Easy electives mcgill reddit I am finishing up my bachelors program and I have to finish 2 elective courses (one that is 3 credits and the other that is 300 level or higher). I'm taking intro to finance/accounting, and current birds planned are chem of food, chem of drugs, math 180, edea 241. Especially from General Electives and Basic and Natural Science courses. The MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) is offered by the AAMC and is a required exam for admission to medical schools in the USA and Canada. /r/MCAT is a place for MCAT practice, questions, discussion, advice, social networking, news, study tips and more. for the love of god please listen to me. I wish the mods would pin a thread or something with a list of easy electives. but if there’s any others that anyone knows of please please please lmk Haha right, I interpreted OP's question as "easy electives" instead of interesting. I registered for Psyc 302 (psyc of pain) but people told me it was really heavy and since I'm not good at sciences, they told me to choose anything else but this one. I didn't go between the midterm and final and was fine, expect I couldn't answer this one question about a musician guest that came in worth 9%. 215 is a prerequisite to some interesting/easier courses though, including 331 (intergroup relations) and 333 (social and personality psychology). Phil 348 is also good course but they change the prof this semester so I cannot say about it too much. gg/HDHvv58 The University of Victoria is a major research university located in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. This is your opportunity to specialize your knowledge and learn more about what you're interest Oct 8, 2018 · During my first year at McGill, all I cared about was taking easy, “bird” courses. Electives are there for you to explore other fields of study that interest you. gg/HDHvv58 Title basically, looking for easy econ300 course recommendations Initially wanted to do ECO320 Economic Analysis of Law but its full and the waitlist is like 15-14 so idk if I'll get in before the course enrolment cutoff Im a U1 student with Poli Sci/Soci Major and psyc minor. I'll be going to mcgill for exchange next semester and am thinking of taking an anthropology elective but have 0 knowledge about the major. Phil 230 by Prof. I have seen the recommendations in the FAQ but it didn't really help me much. Art of Listening. Y'ALL my GPA needs some serious help so I need recs for easy A classes/electives. Chem 181 (or 183 I forget which one is offered this summer) is an "easy" A. I’m wondering which are the easy electives for CS. This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. What do you think of this and do you have any other suggestions for courses? I want to make the best decision before the add/drop date!! I'm going into this fall as a U3 in physics and have most of the program already finished, which leaves room for some elective courses. gg/HDHvv58 57K subscribers in the mcgill community. gg/HDHvv58 This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. So do you guys have any recommendations for fun and light humanities, econ, or comp courses. I'm going into U2 with a Major in Pharm and a Minor in Neuroscience. I found Ironside to generally be a pretty easy marker, as well (she teaches both). Easy but a bit dull - 328 (interesting and important subject but mostly learning from a textbook), and maybe 353 (I liked it but I like research) and 526 which was simple enough if you kept up and had a high average. The department is ridiculously possessive about seats in their courses; nearly all of them are reserved for people with a declared major or minor in psych. Incoming management U0, looking to max out on GPA. Although many people say its a joke, I believe that, despite it being easy, it is very interesting since it provides you with knowledge of important musicians, their history and a few important pieces. You're right, it's boring and class isn't worth going to. I've tried out many the standard "easy elective" classes (MUAR, ATOC, CHEM 18x) and ended up dropping most of them before the deadline because I realized I wasn't even remotely interested/motivated to study the material. gpa boosters/easy electives i need some easy classes to take for this fall term ASAP. Teaches a lot of new concepts if this is your first introduction to CS. Di Pietro is pretty much a guaranteed A if you do your work. I was looking at the courses I was gonna take in my 1st semester, and I saw Calculus 1, Mechanics and Waves, Linear Algebra and Geometry, Intro to Engineering Profession, and a Group B course. in these 2 chem classes, listen to the lectures, take notes, enjoy the info, and literally command F to search for the answers on the exam. That being said, I need one more elective for the fall term and I want it to be one that I'm confident I can do very well in if I put it the effort, to balance out the rest of my semester ENVR 201 is one of my favorite courses I've taken and was really eye-opening on multiple environmental