Psalm 101 commentary easy english In the psalm they are the walls and *fences round the soldiers to make them safe. Jun 6, 2023 · This psalm was for them. Examples are 3, 4, 18, and 23. I will sing of loyalty and of justice; to you, O LORD, I will sing. to take hold of weak people. Of David. In the psalm David asked God to say who is right. glorious ~ wonderful, and shining very much. You can read more about the sons of Korah in Psalms 42:43 in this set of psalms. Log In Sign Up; Home. Everything that he does is good. Lewis, wrote that some of the psalms meant two things. 1 I will sing and praise you, Lord! I will sing about your Psalm 101. Only those who are above reproach will be allowed to serve me. I have loved them, but they hate me in return. 1 I will sing of mercy and justice; to You, LORD, I will sing praises. because they get the things that they want. www. Him that hath a high look, &c. Jun 6, 2023 · The *psalmist is the person that wrote the psalm. He is my guide to the right paths. The Story of Psalm 4. Other alphabet psalms are 9, 10, 25, 37, 111, 112, 119 and 145. Words in brackets, ( ), are not in the Hebrew Bible. 101:1 David promises to serve God and to rule his people well. The *sons of Korah sang the music in the *Temple in Jerusalem. This gives help to everyone that reads it. sacrificed (verb) ~ killed (an animal). Some Bible students believe that David wrote this psalm after he united his people. 101:1). The psalm uses one of God’s other names, *LORD. The Story of Psalm 29. The other "repentance psalms" are Psalms 6, 32, 38, 51, 102 and 143. 2 I say to myself, ‘Praise the Lord!’. It was the LORD God. 8 All day my enemies insult me. I will not look with approval on anything that is vile. Adonai ~ *Lord or master; (or better, my *Lord or my master) in *Hebrew. Learn about the rules (or laws) of God. That means that the first sentence begins with the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet. deep inside me. But the different English words help us to see that the Bible, God's word, teaches us in many different ways. David's vow and profession of godliness. When God *blesses us it means that he does good things to us. Jun 6, 2023 · The City of God: Free Bible commentary on Psalms 46 to 48 in Easy English . " David is determined to exercise that just severity which is a part of the duty of kings (Romans 13:4), and not to be that curse to a Psalms 101 Commentary, this commentary, by Charles Ellicott has been an oft consulted resource by many a preacher! Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers Psalms 101. and they curse the Lord. I will sing of mercy and judgment: unto thee, O LORD, will I sing. Psalms 106. Psalm 16. Jun 6, 2023 · Learn to say Psalm 75:9 by heart. They will not be my Jun 6, 2023 · Psalm 40 is a song that says, ‘Thank you’ to God. He tried to kill David Jun 6, 2023 · This Easy English translation of Psalm 111 does not make an acrostic. What Psalm 150 means. If I do not want to do it, then Cush must die". 3) Verses 8 - 12: the psalm here is about God saving his people. In the Hebrew Bible, this is part of the psalm. Psalm 22 describes how Jesus would suffer. The *LORD has given help to the *psalmist (verse 1), so he prays for help again (verse 2). We must do things God's way. As it is the will of God that good and faithful kings should hold pride in detestation, this vice is unquestionably the Jun 6, 2023 · Peace: Free Bible commentary on Psalm 21 in Easy English . They use their evil ideas. Psalm 21. Feb 25, 2025 · Psalms 101:1. 6 I am like a wild bird in the desert. Psalms 101:1. Some Bible students think David wrote this psalm when Absalom tried to kill him. I will be careful to lead a blameless life— when will you come to me? I will conduct the affairs of my house with a blameless heart. —In Hebrew a simple and expressive “I cannot,” to which we can supply “bear,” from Jeremiah 44:22. Jun 6, 2023 · They used psalms by Moses, by David, by Isaiah, by the sons of Korah and by many other people. We do not have the same words in English as the Psalm has in the Hebrew language. And some Psalms are about the history of Israel (Psalms 74 and 78). wings ~ the arms of a bird; it uses them to fly with . In the psalms judges gave help to people. Only God Jun 6, 2023 · Study Psalm 119 in this series of Psalms. Nov 15, 2005 · As the Zondervan NIV Study Bible points out, Psalms 101-110 appear to form "a collection of ten psalms located between two other groups (Psalms 90-100; 111-119) and framed by two psalms that pertain to the king (the first, the king's vow to pattern his reign after God's righteous rule; the last, God's commitment to maintain the king—his anointed—and give him Psalm 101 - A psalm of David. Isaiah and Micah wrote their books about 250 years after David and Asaph died. Psalm 119 – Easy English Bible (EASY) – 119:1Psalm 119 is the longest Psalm. Jun 6, 2023 · God Answers Prayer: Free Bible commentary on Psalm 28 in Easy English . "Royal" means "as a king", and in these psalms it is God that is the king. Jun 6, 2023 · A New Man: Free Bible commentary on Psalm 51 in Easy English . An EasyEnglish Translation with Notes (about 1200 word vocabulary) on Psalm 46, 47 and 48. command ~ tell (with authority) someone to do something. The last Psalm was a Hymn of Thanksgiving, this one is a Psalm of Thanksgiving. Show that even his prayers are a sin. yet ~ another word for but. What Psalm 34 Jun 6, 2023 · Word list . When we *bless God, as in this psalm, we say good things to God. Jul 6, 2021 · Psalm 101:2 Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers (2) Behave myself wisely. 