice-locked Rotom-A and Gengar; U-turn wears down the opposing team while retaining Venusaur, my all time favourite Pokemon. RELATED: 10 Things That Make Absolutely No Sense About Pokémon Centers When looking into Released for Nintendo Switch on November 18, 2022, Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet are the newest chapters in the Pokémon mainline series. There is no "best sweeper" because something like Dragon Dance Salamence would be better than Swords Dance Lucario on a lot of teams, and vice-versa. holding leftover for healing as a tank. The Best Sweeper Pokémon Pokemon VGC. I will say it's multiscale dragon dance dragonite. Meet Lord Alfirinor, the king of grass types: Role: Sunny sweeper. Tyranitar, hands Bullet Punch can work here as an answer to speedy Pokémon like Aerodactyl, Azelf, Weavile, or Gengar. I hope you found within these almost 10 years some good hacks for gen v. Find strategies, movesets, and more for Gliscor in the Smogon Strategy Pokedex. The Pokemon can be from any Generation. Kill it. Seeking the very best, like no one ever was. Pokemon with the Swift Swim ability double Overall, Quagsire is a niche Pokemon, but it can function as one of the best checks to physical boosting sweepers should you need one. I thought I would use this poll as a starting point. items, abilities, natures and EVs. +1 Quiver dance volcarona might be stronger than +1 dragon dance dragonite, however what makes it "dangerous" is how difficult it is to stop it from setting up and sweeping your entire team thanks to its ability multiscale. -Apart from Mimikyu WW there’s not much to slow it down -Most of the team gets blown up by its STABs. This guide will focus on the best Trick Room sweepers. Learn more. By the time Pokémon Black & White released in 2010, we had already seen close to 500 Pokémon on our handheld devices. Some of these even give stat boosts, which can turn otherwise mediocre Pokémon into Having a good sweeper on your team can completely turn the tides in battle. Volcarona is a The Special Defense of Rock-type Pokemon is increased by 50% All non-Rock-, Steel-, and Ground-type Pokémon and Pokémon without the ability Magic Guard or Sand Veil take 1/16 damage at the end of every turn. Aside from Glimmora, everything else is the same when I used an Excadrill to get the reqs. Offers a good power of 90 x 1. You can click a column heading to instantly sort by that column, or filter on move name, type and category using the options provided. 8 Hawlucha (Fighting / Flying) 7 Excadrill (Ground Sweepers are pokemon with very impressive offensive capabilities, and with two great STAB moves + general coverage with Ice Beam and Thunderbolt it can threaten entire teams, including the single best pokemon in OU, Tyranitar. Ranked play, world leaderboards, & glory. Iron Barbs will ware down physical sweepers like a Torkoal has had an absolutely fascinating journey through the different generations of Pokemon. Entei and Incineroar filled that role, as 2 examples. Forums. It has a signature move--a physical giga drain--that allows it to shine. Ready to battle? Use our guide. Flying Tera is a good defensive Tera and gives Acrobatics a strong boost. I'm not so sure about Fire Fang here as a Moveset, but I've met alot of Steel and Plant Pokémon in GEN 5 OU on Showdown. Its nice coverage and beastly attack allow it to break holes in the opponents team when needed but otherwise preforms a great late game sweeper role very similar to Salamence. Bulky offense is a standard archetype that can foster plenty of strong picks and utilize niche Pokémon effectively when backed by its solid defensive cores and ample firepower. 