Discus 2c fes price Jun 22, 2022 · We heard the feedback from official marketplace supporters and we wanted to sell the Discus-2c in a fair price range that everyone will enjoy and be able to have as a nice introductory price to gliding. Die Bremsklappen setzen weich ein, erzeugen nur eine geringe Lastigkeitsänderung und sind sehr gut wirksam. phil@southernsailplanes. Prices shown are in USD. Mit einer Spannweite von 18 m und einem Leergewicht von 345 kg liefert unser Discus 2c FES eine Gleitzahl von 1:45 (gleitet aus einem Kilometer Höhe ganze 45 km weit). Featuring advanced flight control surfaces and a state-of-the-art wing design, this glider offers Mar 28, 2020 · FES wäre wohl besser, aber da vorhanden, Hacker A50V4 Motorspant 50mm Reisenauer Mittelteil 58mm Spinner 47mm Discus 2c Deluxe 4,5 Meter bei Wings-Unlimited Christian Lang; 7. Picture: Luka Hojnik Photography Thanks to the perfect control balance and the harmonic gliding characteristics, you'll feel comfortable and relaxed the first moment you'll fly a Discus-2c. Jan 17, 2023 · AS13. The Discus-2c is a single-seat, high-performance sailplane by German glider manufacturer Schempp-Hirth. toAllows you to create custom liveries for the Gotfriends Discus 2c FES (Premium version) glider on Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. There is a turbo box that can be later fitted with a Solo engine. Limitation of Liability Ansicht Und Herunterladen Schempp-Hirth Discus 2C Fes Flughandbuch Online. 24 ft Oct 4, 2012 · Got Friends Discus-2c FES | Trailer. Schempp-Hirth Discus 2C Fes Online-Anleitung: Eigenstart Und Steigflug, Freier Flug. For those looking to expand their soaring capabilities, the Discus-2c Premium offers the added flexibility of a self-launching FES variant. The -2c is an evolution and replacement of their renowned Discus design. Piloten Mit Informationen Für Den Sicheren Und Leistungsoptimierten Betrieb Von Jul 30, 2022 · Added FES Animation to Freeware Model Matching; Flightsim. 99 (33% Off) Got Friends. 5 Length: 6. Install this repaint by decompressing the . Whether you aero tow or fly from the slope, the Discus 2c is a good choice. Jun 30, 2022 · Schempp-Hirth | Discus-2c FES | D-KFES is a Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 mod created by SebStep91. Wir haben 1 Design Discus-2c FES Anleitung zum kostenlosen PDF-Download zur Verfügung: Wartungshandbuch Discus-2c FLUGHANDBUCH Luftbremsensteuerung Bremsklappen Es werden doppelstöckige SCHEMPP-HIRTH-Bremsklappen auf der Flügel- oberseite verwendet. Limitation of Liability Schempp-Hirth Discus 2C Fes Online-Anleitung: Allgemeines, Einführung, Zulassungsbasis, Warnungen, Wichtige Hinweise Und Anmerkungen. Inhaltsverzeichnis: Laden Der Akkupacks - Seite 16; Tägliche Kontrolle - Seite 18; Normalverfahren Und Empfohlene Geschwindigkeit - Seite 19; Eigenstart Und Jul 2, 2022 · 乘坐山脊升降机在山上保持高空,在热气流中盘旋进入云层,或者只是在层流空气中静静地滑行。Discus-2c 让飞行员与天空合而为一。 特征: • Discus-2c(原始)变体 • Discus-2c (FES) 电机变体 • 定制 LX 导航和 GPS 导航显示 • 内置绞盘发射和运载火箭系统 Jun 23, 2022 · Discus-2c: Premium by Got Friends. 5" (1610mm) Weight: 11-12 lbs. Wingspan: 177. With the proven electrical FES (Front Electric Sustainer) system built by LZ Design, the Nov 13, 2022 · This Discus 2c comes in both 15 and 18meter configuration. Jul 20, 2022 · Bush Divers Discus-2c FES Premium Livery is a Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 mod created by Appleraptor. Posts: 879 Joined: Sat Aug 29, 2009 12:05 pm Location: Southampton, UK. Die FES-Heimkehrhilfe von LZ Design, die sich in unserem Ventus-2cxa bereits erfolgreich bewährt hat, überzeugt durch ihr erweitertes Einsatzspektrum und die problemlose Handhabung. View online or download Lz design Discus-2c FES Maintenance Manual Jul 1, 2022 · Schempp-Hirth | Discus-2c FES | D-KWFE | FLIEGERSCHULE Wasserkuppe is a Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 mod created by SebStep91. 