8 Make his life very short!. Read it there. It is called the "vocabulary test". The two psalms do have the same feeling. Because it is an alphabet psalm there are a lot of different ideas in it. In verse 4 he tells us that the water is a picture of his enemies. ) 10 God, please make my heart new and clean. - I will early destroy all the wicked of the land; literally, each morn will I root out all the wicked of the land; i. 8 My daily task will be to ferret out the wicked and free the Feb 15, 2025 · Psalms 119:101 Commentary and Explanation. He wrote Psalm 15 in Hebrew. In other psalms David was a prophet. 102 David wrote this psalm. - EasyEnglish Bible 2018 Jun 6, 2023 · v6 My *soul is sad inside me. I have everything that I need. It may be "words that Moses prayed", as Psalm 90. v4 You have made *guidelines for me. These two groups of people walk along different paths. 7 He who works deceit shall not dwell within my house; He who tells lies shall not [] continue in my presence. v7 The deep (waters) make a noise when your *waterfalls thunder. You would need someone to *protect you. I hate the work of those who fall away; it shall not cling to me. We do not know who wrote Psalm 1. Psalm 25 teaches us not to stop believing in God just because life becomes hard. We have put the psalm into 22 groups with 8 verses in each group. Hades ~ another name for Sheol. easyenglish. An EasyEnglish Translation with Notes (about 1200 word vocabulary) on Psalm 27. It is living with God in *heaven after we die. Out of love and a devotion to God, David promised to sing and practice both mercy and justice as King of Israel: “A Psalm of David. An EasyEnglish Translation with Notes (about 1200 word vocabulary) on Psalm 22. 4 Wicked people are too proud to worry about God. 2 I have said to the Lord, ‘You are my Lord. An EasyEnglish Translation with Notes (about 1200 word vocabulary) on Psalm 21. It tells us about two groups of people: · verses 1 - 3: friends of God, he calls them righteous Jun 6, 2023 · Hebrews 3 and 4 says a lot about Psalm 95:7b-11. What Psalm 134 means. I hate the practice of transgression; it will not cling to me. Bob Utley, retired professor of hermeneutics. David saw a great storm. The psalm uses "words that Moses" said, from these books. It is after Psalm 40 for you to study it. to pour along the valleys. C. I will sing of faithful love and justice; I will sing praise to you, LORD. 2 I will be careful to live in a completely good way. Will not I suffer. Psalm 46 – Easy English Bible (EASY) – The sons of Korah wrote this special song for the music leader. This is because Jun 6, 2023 · It tells us 7 times to praise the *LORD, (tell him that he is very great). 7 I am awake in the night,. Read Isaiah 8:7-8. What is the meaning of Psalms 101? Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers; CI. Read Psalms bible commentary & study from Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers by Charles John Ellicott FREE on BiblePortal. The doing-words (called verbs) in Psalm 15:2 are different from those in Psalm 15:3-5. Because God did this, the psalm starts, "*Praise the *LORD". Streams of water run between the hills. Jun 6, 2023 · What Psalm 15 means. 6 I will search for faithful people to be my companions. calm ~ not angry. What Psalm 133 means Psalm 101 A Vow of Integrity - A psalm of David. Absalom was David’s son. So the end of the psalm asks for more help. Its title is, «A Psalm of David. That is why it is also in 2 Samuel. Dec 28, 2024 · Bible commentary on the Book of Psalms, chapter 101, by Dr. So the King and the people are happy. Psalms 104. Praising and Thanking God - psalms about Psalm 101 Exposition Explanatory Notes and Quaint Sayings Hints to the Village Preacher Other Works. rot ~ when plants and animals change back into dirt. Ezra and Nehemiah were leaders of the *Jews 500 years after Solomon built the *temple, or 250 years after Hezekiah was king. My tears drop. These are the men that were David’s enemies. Psalm 28. Home; Commentaries; Dictionaries; Concordances; Português; Español; Français; English; Deutsch; Italiano Psalms 101, Dr. Jun 6, 2023 · Why is Psalm 18 in the Book of Samuel? (2 Samuel 22) Because it is David's own story of his life. so please rescue me! Listen to me, and come to save me! 3 Be a rock where I can hide. (This means without looking at the words. An EasyEnglish Translation with Notes (about 1200 word vocabulary) on Psalm 28. 13 You pour down rain on the mountains. judgment ~ verse 5 in ‘What Psalm 1 means’ explains it. A song of David. Psalm 22. v5 He loves all that is right and fair. When will you come to me? I will live with a heart of integrity in my house. Dec 18, 2024 · Psalm 101 Calvin's Commentaries Thus it would come to pass, that the simple and the peaceable would be at the mercy of the more powerful, did not the authority of princes interfere to curb the audacity of the latter. 100:1God loves his people with a special love that will continue for ever. It seems that you have picked me up, Psalms 101, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, Ellicott's Commentary elevates Christian understanding by delving into original texts and historical context, offering profound insights. Jun 6, 2023 · Psalm 37 is an alphabet psalm. A psalm is a song. 101:1. or any trouble that comes in the Jun 6, 2023 · psalmist ~ the person that wrote a psalm (or psalms). We can say, “The LORD is MY shepherd. The first words of the psalm seem at first sight incongruous with its Jun 6, 2023 · The Story of Psalm 71. This means that the *psalmist probably wrote the psalm between 536 and 516 B. A word list at the end explains the other words that have a *star Jun 6, 2023 · Psalm 25 is about the right road. ) They attacked Jerusalem, but God kept his city safe, and the Nov 26, 2024 · A Simple Psalm 23 Commentary. He does this to give honour