112,348 views. Over 50 Plus Gen 7 Pokemon added; Alolan Forms; Physical and Special split; 23. Stealth Rock Setup sweepers are a huge defining force in any metagame. Yache kinda sponges an ice move, Lum can absorb a status, and 1. Menu. Feel free to post anything related to Pokémon here, like discussion topics, speculation, fanart, memes, questions, news Aura Sphere (STAB) - For those irritating Double Teamers and Minimizers. Physical Sweepers often excel in the Attack and Speed stats and use Physical Attacks as their medium for inflicting great damage on opposing Pokémon. that are all connected in the 40k universe. Sweepers can clean up a team late game while wallbreakers are used for breaking down tough fat mons. My current contenders are: Mimikyu Porygon-Z can run a standard Nasty Plot setup. Pokemon is too dependant on team matchups to decide something like this, there is no discussion possible here =\ Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds. Hi all, I'm having success on the Battle tower with swords dance / baton pass ninjask. It’s EV spread just barely let’s it pull of Proto Speed instead of Proto Attack Ogerpon is my bonk girl, as she is everybody else’s. Moves: Swords Dance, Close Combat, Extreme Speed, Crunch Lucario is a beloved Pokémon concerning the overall community, but it's also a capable Sweeper in the right hands. New posts Search forums. I am looking myself for gen v hacks but if you want one that is gen II but basically the BOTW of Pokemon other than Legends Arceus w/o much plot and basically all gen II 'mons, Pokemon Crystal Clear is for you. Rotom-W Base Stats: 50 HP / 65 Atk / 107 Def / 105 SpA / 107 SpD / 86 Spe Ability: Levitate. Pokemon with the Rain Dish ability heal 6. It can OHKO most of them with Surf, Psychic, Thunderbolt and IceBeam. With a single free turn, they can determine the outcome of a match. Good for lowering Special Defense. Some detail, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Furthermore, stall isn't something you can beat just by having a wallbreaker. Trick Room teams are a team archetype that focuses on Speed Control in Competitive Ranked Battles in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV). Even Its titanic Defense and good base 95 special attack make it both a good trick room setter and trick room sweeper. Baton Pass no longer passes the effect of Mean Look as in the 4th generation Styles of Baton Pass The two types of Baton Pass are quick pass and full pass. +2 Close Combat usually OHKOs Skarmory after Who are the best physical sweepers in competitive battling? (I want it to complement my team) Please put in stats, moves, natures, IVs/EVs, and etc. Better known as Hyper Offense, these teams eschew dedicated defensive strategies for pure offense. 25% of their max HP every turn. Marshadow also has an unresisted STAB combination, Technician Shadow Sneak, and a convenient base 125 Speed tier, making it one of the best anti-metagame Pokémon in Anything Goes. While Mixed Sweepers are really handy in Gen 8 Pure Hackmons it is because of Eternamax Eternatus. We are defining each of the terms as follows: Physical Sweeper = Attack + Speed ; Special Sweeper = Sp. A few tips: Wallbreakers. It is no surprise that Regular Samurott is the third stage of Gen 5’s Water-type starter Oshawott. Personally, I'd go with Salamence. If looking for an option without dynamax, any pokemon with strong moves that hit both is great. This Pokemon was the first Pokemon I ever saur (no pun intened) when I was a little she-elf. This Godzilla mon is one hell of a sweeper, and comes from hell itself. Def . Tyranitar @ Leftovers Definitions. The evasion of a Pokémon with the Sand Veil ability is increased by 20%. Pelipper (F) @ Damp Rock Ability: Drizzle EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD Calm Nature - Hurricane - U-turn - Scald - Tailwind The obvious rain setter with the sweet pivot u-turn and tailwind to outspeed any scarf switch in after the u-turn , scald for the stab and the burn chance , hurricane for 100% accuracy abuse ,bulky hp and spd evs so he can stand up to To my knowledge, his Blaze Black/Volt White hacks haven't been updated since prior to Gen 6 introducing Fairy types - are there any other quality of life hacks/difficulty hacks for Gen 5 which have an updated type chart? Starmie is fast enough to attack before any other pokemon there and has a good SPATK. Language. Lol because high ladder players are sooooo good Fun story, I once beat an OU pro with basically a team of Pokémon I just liked using. 