18 May 2020 Three-view drawing Typical FES equipped powered sailplanes are Discus 2c FES and Ventus 2cxa FES. um beim Jungfernflug des mit FES ausgestattetem Duo Discus live dabei zu sein. T. 5 Reinigung Oder Pflege Januar 2005 Revision -- Flughandbuch 8. With its fiberglass fuselage and its carbon fiber reinforced, obecchi sheeted foam wings the Discus 2c can handle The Discus-2c is a single-seat, high-performance sailplane by German glider manufacturer Schempp-Hirth. I just got a new MSFS version running on a new system. 4. Le Discus 2c dans sa version 18 mètres possède des performances et qualités de vol élevées. 5 Bilder. Prices, features, and specifications are subject to change without notice. Inhaltsverzeichnis: Allgemeines - Seite 5; Beschreibung - Seite 6; Dreiseitenansicht - Seite 7; Abkürzungen - Seite 8; Betriebsgrenzen - Seite 9; Triebwerk - Nov 14, 2015 · Neues aus dem Hause Schempp-Hirth: anfangs November hob der mit der FES Heimkehrhilfe ausgestattete, Discus-2c FES zum ersten Mal ab. com. Christian Lang. 06 ft) Wing area: 11. 5 Dreiseitenansicht Zu den typischen Segelflugzeugen mit Hilfsantrieb, die mit FES ausgestattet sind, gehören der Discus 2c FES und der Ventus 2cxa FES Seite 7 von 34 FES Flight Manual, v1. 7. Used LAK-17A or LAK-19 with retrofitted FES would probably give best price-to-fun-of-flying ratio, if FES is must. Schrittweise tritt er die Nachfolge des Referenzsegelflugzeugs DG-300-17 an. to Got Friends » Discus-2c Premium » Microsoft Flight Simulator Discus-2c Premium is a Microsoft Flight Simulator add-on created and launched by Got Friends. Bei der Veröffentlichung wurde versprochen, dass im Laufe des Jahres auch eine erweiterte Payware-Version Jul 29, 2021 · 04 Duo Discus FES Minimoa No. Warnung: Ein Eigenstart Mit Fes Als Hilfsantrieb Ist Verboten! Vor Jedem Eigenstart Muss Sich Der Pilot Auf Einen Motorausfall Während Den Verschiedenen Startphasen Und May 5, 2023 · Der Discus 2c-DLR bedeutet in nahezu jeder Hinsicht eine neue Generation von Forschungsflugzeug für den Segelflug. Featuring advanced flight control surfaces and a state-of-the-art wing design, this glider offers Jun 23, 2022 · MyKrode: Full 3D Modeling (Standard Discus-2c, FES Discus-2c, and Launch Vehicle) GurtTractor: Custom Sound Design and Professionally Recorded Elements; The purchase price of $15 USD paid by the Licensee will constitute the entire license fee and is the full consideration for this Agreement. Gerhard Marzinzik. Re: MSFS 2020 Discus 2c FES trailer. The glider of choice for routined competition pilots, the outstanding everyday glider *** FES - electric sustainer option. 1 Ansicht Und Herunterladen Schempp-Hirth Discus 2C Fes Flughandbuch Online. Segelflugzeuge, Die Mit Fes Ausgestattet Sind, Haben Eine Um Ca. Discus-2c (Original) Variant Discus-2c (FES) Motor Variant Custom LX-Navigation and GPS-Navigation Display Built-In Winch Launch and Launch Jun 19, 2021 · Price: freeware . Avec le système électrique éprouvé FES (Front Electric Sustainer), le Discus-2c dispose désormais d'une option pour un système de motorisation The Front Electric Sustainer (FES) electrical engine now also provides the Discus-2c with an environment-friendly, silent and intuitive to use insurance agains unwanted outlandings. 5m FES, AS15m FES, Apis 15m FES HPH 304ES Discus-2c FES, Ventus-2cxa FES, Ventus 3 FES, Duo Discus FES Diana 2 FES, Diana 3 FES LS8-e, DG1001-e Antares FES LZ design d. Explore the detailed livery of the Schempp-Hirth Discus-2c FES aircraft with this add-on depicting the D-KWFE variant from Fliegerschule Wasserkuppe. 