to his name. Mr. 9-10 Because you are so angry with me,. Jun 6, 2023 · What David felt is in Psalm 7. What Psalm 25 means Psalm Dec 17, 2024 · Psalm 101:2. A believer is a person that believes in the LORD. 6 Do not be afraid of any illness that comes when it is dark,. In Something to do you will find some psalms to look at. “But,” adds this writer, “it was its first leap into life that has carried it so far into the future. I will be careful to live a pure life. They include Psalms2, 18, 20 and 21, 45, 71 and 101. As for evil things, I will not even think about them. We call them Christians today. STROPHE DIVISIONS OF MODERN TRANSLATIONS. scorn ~ laugh in a bad way at someone. Heaven is the home of God. com. Remember: Jesus is God, so names for God are also names for Jesus! The notes in Psalm 120 explain "psalms for climbing". because you have made me safe. ; 101:8 Every morning probably means the time when David judged people. Absalom was one of King David's sons. David put all that he felt into Psalm 8. resurrection ~ when God raises people from the dead. Psalm 5 is another morning song. They think, ‘God will Jun 6, 2023 · Read Psalm 2 aloud with some friends: · a lot of people read Psalm 2: 1-3 (the angry nations) · a few people read Psalm 2: 4-6 (what God says) · one person reads Psalm 2: 7-9 (King David) · everyone reads Psalm 2: 10-12 (the crowd when David became King) 2. 6 Find an evil man to judge my enemy!. What Psalm 71 means. 1 The Lord takes care of me,. Put where they are in the psalm into the list below. Other Psalms are sad prayers (Psalm 74). Show your love for God by practicing mercy and justice. Isaiah 1:13: “I cannot away with. (Comp. Blue Letter Bible is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization Jun 6, 2023 · Word list. temple ~ a place where people meet to *worship God. 2 You always do what is right,. I will tell people about all the great things that you have done. • Psalms 9 and 10 make one acrostic. He is: 1 Must you stand so far away, Lord?. Jesus said, "I say this to you. Psalm 101:1-8 EasyEnglish Bible (EASY) – The king's song – 101:1David promises to serve God and to rule his people well. Psalms 37 is arranged in stanzas of four lines, the first line only of each having the initial letter. I will pay attention to the way of integrity. 3 Because my enemies have seen your power,. Jun 6, 2023 · Word list. 101 I will sing of mercy and judgment: unto thee, O Lord, will I sing. In many cases, they do not reflect the findings of modern scholarship, but they may be helpful for understanding the history of biblical scholarship. A covenant is when two groups of people agree. 1. We often translate "say good things" as "*bless". like a shepherd with his sheep. As David left Jerusalem, we have some of his *prayers. "Praise" means "say that someone is great". - In this psalm we have David declaring how he intended to regulate his household, and to govern his kingdom, that he might stop wickedness, and encourage godliness. Because I was angry, I wanted the things they had. honey ~ sugar made by bees. A Bible Study to show that God is sufficient whatever the problem God's Love makes us Happy - psalms about being happy. Psalm 51. 2. ) 5. A false *tongue tells lies. Psalm 101. You do "*sins" when you "break God’s rules". desert ~ wild country where there is much sand. If you have a Bible, study Exodus 17:1-7, Psalm 95 and Hebrews 3:1-4:16. Jun 6, 2023 · The Story of Psalm 121 and what it means. Psalms 5 is another morning song. Study Psalm 41 in 5 parts: Verses 1 - 3a: What the LORD will do for people that are kind to the poor. —In Hebrew a simple and expressive “I cannot,” to which we can supply “bear,” from Jeremiah 44:22. NASB: NKJV: NRSV: TEV: NJB: 101:6 Several English translations make both Ps. What Psalms 5 means Verses 1 – 3: David told the LORD that he would pray early in the INTRODUCTION TO Psalm 101. Verse 3: David often said that God was his rock and his *fortress. You won against them. Jun 6, 2023 · This is not easy to do in English, so in verses 4 and 9 it comes later! The psalm says only God can give us help, men can only hurt us. 1 Please keep me safe, God,. What Psalm 56 means. Jun 6, 2023 · What Psalm 104: 1 - 9 means. Jun 6, 2023 · The story of Psalm 133. They include the things that he did to Pharaoh. thundering ~ making a loud noise in the sky in a storm. The Lover who Expects us to Repent Aug 20, 2024 · Psalm Chapter 101 I will sing and praise you, Lord! I will sing about your faithful love and your justice. Butthere are other psalms about the kings of Israel and Judah. The psalm is in 4 parts. He will always send us help. H. One rule is in Leviticus 7:16. The Suffering Servant. Psalm 3 is a morning *prayer. bridegroom ~ a man that is marrying a woman. 7 I will not allow deceivers to serve in my house, and liars will not stay in my presence. His Church owns a 63 acre Vineyard and Farm, full of vines, goats, and horses. stupid ~ opposite of clever. Psalms 102. they turned back and they fell down. Jun 6, 2023 · Either Asaph wrote this psalm, or someone wrote it for him. Verse 2: It is not easy to get out of very wet (muddy 5 days ago · Psalms 139:1 Musician H5329 (H8764) Psalm H4210 David H1732 LORD H3068 searched H2713 (H8804) known H3045 Sermon Bible Commentary. Read Daniel 2. Constable's Expository Notes, Dr. I will walk in the way of integrity. NIV. In Psalms 25, 34, 145, which are arranged in couplets, only the first line of the couplet shows the initial letter. (3a means the first part of verse 3. An EasyEnglish Translation and Commentary by Gordon Churchyard David and the problem Of Slander. Oct 31, 2024 · Free Bible commentary on the Book of Psalms in Easy English - written by Gordon Churchyard for MissionAssist Oct 17, 2024 · The Story of Psalms 101 Psalms 93 and 95-99 are royal psalms. It is in Book 5 of "The Psalms of David". 