and social issues. What are some other 'easy' electives? Oct 3, 2024 · im taking it as an elective because all of the other courses that i want to take are full and ive heard that this is an easy class. I recommend PHIL 210 - Critical thinking. gg/HDHvv58 Easy winter electives Please I’ve heard some good stuff about classes like relg 253 but I really need to take a grade booster class this wint sem. Readings would be difficult to keep up with, and you would usually need to participate meaningfully in class discussion etc etc, plus they expect a high calibre (and quantity) of writing. So don't be scared to take upper level ones as electives in U1! The most difficult psyc course to do well in that i've taken is 211. If you do electives for the sole reason that they're easy, your life will be miserable at McGill. However, as I realized throughout the year that I had absolutely no interest in any of these topics, my grades started to suffer. • good complementary classes and electives • what teachers to look out for, and which to avoid Thanks in advance, and feel free to Easy non-essay elective for engineers Hi all, as an engineering student I really need to increase my gpa. However, I've heard the content really varies with the profs, and it was quite a bit of work as there were many readings (and comments on them) to do when I took it in a pandemic semester. Definitely Psyc 406!! The content is straightforward and I found it interesting. If you like puzzles, you might enjoy math 240, 235, or 242 since these are all introductory proof-based courses that make you think in a different way from the "plug-and-chug" material you see in introductory calculus. Ideally something fully remote and something like chem181 which I didn’t watch any lecture but still passed all exams… All I’m looking for is a pass. 56K subscribers in the mcgill community. However I can say that 400-500 level math courses can generally be more forgiving courses than 200-300, yet it depends on prof. Stephanie Leary is interesting and not so hard for beginners, as well as Phil 375 by Prof. McGill has a ton of cool math courses that you can take! What you go for really depends on what you find interesting though. I'm on a co-op work program for 8 months and need to be a full time student when I return in January. I have not taken it myself but from the course outline and looking on this sub and being an accounting student, it ain't super easy. Does anyone have any recommendations for 200 level anthropology courses? Also i couldn't find recent syllabus anywhere so i would be grateful if anyone here has them! Good luck getting into a PSYC course without some bureaucratic finagling. If you're here to discuss or post anything related to… Hi! Im looking for one super easy elective for this summer. gg/HDHvv58 I took Natty Ds (ATOC 185) this semester and it was super easy. Even if this course is not part of your major, I would recommend taking it as an elective to give programming a try. If you were good with math in high school, most (non-core) 300 econ courses are fairly easy. gg/HDHvv58 There were readings everyday, but honestly they were pretty easy to read compared to other sociological theory courses. courses Quebec / Le reddit des étudiants et étudiantes I'm graduating next semester and I need two more electives to fulfill my major requirements. Thanks! FINE 434 Topics in Finance 1. Easy Summer Electives . The easiest was 406 & 305. The university traces its roots to Victoria College, the first post-secondary institution established in British Columbia in 1903, it was then reorganized in 1963 into its present form. Is this a good idea? Has anyone done this before? And can anyone recommend a few humanities courses I could take as electives that are fun and easy? Thanks in advance! Hello, I was recently admitted to Mcgill, in a bachelor in electrical engineering. For COMP 345, of the 6 assignments, 2 are labelled as harder ones which took me (a non-COMP student) 2-4 days of on and off work to finish. The reality is if you pick a course for a subject you find completely stultifying, you're not going to want to engage and spend time with the material and won't. However, it is a very fun and rewarding class. gg/HDHvv58 I found 400 level courses less work and easier than some 200/300 level courses. To follow up on this you can take your tech comps inter-department as long as you get permission from our department head. ECON 219 and 223 both had A averages a couple of years back, but I'm not sure about prerequisites. The challenge is that it's a LOT of assignments, "creative challenges", reflections, labs, etc. Some memorisation, some simple algebra and that’s it. ECON208/ECON 209 - With Mayssun El-Attar, these courses are really really easy. So are some introductory PHIL courses (not the easiest, but probably significantly more interesting and therefore easy to stay on top of). Currently I’m enrolled in Psyc215 Poli368 Soci247 and Chem183 as an elective. I was wondering if anyone could recommend to me some courses that I should take? Thanks! People should seriously take them as bird courses, because even the intensive courses do not ask for a ton of work compared to other courses worth 6 credits. And the reiterate, please just don't take them because they're easy. Grade distribution was mostly in the A range too. Any introductory EAST class is typically really easy. gg/HDHvv58 I need some easy classes to boost my GPA, but I'm stuck at MacDonald, does anyone know which are the easier classes at that campus. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Checkout mcgill. Preferably something you were proud to take and enjoy. MUAR 211 is pretty easy. Don't bother doing all the readings, it's a complete waste of time. The class was pretty easy, but you still had to do the readings which kept you engaged. 326 basically picks up right where 216 ends (1917 revolution), so you could also take both during your time at McGill without being bored by overlap. You will naturally do better in courses that interest you because studying it won't be a chore. I’ve only taken two major courses so far (MGSC 372 and FINE 342), and I’m writing to ask about two things. Thank you so much! basic & natural science courses like civi 231, biol 206, econcordia course like phil 210 phil 235, i heard mana 201 is easy i suggest you get into waitlist still for inst 250 if possible because they will increase class size just watch Oh, you're looking for "easy" and "math" Apparently MATH 348 is easy, but it's only offered in the summer. This will be my final year at McGill, and fulfilling all my major/minor requirements will only bring me to 114 credits, so for the final 6 I wanted to take some GPA boosters. Also MATH 338 (History and Philosophy of Math) is also 'easy' easy. The mark is made up of two group presentations, one 5-10 page paper, and the final. GEOG 200 with Ford, incredibly nice guy, the class is ridiculously boring/general during the first month (eg "burning fossil fuels leads to increased greenhouse gases") but then gets fairly interesting later on. I don’t remember either being super time consuming for a history course, and both had take home exams. there is almost no physics just very basic things in the beginning, the rest is just theory about stars and habitable planets. Sure, they're probably among the easier undergrad courses offered at McGill, but in order to actually do well, you need to actually have an interest in studying the course's content. Since I only need two more courses to graduate, I was wondering if any History majors/minors/honours people would have some recommendations for courses with not too many readings/written work and an interesting topic (300 level or above). These posts are getting really repetitive, and I don’t blame the OP either. Alia Al-Saji. Courses I've completed: COMP 208, COMP 250, COMP 206, BIOL 219, Biol 215 I have yet to pass Math 222 THe essay is rather long (10 pages) but u can do it on any topic you would like to, so pick one this interests you and you should have a pretty easy time. Broadly this is an overview class on extremal combinatorics, and bounding combinatorial values. Easy/interesting electives? Hey everyone, I'm a comp student and I have a whopping 4 elective classes to take before I graduate next year. gg/HDHvv58 Hii I need 2 easy electives to take! I have signed up for EXCI 202 but unfortunately, all the EDUC classes are full and so is the online FFAR 298. In my second semester, I have 2 courses that are scheduled at the same time, but both are recorded. i’m aware of the basic ones like econ, anthro, soci, psych, clas, mgmt, agad, etc. Hello, As a nursing student entering U1, I have to take 5 courses, 1 workshop, and one elective. Jan 25, 2025 · Here are my options: CLAS 203 - Greek Mythology ESPC 186 - Astrobiology ENVR 203 - Knowledge, Environment, and Ethics WCOM 317 - Writing the Apr 14, 2011 · First off, what are some easy electives at McGill? I've heard that the following are: Bible and Western Culture. So here are some recommendations: For an easy A, very light workload - 204, 305, 406, 408 Suggestions for fun/interesting/easy electives I am a U2 student in management and was looking for some non-management electives. Also regarding the core courses, they all have lots of info to memorize but the info is mostly interesting and not too hard to conceptualize + the tests aren’t too difficult. First of all, it would be great to get advice on which complementary courses I should take. gg/HDHvv58 60K subscribers in the mcgill community. If you're here to discuss or post anything related to… From the international student services website: International students are required to make their studies their principal activity for the duration of their program at McGill – that means maintaining a full-time course load in every semester, except your final term before graduating or during a regularly scheduled break in your program, such as the summer term for undergraduate and most non This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. gg/HDHvv58 Yea, I definitely agree