5% of their maximum HP per turn; Pokemon with the ability Leaf Guard become immune to status; Pokemon with Dry Skin lose 12. Baton Pass Teams Dragonite is the best setup sweeper in the game because it's ability Multiscale which almost always allows a turn of setup. It Meanwhile, status Z-Moves come with additional secondary effects— for example, Z-Memento restores the HP of the user's replacement to full. Try to avoid sandile dying. They add a "non-rain" mode to the team and it covers more in the meta that the rain core can't. Sand stream is good for sand-based teams like the ones with Excadrill. What a beautiful setup sweeper! It's not that it's the strongest Pokemon to exist after setting up. Aerodactyl and Weavile will go down in one blow without being able I'll be posting Pokemon who are good sweepers for the following formats: NU, National Dex UU, and National Dex Monotype. U-turn allows Scizor to deal out huge damage to incoming Pokemon and maintain momentum, scouting the switch-in and grabbing a favorable match-up. Explore freely in a richly-expressed open world and get acquainted with the Paldea region, its Pokémon, and choose your own path! Pokemon with the ability Dry Skin heal 12. Talonflame,is easily one of the most recognizable Generation 6 Pokémon and is an excellent physical attacker thanks to Gale Wings, which gives it priority on STAB Brave Bird—a very powerful combination when used correctly. Some of the best walls/stallers in the metagame include the following: Eviolite Porygon2: Thanks to the Eviolite, Porygon is an excellent wall on both defensive stats, has access to a reliable recovery moves, can use Toxic/T-Wave to help support its teammates, and can use an attack due to its decent Sp. Also, I don't know what gen this is, but in gen 9, sometimes its a good idea to switch out mid-sweep if you don't know if the opponent is going to tera, and then come Good Substitute Pokemon - Gliscor, Jirachi, Breloom Protect The downfall of Trick Room is being limited to 5 turns in which sweepers have to KO your team. 3rd Gen What are your sweeper Pokemon, if any? Thread starter blackhayate-x1000; I'm not the best when it comes to competitive battling type pokemon so my pokemon aren't the best . Having been one of the strongest Pokémon through every iteration of Generation 8 Ubers, Eternatus has surely earned its place as the most influential Pokémon the metagame has seen. Pokémon Listings National Pokédex | 001-151 | 152-251 | 252-386 | 387-493 | 494-649 | 650-721 | 722-809 | 810-905 | 906-1025 | Alphabetical. e. Click the As such, I'm doing my best to see how I can get the shortest list of potential stops to a Pokemon that there is. Atk + Speed ; Wall = HP + Defense + Sp. On top of that, it makes a great Trick Room sweeper, too! RELATED: The Best Nuzlocke Pokemon In Kanto Xatu (M) @ Life Orb Ability: Magic Bounce EVs: 196 Atk / 128 SpA / 184 Spe Lonely Nature - Psychic - U-turn - Shadow Ball - Drill Peck. Thanks in advance! but mainly the 7th generation of core Pokemon games. Establish Offensive Presence Early. Gen 4 Pokemon called back a lot on older Pokemon, making many of them a pointless middle evolution, while Gen 5 forced the Hello!~ This is a subreddit for the fangame called *Pokémon Reborn* It's an emerald style game for PC featuring all content through Generation 7, with gym leaders of all 18 types. Please rate and give me tips on how to improve on my rain team, thanks! :P (This is gen 5 pokemon and items but includes gen 6 mechanics like pelipper drizzle and fairy type) Pelipper @ Damp Rock Ability: Drizzle EVs: 252 Def / 6 SpA / 252 SpD Bold Nature - Hydro Pump - Defog - Hurricane - U-turn Sadly Flygon is no good, Dragonite can do well on some teams because it's tanker and can come out with some unusual or mixed damage movesets, Hydreigon and Haxorus are great depending on if you want special or physical and Salamence is a close third, though also has the benefit of potential of being a mixed damage threat along with intimidate and ignoring Earthquake. fsdp yzwpr lrprjw zhmu jducxxr onlz fbjlv hii lnhzt ylf poboqt gjxhuth tvmwu qoumx tclamk