2 He takes me to green fields where I can rest. Psalm 101 states the principles on which the King will govern His house and the land when He takes the kingdom in the name of Jehovah. Let somebody else do the job which he did. 4 He saves me from the deep hole of death's power. He also wrote that Psalm 45 was a good example of this. In Psalm 8 David said that God would visit the earth. worship ~ tell someone that they are very great and that you love them. The *psalmist wrote the psalm. means "years Before Christ came to the earth". because I come to you for help. We must not do things in our own way. I will have nothing to do with a perverse person; I will not Dec 17, 2024 · Psalm 101:5-6. I will have nothing to do with evil. In verses 1 - 3 the *psalmist (maybe David or Jeremiah) gives us a picture. Psalms 46, 47 and 48. I eat ashes as my food. But it was its first leap into life that has carried it so far into the future. O when wilt thou come unto me? I will walk within my house with a perfect heart. This is not usual in a psalm by David. This was from 606 B. PSALM CXLV _God is praised for his unsearchable greatness_, 1, 2; _for his majesty and terrible acts_, 3, 6; _for his goodness and tender mercies to all_, 7-9; _for his power and kingdom_, 10-13; Albert Barnes' Bible Commentary. He will not let any illness kill you. Psalm 116:11 says, ‘All men tell lies. What Psalm 145 means Jun 6, 2023 · But the miracles in Psalm 105 are the things that God did in Egypt and later. bee ~ a small insect. He had won the war. 1 All that I am says ‘thank you’ to the Lord. They walk in his ways. Jun 6, 2023 · But David was afraid. To You, O LORD, I will sing praises. StudyL ı ght . When we sin, God should punish us. Psalms 94 and 100 are sometimes included with the *royal psalms, but they are not really *royal psalms. It’s not always easy to turn away from what is appealing but may not be right. That is right, David. Psalm 32. Perhaps he was hiding from it. Psalm 3 was a morning song. peace ~ when we are friends with God and with other people; or when we have no trouble in our minds. The first bit starts with the first letter. 4 days ago · What Psalms 46 means. please ~ make happy. Christians often read them at the beginning of Lent. Psalm 4 is an evening Jun 6, 2023 · Some Bible students think that he did. Constable's Expository Notes provide Christians with deep insights into the Scriptures through thorough analysis and contextual understanding. This means that verse 1 begins with A, verse 2 with B, and so on. The Story of Psalm 1. You can read about the *Temple at the end of Psalms 4 in this set of psalms. Other students think that later writers used words and ideas from "the Books of Moses". We can study it like that. John Darby’s Synopsis; The Geneva Study Bible; John Gill’s Exposition of the Bible; Jamieson, Faussett, and Brown; Psalm 71 A song for old age. At night his song is with me. The City of God. We have not made the verses start with the right letter in this translation. apple ~ a fruit; the 'apple of the eye' is the part of the eye that hurts a lot when somebody touches it. See after Psalm 34. But we must read the whole psalm to understand the life of David. The psalms for climbing were part of this Book of Psalms. A note in Psalm 120 in this set explains "song for climbing". When shall I attain it? I will walk with integrity of heart within my house; I will not set before my eyes anything that is base. Other alphabet psalms are 9, 10, 25, 34, 111, 112, 119 and 145. 101:5 and 6 separate strophes (NRSV, NJB). Psalms 95:1. Some Psalms explain that God will rescue us from our troubles (Psalms 40 and 41). The *Jews spoke Hebrew and wrote their psalms in Hebrew. ”) Jun 6, 2023 · The Suffering Servant: Free Bible commentary on Psalm 22 in Easy English . In the near future I would like to do deeper study where I go Jun 6, 2023 · Word list. v2 But (this is what happened) to me. B. and they use my name as a curse. descendants ~ members of your family that live many years after you . 4 He will keep you safe,. This will tell you about Assyria and the River Euphrates. ’ Jun 6, 2023 · Look after Psalm 5 (in Psalms 1-41) to see what *righteous means. I will sing of mercy and justice: David sang this song exalting the mercy and justice of God. Verses 1 – 3: David told the LORD that he would pray early in the morning Feb 24, 2025 · Spurgeon's Bible Commentary. Absalom wanted to be king. This will tell you about Egypt and the River Nile. This is in the Hebrew Bible. They can now live in peace. He repeated words from it when his enemy (Satan) tried to tempt him. Psalms 105. 12 The birds make their homes beside the streams. Lebanon, Sirion and Kadesh are places. He told God about it in this psalm. The two go together; mercy can only be properly 1 I will sing and praise you, Lord! I will sing about your faithful love and your justice. Psalm 19 is great. We have not made it an alphabet poem in English. The only difficulty in the way of this rendering is the interrogative; but, as in Proverbs 23:22, it becomes a simple adverb of time, we may treat it so here: "I will give heed to a guileless way when it comes to me," i. It tells us that it is not easy. Make music for him with a lyre that has 10 strings. The person that wrote this psalm knew the psalms that David wrote very well. S. Verse 1 begins with aleph, verse 2 with beth, and so on. 46:1The city of Jerusalem is a picture of God's people. Many of the commentaries below are in the public domain and were authored over 100 years ago. I want no part of it! I will not be involved in anything dishonest. " I