about that advice concerning the 400 lvl classes lol. I was just wondering if anyone has taken a really easy elective class. Easiest classes you will take in your lifetime + MOST INTERESTING. Chem181 or chem 183. Can anyone suggest which one to drop? I'm hesitating on either Comp 273 or WCOM 203. Probably not worth the work to try and get an A but if you just want the credits they're a breeze MATH180, PHYS181, COMP189 are easy and fun not too sciencey This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. View community ranking In the I took HIST 214 (Intro to European History) as my Group A, very chill and a pretty easy A (even without going to class) - I recommend it if history is your thing! Reply gccgnggccgnggccgng • In that case I would not describe ACCO 220 as an easy elective. You don't even need to go to class and can just read the notes if you have found boolean logic easy imo. Looking for easy courses in those subjects. gg/HDHvv58 Easy Electives Academics Anyone know easy electives I can take as a 1st year student for the winter semester? This is the one and only McGill University subreddit The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, Quebec / Le reddit des étudiants et étudiantes de L'université Concordia à Montréal, Québec Members Online Easy Electives Phil 210 is an easy-A if you want to boost your GPA. I just graduated in management too and did natural disaster in fall 2022 and the class average was an A. Second of all, I would appreciate if someone could advise me on which professors I should aim to have for required (finance major) courses. And they don't even mark for content - just that you did the assignment. It's a great thing to have, so don't waste it. Because it's an introductory course, you have the typical issue of having to take in a very broad variety of basic material, the coverage of the It's easy in that it's a pass/fail course, so doing assignments that look like you tried and writing reflections gets you 100%. I was looking for courses like photography, but it seems that McGill doesn't have those. I plan on taking an elective this summer to get rid of it, but I really don't want to go through another mental crisis after finals. Its a basic geology field skills course with an introductory earth science course listed as a prereq but if you have an interest in it already you can email the prof and likely skip it. First year of uni can be confusing… the spam of “easy elective” questions can likely be reduced if there was a megathread or something. When I took Psyc 215 with Lauren Human I found it relatively easy (I had previously taken intro to psych and was also taking psyc 211 at the time) and just studied from the lecture note for each midterm and the final and got an A. We have compiled a list of easiest classes offered at McGill University. I I'm currently coming to the end of my History minor and I have difficulty finding enjoyable and not-extremely-hard courses in the program. 424 - The class with Jackie had really easy assessments as the course material was super broad and cursory 322 + 308 - Both one credit courses that, after recent adjustments due to workload suggestions, feel like actual 1 credit courses. all the other classes people are listing are subjectively easy depending on term and prof. By "easy" I mean no essays, understandable material, no group assignments, basically a doable course. Go to mcgill r/mcgill • by View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. I'm also a HIST minor so pretty much just looking for interesting classes that aren't too much work. Hi. That sentence doesn’t make much sense but you’ll get what I mean if you ever take it. I don't have any friends who have taken any of these classes and I don't have anyone to ask, so was looking for some advice. gg/HDHvv58 Hi I'm a u0 student in the life sci program at McGill. Interesting & easy electives U0 I'm aware that it is more important to take a course that actually interests me rather than one I think will be an easy A. which classes that you took at mcgill were the… Suggestion of easy electives that are preferably held online for winter 2022 please?! Checkout mcgill. My areas of interests are: psychology, philosophy, sociology and political science. I would appreciate any ideas. I’m from software engineering if that helps any. Take something you're curious in, like a proper university student you are :) All the JMSB intro classes are easy, but if you hate management, business or economics, you'll get a B-. The final was 30 short answer questions, but you only have to answer 25. What are some easy/enjoyable elective… This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Good easy elective classes for Spring 2021 Academic This is the one and only McGill University The #1 social media platform for MCAT advice. Reply reply Comp 532 is just 4-5 assignments + a pretty chill final project (research a paper then present it). On top of that, they've been a great way for me to boost my overall CGPA. If you're here to discuss or post anything related