4-5Kg/M2 Höhere Geringste Flächenbelastung Im Vergleich Zu Einem Um Ca. This cost reflects its advanced technology and performance features, positioning it as a premium option in the eVTOL market. Experience the D-KFES livery for the Schempp-Hirth Discus-2c FES aircraft in Microsoft Flight Simulator. 78 m (22. All prices are displayed in Local Currency or as selected below. Jun 23, 2022 · MyKrode: Full 3D Modeling (Standard Discus-2c, FES Discus-2c, and Launch Vehicle) GurtTractor: Custom Sound Design and Professionally Recorded Elements; The purchase price of $15 USD paid by the Licensee will constitute the entire license fee and is the full consideration for this Agreement. 7 lb/ft² 38 - 52 kg/m² 7. 06. Taking off using the FES is prohibited unless explicitly stated in the flight manual. 36 sq m (122. 5 Max. Vertical Aerospace VX4. All-up Mass 525 kg 1157 lb 565 kg 1246 lb Flächenbelastung circa Approx. 18 December 2019 1. MyKrode: Full 3D Modeling (Standard Discus-2c, FES Discus-2c, and Launch Vehicle) GurtTractor: Custom Sound Design and Professionally Recorded Elements; The purchase price of $15 USD paid by the Licensee will constitute the entire license fee and is the full consideration for this Agreement. Prices, features, and Apr 16, 2021 · Mit der modernen Front Electric Sustainer (FES) Elektro-Heimweghilfe bietet nun auch der Discus-2c eine umweltfreundliche, leise und intuitiv zu bedienende Absicherung gegen unerwünschte Außenlandungen. b. Wing Loading Discus-2c Discus-2cT Discus-2c FES 33 - 52 kg/m² 6. 00 and enhance your gaming experience. Ventus 2c/Discus 2a von Topmodel/Bichler Jan 14, 2025 · The estimated price for the Vertical Aerospace VX4 is US$ 4,000,000. Comes with 4 base liveries :Default with all the customization optionsShowcase based on livery from GotFriendsSparkles based on livery from Gebaut 2017 ist der Discus 2c FES mit dem Kennzeichen D-KFRT unser jüngster und vor allem modernster Zuwachs. Nov 15, 2016 · Neues aus dem Hause Schempp-Hirth: anfangs November hob der mit der FES Heimkehrhilfe ausgestattete, Discus-2c FES zum ersten Mal ab. Contact Phil Jones for price & extras lists. SOLD ON: 2021-08-17 00:00:00 Prices shown are in USD. Die Besonderheit bei diesem Flugzeug verbirgt sich Read more Mar 28, 2017 · Discus-2c Discus-2cT (ohne Treibstoff without fuel) Discus-2c FES 270 kg 595 lb 320 kg 705 lb 335 kg 739 lb 280 kg 617 lb 330 kg 728 lb 345 kg 761 lb Höchstgewicht Max. Therefore the sailplane perfectly Discus 2c FES, low time, like new condition, original owner, always hangared, urethane paint, factory installed avionics, Trig radio and transponder, antennae, FLARM, LX Nav remote stick & boom mic, wing tip wheels. I bought it on the MS Store. Außer Es Ist Im Flughandbuch Explizit Anders Nov 5, 2015 · The integration of the FES in our popular Discus-2c combines the harmonic and powerful flight quality with an engine power, that’s extremely effective, quiet and available within seconds. Das Strahlen auf den Gesichtern der beiden Erstflugpiloten Jun 23, 2022 · MyKrode: Full 3D Modeling (Standard Discus-2c, FES Discus-2c, and Launch Vehicle) GurtTractor: Custom Sound Design and Professionally Recorded Elements; The purchase price of $15 USD paid by the Licensee will constitute the entire license fee and is the full consideration for this Agreement. Es ist weitgehend aus dem heutzutage üblichen carbonfaserverstärkten Kunststoff (CFK) gefertigt. com . Paul_UK. Discus 2C Fes Flugzeuge Pdf Anleitung Herunterladen. 75 times every day - REQUIRES MSFS Livery Generator application, available for free on flightsim. Limitation of Liability Anleitungen und Benutzerhandbücher für Design Discus-2c FES. 8 Schempp-Hirth Discus-2C Online-Anleitung: Handhabung, Instandhaltung Und Wartung. 