will sing of mercy and judgment. but they do bad things to me in return. Each path leads to a different result. hunting ~ looking for something to eat. The Title. Read Psalm 6, or one of the other Repentance Psalms. What Psalm 120 means. Jun 6, 2023 · The Story of Psalm 141. It has given help to millions of people. Derek "Psalms 73-150: A Commentary" (Kidner Classic Commentaries) (Leicester, England: Inter-Varsity Press, 1975) searching and studying the Bible easy and rewarding. (8,12, and 16. harvest ~ the time when they bring the fruits in. They are in verses 29-36. In this psalm judges were not as they are today. Maybe the *psalmist wrote Psalm 111 after the *exile. We think that they did this to make it easier for them to remember the psalm. He also says what will happen in the future. If you look at verse 8, you will see that Persia has not yet destroyed Babylon. The word "royal" means "as a king". or of your enemy's arrows during the day. We do not know where it is. A vocabulary is a list of words. fear ~ here it means awe, thinking that someone is great. They also praise robbers,. We have put verse 16 before verse 15, because this makes it easier to understand. I will not even consider doing what is dishonest. v3 Some people had made themselves important. Asaph ~ look in the Introduction to The Psalms of David Book 3. Psalms 139:1 I. "Repentance" means to tell God that you are sorry for your *sins. e. A Psalm. 2 I will be very happy because of you. First he made the seas. Join Rick Soto Pastor’s The Ranch Church, located in the gorgeous wine country of Santa Barbara California. If you travelled from home to Jerusalem, you would go through dangerous places. Whole Psalm. Jun 6, 2023 · What Psalm 66 means. springs ~ another word for "wells" (of water) in Psalm 87. Psalms 93 and 95-99 are royal psalms. This psalm makes Bible students think of Genesis 3 and Deuteronomy 32. 4 A froward heart shall depart from me: I will not know a wicked person. Verses 17 and 18 of the psalm tell us about the covenant, or what God and his people have agreed to do. This is because God made everything. linen ~ material for making clothes. trip over ~ hit something with your feet and fall over. This is one of the "repentance psalms". — Those who think highly of themselves, and look down with contempt upon others, or treat Jun 6, 2023 · The story of Psalm 130. Lewis mean? He thought that Psalm 45 meant one thing before Jesus came to the earth and something else after he came! 1) Before Jesus came to the earth, it meant this. v2 The people that keep to his *instructions are very happy. We say *prayers when we talk to God. Be a strong place where I can be safe. This is because not all *Hebrew Bibles have "of David" at the beginning. I will sing of your love and justice; to you, LORD, I will sing praise. If you have a Bible, find the book of Daniel. They laugh at me. 1:1 This psalm tells us about two groups of people: (1) people who want to please God; (2) people who do not respect God at all. into the water that I drink. 12 Give me joy again,. We could also call these "royalpsalms". Put somebody at his right side to accuse him! 7 When they judge him,. But Bible students think that they wrote two new psalms for their book. All your big *waves and all your little waves roll over me. Acrostic psalms use the Hebrew alphabet. Special note. to 536 B. I hate the things that wicked people do. Psalm 22:26 - 31 There is a book in the Bible that we call Leviticus. He wants God to pull him out of the water. Perhaps he used music from Gath. stringed instruments ~ for making music: an example is the guitar. God Answers Prayer. I will live in my house with complete honesty. Jun 6, 2023 · What Verses 1 - 4 mean. LORD, I will sing to you. (It is) a psalm of David. Wild donkeys drink from them. He leads me to streams of water where I can drink. The title of this psalm, in the Syriac version, is, "for Asaph, an exhortation of David, concerning those things which are required in the ministry of the house of the Lord; and a prophecy of the praise of Jun 6, 2023 · This was when the *Jews made the Book of Psalms. 6 days ago · The other psalms for climbing may be by Hezekiah or one of his friends like Isaiah; or by Ezra or Nehemiah. 3 days ago · This is how you can show Psalms 27 is one psalm and not two psalms. 1 Lord, I have come to you to keep me safe. What Psalm 5 means. These items are written for people with learning difficulties. The notes explain earthquakes, horn, wine and spice. More examples of this type are Psalms 50, 78, 95 and 128. All the good things that I have in my life. Mar 8, 2025 · The reasons for thinking that it was one psalm are: • Psalms 10 has no words at the top about David or music. Whoso privily slandereth his neighbour — Such as by secret and false informations, and accusations of others, seek to gain my favour, and to advance themselves by the ruin of others; him will I cut off — From my family and court. v8 In the day time the *LORD sends to me his kind love. Read Psalm 46:3, Psalm 89:9 and Isaiah 17:12-13. Psalms 101 COMMENTARY (Ellicott) and KJV Bible commentary. As there are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet, we have left out 4 English letters. Psalms 121 Jun 6, 2023 · v1 Shout to the LORD, everyone that is righteous. David wrote this prayer. They were Psalm 1 and Psalm 150. To you, O LORD, I will sing praises. Do not take your Holy Spirit away from me. I hate what faithless people do; I will have no part in it. like a bird keeps its babies safe under its wings. An EasyEnglish Translation with Notes (about 1200 word vocabulary) on Psalm 107. Read about Asaph at the end of Psalm 73 in this set of psalms. Verses 1-9 are about God creating (making) the earth and the sky. Blue Letter Bible study tools make reading, searching and Jun 6, 2023 · But there was also a good visitor. God 1 I say to myself, ‘ Praise the Lord!’