to… Super worth it. Bird course with a caveat: EPSC 240. Course registration is coming up and my ass needs to pick two electives next year!! I know that there are a bunch of lists online of bird courses but let's be real - since zoom university, I feel like many of the "traditional" bird courses were reorganized and became much tougher/heavier. HSEL 308 (Issues in Women's Health) is a good elective for an upper-year. I'm not looking to graduate quickly. I put easy in brackets because it's only memorization, so there is an effort requirement, but it's the kind of class that every hour you put actually translate in grade improvement. during other lectures he just goes over the topics covered in the online learning tool (its 35$ btw) Wᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ʀ/SGExᴀᴍs – the largest community on reddit discussing education and student life in Singapore! SGExams is also more than a subreddit - we're a registered nonprofit that organises initiatives supporting students' academics, career guidance, mental health and holistic development, such as webinars and mentorship programmes. Which I do and I did. I want to know which one would be easy to do, meaning no exams or tests (if possible) and no final exam. gg/HDHvv58 Unlike most summer elective bird courses, language courses actually can end up being great on the ol' CV. I have to take 2 courses (6 credits) from the following list and would like to know which ones you found to be particularly interesting / have a good grading structure / easy / etc. My year we had only 7 people including me in the class. Alternately, many of the science departments offer 18X courses that are designed as general interest elective 21 votes, 19 comments. Any suggestions? I'm in Arts but I completed U0 Science, so I'm fine with either humanities or STEM courses as long as they're not marked hard. I don't know how hard COMP 330 would be. gg/HDHvv58 I need to do a psyc course from list A (the more science-y part) and I was wondering if any of you could recommend some really light courses from the list. I'm looking for something relatively easy which wont disturb me much from my other courses. I'm taking it this semester and 1/4 tests gets dropped and 2/13 assignments get dropped as well. For the record, I've already taken Econ 337/338 so that's not an option and my only other background is 208/209. I wish to enrol in a somewhat easier course as an elective. I've been doing 3 courses a summer and if you can manage your time well and stay on top of things then you will do well. Probability/statistic courses to help you make decisions: MATH 203/208/308/323/324 Good old writing course to polish your language skills: CEAP 250 Well known and fun bird courses I wish I took: CHEM 181/183, MUAR 211, ATOC 181 Our roots stretch back more than 70 yrs to a time when we were first established in 1947 and began making higher education more accessible for working adults, many of whom were servicemembers and veterans returning from World War II. You probably can get a good mark without reading, but really listen to her lectures (I find that she wrote the final based on the things she said in the lecture). gg/HDHvv58 An easy A elective is all about balance of your personal interests. I'm also wondering how easy it is to get an A in woman's studies as well as sexual diversity studies (just the intro courses, not as minors). Hello everyone, I’m a computer science (general program) student. hi! I'm an arts student studying environment and I have to take some math and science prerequisites :( I haven't done math or science in 3 years so any insight on what course is easiest for a beginner would be super appreciated! Like someone else said, PHIL 210 is really easy if you have taken Math 240 or even Comp 273, the assignments will just kind of feel like solving a puzzle and you won't learn very many new ideas. Natural disaster is the easiest elective - even easier than chem of food. gg/HDHvv58 Sounds mighty interesting, thank you! I'm just worried about History classes that are high school/CEGEP kind of level, where the teachers assign really easy work, and basically you are being told what happened, without much of a look at the raw numbers, sources, and other intricacies that go into the analysis of any historical event. I've never had a mark in a language course that was lower than an A- (though it still takes work, and I just love languages anyhow so mileage will vary). Hope this list will help students select their electives! Here are 10 of the easiest classes at McGill University. You get 35% of your final mark for writing one sentence every week. I'm not sure if it's the same for summer but right now it's online, but I think it could be an easy class in person too imo I’m a U1 MIMM major and I’m looking for an easy elective to take because in my winter semester I have a class worth only 1 credit so I’m looking to… If you are looking for electives: MGCR342 - Introduction to Finance with Prof. However if you don't have a background in science it might be a little