6, July 2021 E-booster on the Duo Discus / info@schempp-hirth. Featuring advanced flight control surfaces and a state-of-the-art wing design, this glider offers May 20, 2022 · Current Discus 2c is already good - I spent 61h total flying in it and despite I don’t need FES capability (you know “Real pilots don’t need engines” I will gladly buy the Premium version in appreciation of your team’s work and quality. dieses Jahres haben die Entwickler von Gotfriends die kostenlose Version des Discus-2c Gleiters für den Microsoft Flight Simulator veröffentlicht. Lz design Discus-2c FES Pdf User Manuals. , • Brod 3D, 1370 Logatec, Slovenia • tel +386 59 948 898 info@lzdesign. si • front-electric-sustainer. o. Aug 17, 2021 · Beautiful, like new 48:1 sailplane with FES system. Schempp-Hirth Discus 2C Fes Online-Anleitung: Geschwindigkeitspolare. Wir haben 1 Schempp-Hirth Discus 2c FES Anleitung zum kostenlosen PDF-Download zur Verfügung: Flughandbuch Apr 21, 2022 · Warning: When FES is installed on an 18m class sailplane like Ventus 2cxa or Discus 2c, it functions as a sustainer system only. FSNews24 hat unter "Discus-2c: Gratis-Segelflugzeug gestartet" ausführlich darüber berichtet. Schempp-Hirth Discus-2c FES. The Schempp-Hirth offers FES retrofit for all Discus-2c variants (D-2c, D-2c(T), D-2cT), Ventus-2cxa and all Duo Discus with 750kg MTOW. JETSON ONE Dec 26, 2023 · But one thing is clear and we can speak from experience with our FES aircraft: The electrical system is less susceptible and maintenance costs are kept within reasonable limits. On lighter UL sailplanes like Silent 2 Electro or MiniLAK FES, the system functions as a self-launch system. Limitation of Liability In the 18m class, that leaves the following gliders that are available with a FES system: - Discus 2c - Lak-17B - HpH 304S Shark All three appear to have similar performance, as best I can tell from published data. Download for free to enhance your experience in MSFS 2020. The glider is fully set Thanks to the perfect control balance and the harmonic gliding characteristics, you'll feel comfortable and relaxed the first moment you'll fly a Discus-2c. 1. The sailplane also comes in a front electric sustainer version (FES). 3 Änderungen Oder Reparaturen 8. The glider of choice for routined competition pilots, the outstanding everyday glider for ambitious performance pilots or the demanded single-seater in a gliding club. Finally, a few questions about the future. The Discus-2c features composite construction, advanced flight control Hasjime1 July 30, 2023, 8:44am 786. Durchblättern Discus-2c Liveries für Microsoft Flight Simulator. rar file into 61treeStudio. 2. Einem Ventus 2Cxa Oder Einem Discus 2C, So Dient Es Als Hilfsantrieb Und Es Ist Verboten Damit Eigenstarts Durchzuführen. 45Kg Leichteren Reinen Segelflugzeug. Soar to new heights with the Discus-2c Premium, a high-performance single-seat sailplane by Schempp-Hirth. FES FLUGHANDBUCH, v1. Submit Review. 10 months ago Discus-2c 35 5 Got Friends Discus 2c Livery: AirWolfRO. A new livery repaint for the Got Friends Discus 2c (Standard version), compatible with LXN Nav Replacement mod. com Compared to Discus-2c FES, the system installed on Duo Discus FES is very similar: almost same engine and propeller, but SH engineers opted to a nose Pitot solution. Currency Schempp-Hirth Discus 2C Fes Online-Anleitung: Triebwerk, Motor, Propeller, Akkupacks. permitted speed: 280 km/h (151 kts) Best glide ratio: 52 Price: freeware . View online (35 pages) or download PDF (844 KB) FES Discus 2c, Ventus 2cxa User manual • Discus 2c, Ventus 2cxa camping, tourism & outdoor PDF manual download and more FES online manuals Discus 2c FES, low time, like new condition, original owner, always hangared, urethane paint, factory installed avionics, Trig radio and transponder, antennae, FLARM, LX Nav remote stick & boom mic, wing tip wheels. 