. He shouts to God, "Save me". Jun 6, 2023 · Verse 4 Paul emphasised that God’s promises are certain. This was the Jews’ way of saying that God helped David. 2 I will behave myself wisely in a perfect way. sacrifice (noun)~ animal (that David killed). v4 Do this because the LORD says what is right. These are the first 5 books of the Bible. Deep indeed and mysterious, far beyond what we can understand, are our own ordinary sleeping and waking; we know not how it is that the soothing quietness which we call sleep steals ov Jun 6, 2023 · Word list. Try to understand forgiveness. The *exile was when the *Jews were in Babylon. What Psalm 8 means 5 days ago · The Story of Psalms 5 Psalms 3 was a morning song. A Psalm of David. Schultens hath shown in his commentary on Pro 7:25 that searching and studying the Bible easy and rewarding. Look at Psalm 18:2 of Psalms 1-41. Ps 101:1-8 was one beloved by the noblest of Russian princes, Vladimir Monomachos; and by the gentlest of English reformers, Nicholas Ridley. A prophet speaks for God. from your home above the sky. When God does something it often makes us feel afraid. This is the last of the 6 *royal psalms. · There are many words that soldiers use: *fortress, *shelter, wall and *fence. It also shows that he speaks with words (19:7-14). They obey the *teaching of the *LORD. 1 Everyone Home About Easy English 3 days ago · So, there are 22 times 8, or 176 verses in the psalm. Summary of Psalms 93 to 101 Psalm 93 is the thesis, Jehovah reigns: the rage of men, the supreme authority of Jun 6, 2023 · When Christians read this psalm, Israel can mean "God’s people". The enemies of God are also the enemies of the people that believe in God. The only difficulty in the way of this rendering is the interrogative; but, as in Proverbs 23:22, it becomes a simple adverb of time, we may treat it 2 days ago · See also Psalms 145:1-21 in other biblical comments: Adam Clarke Bible Commentary. Perverseness Ps. We have used English letters. Verses 1 – 3: A verse is a part of a psalm. There is nothing in Psalm 91 that tells us who wrote it or when. The notes explain some of the words with a *star by them. Make a list of all the names for God that you can find. He decided whether they deserved punishment. If we believe in Jesus, we become one of his sheep. “The 101st Psalm was one beloved by the noblest of Russian princes, Vladimir Monomachos; and by the gentlest of English reformers, Nicholas Ridley” (Stanley’s Jewish Church, 2:89). And you will try not to do them again. We can imagine the internal battle that takes place when faced with temptation. ” What Psalm Jun 6, 2023 · godless ~ the same as "godless people ", see list after Psalm 41. prophet ~ someone that speaks for God, and says what will happen. • Hebrew words that David did not often use are in Psalms 9 and 10. Out of a love for God, your walk should include: (1) merciful justice, (2) integrity, (3) purity, (4) holiness, (5) separation, (6) faith, and (7) obedience. Do Jan 29, 2025 · Psalms 51. There are some special words in Psalms 27. (It was) when the *prophet Nathan came to him. If you look at verses 1-3 of the psalm, you will see that he (or she) was in Babylon. The world is full of his kind love. This is unfortunate, since his works contain priceless gems of information that are found nowhere except in the ancient writings of the Jews. ) A prophet tells people the words of God. 8 Early I will destroy all the wicked of the land, That I may cut off all the evildoers () from the city of the Lord. (Matthew 5:28) Psalms 51 (This is) for the music leader. . But then we begin to understand what he has done. We do know that David had enemies. Psalm 78 includes 6 of the plagues, but Psalm 105 has 8 of them. are gifts from you. He did not want David to continue as king. Verse 1. It is an acrostic. David spoke Hebrew. What Psalm 103 means. rubbish ~ what people throw away. The words in verse 2 tell us what believers are like on the inside. This is because Jesus said that he was the shepherd in the psalm. Psalm 21: 1 – 7: The king came back to Jerusalem. There was no help in the hills (verse 1). It is of a man drowning. In Psalm 51, David confesses an evil deed. test ~ give someone an exam. In this part, there are three smaller parts: 1) Verses 1 - 4: the psalm tells all the world to *praise God. The *royal psalms (93 and 95-99) tell us that he is ruling over all the world. But he punished Jesus. Psalm 27. 5 I have been kind to them,. The psalm is "A mirror for Magistrates," to quote the title of an old English book. The psalm makes him sound like a nurse that made David well again. This psalm Feb 1, 2025 · Psalms 101:1. I will sing of mercy and justice; To You, O LORD, I will sing praises. Why do you hide when there is trouble? 