tougher (I'm sure there were arts/management students in that course who wouldn't consider it an easy A). I already took SOEN-287, ENGR 213, ENGR 233 as electives. It's not an unreasonable commitment; definitely comparable to the regular school year - just all focused on one class instead of 4/5. I want an elective so my workload isn't just doing CS. The content is pretty hard and the assignments can be kinda tricky but it's one of those classes where the grading is a lot more forgiving to compensate. It will be a pleasure. There seem to be a bunch of us that went the Carribbean route or attended an international medical school. The prof is also amazing! I took it this year and the prof was super accommodating and made the assessments as straightforward as possible cause he acknowledged how hard it was to focus on school during these pandemic times! Howdy. I'm not kidding. its not recorded but you dont need to go except on quiz days or if you know someone from the class you can do it at home. PHIL 235. To give you an idea, I didn't even bother LOOKING at the last unit or doing the readings for any unit besides unit 1 and I wrote both of my papers in one afternoon each and got an A. I would prefer to do research and write a bunch of texts than do exams. gg/HDHvv58 PSYC204 Intro to psychological statistics, it's very easy math and not very hard to understand. If you're here to discuss or post anything related to McGill, you've come to the right place! If you want to join our discord, there's a link here: https://discord. I'm a U2 science student with a background in sciences, languages, and music so please drop your best suggestions down below. I'm considering some of their new classes like PSYC 333, PHIL 210, CATS 691 or COMS 361. COMP 206: Intro to Software Posted by u/420stinkypinky - 1 vote and 6 comments This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. ANTH227 was the easiest class I ever took. MUAR211 - The Art of Listening. I can’t speak on soci225 but psyc215 is interesting but has mixed opinions on how easy it is (mostly pertaining to the readings). however, i The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, Quebec / Le reddit des étudiants et étudiantes de L'université Concordia à Montréal, Québec Members Online Fall 2024 and Winter 2025 courses for JMSB for Major in Management There's a lot of material but the pacing is really slow. It's quite easy (not as easy as ANTH 227), and it's really fun! I found PSYC 315 easy, confusing and eventually interesting. hi! i'm currently thinking about the classes that i want to take as electives. PResentation is easy af and participation is free; he's taken attendance once and no way he knows anyones name May 10, 2024 · Every year, many students at McGill University search for easy classes or electives. I have past midterms of MATH 223/222/315 if you need; just PM me. It's easy to plow through the syllabus early on in the semester when there's nothing going on, because generally everything is all laid out. I would like to know if u guys can recommend a class with no essay where it is to get an A. gg/HDHvv58 easy 200 level course electives. Thanks! Hi, I'm U2 nursing student coming from Health Science CEGEP, I'm currently having trouble finding some manageable 300 level or above electives for Fall 2021. I'm trying to figure out my schedule for next year and I saw that alot of Canadian med school want you to take 2 courses in humanities or social sciences. no bio at all. Best of luck. I'm planning my future courses and was looking for some feedback on • how manageable my semesters will be • if you recommend certain courses in a certain order. Hey I am a first year science student and I would like to know electives that are easy to get good grades in. courses upvotes opinions on PHIL 102/ easy electives for a guaranteed A in the course Hey, I'm going into my u2 year in the fall pursing a joint major in computer science and math. This is sadly one of the only discrete math courses at McGill, and the low interest shows why. The goal is to get into medical school. Insect Biology. I also enjoyed Muar 211 (art of listening). gg/HDHvv58 Basically: I have an intense last school year coming up and I'm looking for 2 relatively easy Econ courses to tie up my Econ minor (ideally one in the Fall and one in the Winter). I had Anil Ada, who I don't believe is a McGill lecturer any longer. gg/HDHvv58 Hey, I'm looking into taking some electives in History, Poli, Philosophy or Sociology as I have already a lot of classes in Math and CS, so I was wondering if anyone had good suggestions for electives they took and really liked, but that also gave them a break from the science world! Go to mcgill View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. Personally I don't believe in "easy" electives at all. Not sure how the other profs are but I found it to be an easy class and would suggest it as an elective Easy and quite interesting - 342 and 406. saiac ifhznf xxxud vozl uqyba nmhz ezghq achau lefisf zohtsxi eptjo folgqrm urkroxz trzq fnelcggl