1 Einführung Das Vorliegende Fes Flughandbuch Wurde Erstellt, Um: 1. 1 Einführung 8. 5 inch) wingspan and one with an 18 meter (59 feet) wing. Thanks to the perfect control balance and the harmonic gliding characteristics, you'll feel comfortable and relaxed the first moment you'll fly a Discus-2c. com The intermediate pilot will have no trouble at all. Discus-2c Premium. Page 6 of 35 Page 7: Abbreviations FES Flight Manual, v1. März 2012; News; Antworten 0 Aufrufe 3K. März 2012. You're reviewing: Schempp-Hirth Discus-2c - 18m. May 27, 2023 · Price: $9. Summary. 2 Wartungsintervalle 8. SH Discus-2c Native. Anleitungen und Benutzerhandbücher für Schempp-Hirth Discus 2c FES. Will the Discus 2c and DuoDiscus X(L) soon be able to be retrofitted with FES? Yes, that is correct. Review. . Prices shown are in USD. Wing span: 18m (59. 8. Warnung: Installiert Ist, Z. Mehrere Weltmeistertitel zeugen von den hervorragenden Flugeigenschaften dieses Flugzeuges. Discus 2T, 2c & 2cT Standard & 18m T* + FES** Arcus 20m flapped 2 seater T* + M** Duo Discus XL 20m 2 seater* T* Ventus 2ax / 2bx 15m class. Images are for reference only and actual product appearance may vary. (5000-5450g) Channels: 6,7 Originally built in 2004 by Schempp-Hirth, the Discus 2c was produced to Jun 23, 2022 · Discus-2c: Premium by Got Friends. Livery repaint for the Got Friends Discus 2c FES (Premium version). Die Integration des FES Nov 13, 2022 · This Discus 2c comes in both 15 and 18meter configuration. 28 sq ft) Wing aspect ratio: 28. But I’m unsure how to install the gotfriends Discus Premium now. 2016. (FES) system. 1 Motor Jan 1, 2022 · Die Discus-2c ist ein einsitziges Hochleistungssegelflugzeug des deutschen Herstellers Schempp-Hirth aus Kirchheim unter Teck in Baden-Württemberg. 4 Handhabung Am Boden / Straßentransport 8. Top. Post by Paul_UK » Fri Jun 24, 2022 4:22 pm Very very pretty visuals and some amazing work has gone into that Discus, but what about the way the glider performs, handling, physics etc etc? The Discus-2c Standard is a high-performance, single-seat sailplane designed for pure, unpowered flight. Purchase now for just $ 15. Die Integration des FES Jun 22, 2022 · Am 1. And the Engineers of the “SH Lab” will come very likely with more variants in next future. Ventus 2cx 15m / 18m class T* + M** Ventus 2cxa Contact Phil Jones for price & extras lists. The Discus-2c took its first flight in 1997, and is today available in two sizes, one with a 15 meter (49 feet, 2. 5" (4500mm) Length: 63. Contact Terms & Conditions; *Discus 2c pictured with optional Sailplane FES Power System. Laden Sie diese Add-ons und Mods für Microsoft Flight Simulator kostenlos herunter, um Ihr Spielerlebnis zu verbessern. Sicher und kostenlos. Nickname. Jun 23, 2022 · Discus-2c: Premium by Got Friends. 1. Dies Hat Denselben Effekt Auf Die Polare > Discus-2c “supercharged”: The FES 04 Editorial Solar Power 2018 was probably one of the best ever years for glid- On the same basis, gliders of all vendors together cir- ing in Europe, with record weather conditions far beyond cled the globe in average 3. (FES). SH Discus-2c FES Native. 8 - 10. 18 May 2020 Abbreviations Das verspricht der Discus 2c FES mit einem elektrischen Antrieb als Heimkehrhilfe, die geradezu narrensicher funktioniert und in der Steigleistung dem Turbo deutlich überlegen ist. 21.
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