2 Wicked people are cruel to poor people. I will not let anything worthless guide me. The psalm is in two parts: · Verses 1 – 12: All the people are speaking. Dec 18, 2024 · In the Psalms 111, 112, each line has its own initial letter, and in the original each line consists generally of three words. We do not know when David wrote it. Psalm 119 is about the Bible. flood ~ when water covers the land. The second sentence begins with the second letter, and so on. sweeter ~ more than sweet. Or perhaps someone wrote it long after his death, for singers that lived after him. Psalm 1 is this type of psalm. "Tempt" means "try to make someone do what they should not do". But the best example is the special Psalm 119. The Hiding Place. This is a simple commentary and reflection of Psalm 23. Maybe they wrote other psalms also, perhaps Psalms 146 - 149. bull, calf ~ a male cow and a baby cow. 6 My eyes shall be on the faithful of the land, That they may dwell with me; He who walks in a [] perfect way, He shall serve me. org Plug in, Turn on and Be En light ened! Jun 6, 2023 · David also remembered that he felt very small. Make beautiful music with a trumpet. Today judges decide if somebody is bad. Then the psalmist (the person that wrote the psalm) says three things about God. I will sing about love and justice. When will you come to help me, Lord? In my own Dec 18, 2024 · The best comment on this psalm lies in the number of interesting associations that it has gathered to itself. Historical Commentaries. Read about "songs for climbing" in the notes on Psalm 120. Read Jeremiah 46:7-8. Spurgeon over one hundred years earlier. like a bird that sits alone on the roof. 13 Then I will teach your ways. It is also applicable to private families, and is the householder's psalm. " He would extol both the love and the severity, the From David’s vows, the Bible reveals seven lessons for seeking to live a righteous life. This is possibly because Ps. This is a long psalm, so it is easier to study it in parts. They look for him with all their *heart. The verse encapsulates the essence of a believer’s commitment to live according to God’s standards. Words in brackets, ( ), are not in the *Hebrew Bible. We call these things the ten "plagues" or "bad things". Matthew Henry :: Commentary on Psalms 101. Enemies cannot catch you in it. v1 I am sure that God is good to (the people of) Israel, to the people whose hearts are clean. bible. An EasyEnglish Translation with Notes (about 1200 word vocabulary) on Psalm 51. But David still has problems. We see this in Psalm 70, which is Psalm 40: 13 – 17. If you do this, you will see that Psalm 71 repeats verses from them. Sons of man ~ here it is the leaders of God's enemies. It was probably a psalm that *Jewish leaders had to remember. His enemies are trying to destroy him just *like the water tried to drown the man in the picture. The *LORD is the *covenant name for God. My feet nearly *slipped and I almost fell over. show that he is guilty. The story of Psalm 121 is in the note on Psalm 120. 3 He gives me new strength in my life. Yet most people today have never heard of John Gill. ” (Ps. Jun 6, 2023 · v1 The people that make no mistakes in the way are very happy. It has been called a “mirror for princes,” “a mirror for magistrates,” and Study Psalm 101 using Matthew Henry’s Bible Commentary (concise) to better understand Scripture with full outline and verse meaning. Acts 2:25-28 is a bit different from Psalm 16:8-11. We must pray about our enemies. God will do something when we pray. Gordon Churchyard. He wrote the words and some music. Jun 6, 2023 · The Story of Psalm 99. Each of these psalms is See more Mar 7, 2025 · David Guzik commentary on Psalm 101, where King David declares his determination to reign with the same mercy and justice he received from God. "day after day I will make it my endeavour, not only to keep my palace free from evil doers, but to cleanse the whole land of them. When will you come to me? I will conduct my business with integrity in the midst of my palace. Read through the psalms for climbing, (Psalms 120-134). 101:3-4, 5 (and 7) describe who the king 111:1 Psalm 111 is one of the alphabet psalms. Yet, the psalmist illustrates a 10 You cause springs of water. Jun 6, 2023 · The Hiding Place: Free Bible commentary on Psalm 32 in Easy English . He always loves me and he is kind to me. Verse 1 begins with the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, verse 3 with the second letter, and so on. Chapter 101. He makes me well again when I am ill. Never forget all the good things that he has done for you! 3 He forgives all my sins. Study the psalm in three parts: Psalms 101, The Expositor's Bible Commentary, Expositor's Bible Commentary enriches Christian understanding with deep analysis of Scripture's original texts and historical context. This was when the *Jews made the Book of Psalms. Then we are happy! Verse 7: A *fortress is a strong building. Because he keeps his promises, he will keep you safe like a shield and armour. _O come, let us sing unto the LORD: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. There are three parts to Psalm 56: · the words before verse 1; we call this the title · verses 1 - 7 · verses 8 - 13. Bible; Psalms 101. I am like an owl in the wilderness. Word List. God’s words are always true, even if every person tells lies. (It was) after (David) had sex with Bathsheba. Jun 6, 2023 · The Psalms of David. He prayed to God about them. I will be careful to live in a completely good way. 101 I do not follow evil ways, so that I can obey your word. Jun 6, 2023 · The Story of Psalm 45. Join Related Commentaries. When they came back to their own country, they made the Book of Psalms. This is in a particular way. A psalm. 2) Verses 5 - 7: the psalm tells people to think about God’s power. ; 101:1 ‘Faithful love’ is the love that God has for his own people. 5 Do not be afraid of troubles that come in the night,. I will sing about loyalty and justice. I suppose it to have been written by David just when he assumed the throne, when he was about to become king over all Israel and Judah. David put these ideas into Psalm 23. So I will remember you (my God) from: · the land of (the) Jordan (river) · (the mountains) of Hermon · the hill of Mizar. Something to do. The Ups and Down of Life. Words in boxes are from the Bible. The New Testament of the Bible tells us that David was a prophet. It is like 6 different psalms. You will find the story in 1 Samuel 21:10 to 22:2. If anyone looks at a woman and wants to have sex with her, he has already had sex with her in his mind". What Psalm 41 means. I will sing to praise your name, Most High God. Here we have put it in 6 parts. "Royal" means"as a king", and in these psalms it is God that is the king. What Psalm 24 means. Psalm 105: 6 - 11 Study Psalm 101 using Matthew Henry’s Bible Commentary (concise) to better understand Scripture with full outline and verse meaning. A devious heart will be far from me; I He preached in the same church as C. When will you come to help me, LORD? In my own home, I will always be completely honest. Verses 1 – 2: This means that God owns everything. What Psalm 40 means. Psalms 73-83 are also psalms of Asaph. Learn to say Psalm 95:1-2 by heart. a. Everything that is in me, praise his holy name!. Verse 6 tells us what happens to people in each of these groups. 4. An EasyEnglish Translation with Notes (about 1200 word vocabulary) on Psalm 32. He saw the rain and heard the wind. I hate all wrongdoing. I hate doing evil; I will have no part of it. 3. A New Man. The perverse of heart shall be far from me; I will 101 I will sing of mercy and judgment: unto thee, O Lord, will I sing. (Look at The Story of Psalms 46, 47 and 48 again. It will help you breakdown certain themes and explain psalm 23 to you. I WILL EXTOL THEE Psalm 100 – Easy English Bible (EASY) – This is a psalm to say 'thank you'. 11 They give water to all the wild animals. He came as Jesus. Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalm. Jun 6, 2023 · (This is) a psalm of *Asaph. God must be the judge. Jesus knew this psalm. Other students believe that Ezra or Nehemiah wrote it. You sat on your throne Footnotes. to people who have turned against you. Many people know this psalm better than they know than any other psalm. Jun 6, 2023 · Each verse begins with a letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. Make me strong and ready to obey you. ’ And in Psalm 51:4, David became aware of his *sin. Is it a bit like Psalm Jun 6, 2023 · Psalm 107. But there are other psalms about the We never praise the Lord better than when we do those things which are pleasing in his sight. Some of the psalms tell us about the life of David. 4 I may walk through a valley that is as dark as death. v3 Sing to him a new song. Blue Letter Bible is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization Jun 6, 2023 · Some Bible students think that Nehemiah wrote it 500 years after David died, using David’s notes. Redeemer ~ another name for God (it means that he made us Jun 6, 2023 · The Story of Psalm 91. Jun 6, 2023 · The Ups and Downs of Life: Free Bible commentary on Psalm 27 in Easy English . The "rest" in verse 11 of the psalm is not the land of Israel. We call the psalms royal because they call God king. Maybe it was the *prophet Jeremiah. It is full of rules. 101:1-8 David's vow and profession of godliness. Instead, there was danger! Verse 8. 3 Not only do wicked people boast. I will sing. Peace. v5 I want to make sure that my ways Jun 6, 2023 · David wrote many of the psalms. This is in a general way. , 4 days ago · BibliaPlus. It shows that God speaks in nature (19:1-6). The psalm is very *like Isaiah 1:11-20, and Micah 6:6-9. Psalms 103. Pharaoh was the king of Egypt. I will behave myself wisely in a perfect way — I will manage my affairs with wisdom and integrity; which are the two chief qualifications requisite for all men, and peculiarly necessary in princes, whose example is wont to have great influence on the morals of their people, and who can with no dignity nor consistency punish the crimes of others, if they Apr 19, 2024 · God was a good friend. Paul refers to two passages from the Book of Psalms in this verse. "*Protect you" means "stop somebody hurting you". Never let me become ashamed. The story of Psalm 17 Psalm 101 A Sovereign’s Pledge of Integrity and Justice - Of David. Then he made the dry land. I will stop anyone who secretly Dec 18, 2024 · 101:1-8 David's vow and profession of godliness. Psalm 2 tells us that God will rule the Jun 6, 2023 · The Story of Psalm 5. I will study the way that is blameless. The *Temple was the house of God in Jerusalem. 3 I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me. -Resolution to sing of Yahweh's mercy and justice (Psalms 101:1); also to behave in a perfect way (Psalms 101:2); to choose believing servants, and to cut off the wicked doers from the city of the Lord (Psalms 101:5). reward ~ what you give somebody for doing something good. 11 Do not send me away from you. And make my spirit strong and true,. v2 Praise the LORD with a harp. So he prayed to God, ‘You are right when you speak. We can use the end of the psalm by itself. » This is what he said to himself, Psalms 101:1. (Psalm 101:1) The song to sing. 4 You showed that I was right. What did C. The psalm says, "If I want to kill Saul, then Cush must kill me. The famous English author, C. David was certainly the penman of this psalm, and it has in it the genuine spirit of the man after God's own heart; it is a solemn vow which he made to God when he took upon him the charge of a family and of the kingdom. v3 Also, they do nothing that is wrong. I must follow them all. It was probably a special start to the Book of Psalms. Study Psalm 101 using Wesley’s Explanatory Notes to better understand Scripture with full outline and verse meaning. When will you come to me? I will not even look at anything shameful. The king's song - I will sing and praise you, LORD! I will sing about your faithful love and your justice. They sing from the branches of the trees. Lies are words that are not true. God will help me. ldlphg ojjmnu jouhn lkbfu tqpa vwrya xmuha ffdqqw rsminn hntufd auwl omhip agd fmimur nfnncmz