Soil degradation in china It thus plays a significant role in the national food security system. Over the past decades, environmental laws and regulations were developed in China to address the soil environmental protection issue Dec 1, 2024 · The Northeastern Black Soil Region in China is recognized as one of the three major black soil regions globally and is often regarded as a cornerstone of national food security. B. In the first essay in Chapter 2, I develop a dynamic optimization model for soil management and provide implications for the influence of externalities on Recent Land Degradation and Improvement in China Land degradation is a global development and environ ment issue that afflicts China more than most countries in terms of the extent, economic impact, and number of people affected. In arid and semi-arid northern China, soil degradation predominantly arises from wind erosion. Wetland reclamation could substantially alter soil properties, but so far, a systematic analysis of the changes in soil chemical elements after reclamation is missing on a national scale. 2021. Field site and experimental design Using a combination of soil analyses from paired sites and data from farmer surveys, we found significant soil degradation in intensive vegetable cropping under paddy rice–oilseed rape rotation in southwestern China. Jul 1, 2024 · To curb and reverse the trend of land degradation, the Zero Net Land Degradation initiative was introduced at the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio + 20) in 2012 (Stavi and Lal, 2015). Cost of cleaning China's contaminated soil: USD 1. Unreasonable human activities and natural negative effects caused around 5. Under the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) – the international legal framework for tackling desertification, land degradation, and drought – 169 of the 194 Parties have declared they are affected by desertification, and China is one of them. Zhang1, S. Sep 1, 2022 · Land degradation not only directly endangers the survival and development of more than 1. Identifying these drivers at the appropriate spatial scale is an essential prerequisite for developing and implementing appropriate area-specific policies. Such land degradation has been exacerbated over the last 20 years due to rapid industrialization. Abstract Desertification in north China is ongoing despite the endeavours to mitigate it over the past 50 years. Sep 3, 2021 · Soil degradation is a particularly big problem in China, where enormous pressure on natural resources from industrial-scale farming is accelerating the rate of soil erosion. Feb 26, 2024 · Dramatic land use change in China affects ecosystem degradation and restoration. Therefore, this study examines researches that focus on one or more particular forms of soil degradation, land degradation is often used in a narrow sense, which is a synonym of soil degradation in such a case. Identifying the evolving role of land use in ecosystem degradation and restoration in China is essential for sustainable land policy making. : The black soil of northeast China is one of the most fertile but short-cultivated soil types globally. Feb 1, 2019 · China is also one of the countries suffering the most severe soil erosion, with a total area simultaneously suffering soil erosion by wind and water of up to 3560 × 10 3 km 2 (Ministry of Water Resources of the People’s Republic of China (MWRPRC), 2001, Wang et al. To document the status and evaluate this degradation struction would modify the land surface and further result in land degradation. The shift of grain-producing regions in Northwest China has led to arable land degradation, which endangers both food production and sustainable development. Using a quantile co Jan 9, 2007 · The total area of China is about 9. May 15, 2024 · The ecosystems in China's arid and semiarid regions are notably fragile and experiencing dramatic land degradation. Here, we provide evidence that the SQI has the Jul 21, 2023 · Gravel mulch is an agricultural water conservation practice that has been widely used in the semi-arid region of northwest China, but its effectiveness is now lessening due to soil degradation caused by long-term gravel mulching. It provided a more complete and up-to-date picture of China's land degradation which helps to develop improved conservation policies that combat land degradation and promote sustainable land management. 40 billion tons per year (2017), representing nearly half of total water erosion. The cohesive force between soil particles, which is influenced by plant root properties and root-derived SOM, is essential for improving soil aggregate Apr 5, 2022 · In December 2021, the National People’s Congress of China released a draft law on the protection of black soil, noted for its high humus and nutrient content and strong structure. It is estimated that nearly 2 billion ha of soil resources in the world have been degraded, namely approximately 22% of the total cropland, pasture, forest, and woodland. In China, soil erosion is also a major environmental and ecological problem. In this paper, we focus on (1) historical and current trends of wind-induced soil degradation in northern China; (2) status of typical regions suffering from wind-induced soil degradation; (3) current land management practices and problems to combat wind-induced soil degradation; and (4) perspectives on reversing wind-induced soil degradation. Soil degradation has observable and mea-surable impacts, which include soil nutrient loss, salinization, acidification, and desertifi-cation. doi: 10. Jun 1, 2022 · The soil remediation project in China showed clear regional characteristics in terms of the number of soil remediation projects in southern China was significantly higher than that in northern China. In spite of numerous efforts that have been undertaken to arrest land desertification in China, grassland degradation is advancing over wide areas through overgrazing, cropland misuse and unregulated collection of fuel and medical plants. 6 billion tons. Land degradation is a severe anthropic and natural phenomenon that is affecting land use/cover globally; therefore, a dedicated target Nov 14, 2023 · The result of such a rapid increase of soil loss triggered diffused processes of soil degradation worldwide, which threatens the quality and productivity of land resources, locally increases risks of hunger, incentives land grabbing, causes poverty and potential conflict 5. These initiatives have More than 40% of China's arable land is degraded. Abstract The North China Plain plays an important role in China's crop cultivation regions, with the wheat-maize rotation serving as the predominant cropping system. Oct 17, 2023 · degradation types, compared with the more diverse soil degradation, the Research Topic is far from enough to understand the remediation of degraded soils. For the soil contaminated by industrial pollution sources, physical-chemical combined remediation technologies are mostly adopted, such as soil Dec 3, 2018 · At present, the land area of salinized cultivated land was 384. To meet this need, the Global Assessment of Jul 19, 2005 · Land Degradation & Development is an interdisciplinary journal for the environmental and soil science communities covering all aspects of sustainable land management. This degradation seriously affects the . Jul 1, 2022 · The severe wind and water erosion of the black soil in Northeast China is caused by vegetation degradation and excessive tillage. Aug 1, 2024 · Soil erosion has significant negative effects on the eco-environment, and it also threatens the sustainability of agricultural production. 25 mm), low soil organic matter (SOM) content, and frequent uneven rainfall. Abstract Continuously rising sea levels pose severe threats to the diversity and stability of coastal ecosystems. Feb 18, 2025 · 1 Introduction. More than 40% of China’s arable land is degraded. Jun 27, 2006 · Desert–oasis ecotone is an interactive area between desert and oasis ecosystems which plays an important role in ensuring oasis ecological security and maintaining oasis internal stabilization. Special Funds for Science and Technology Innovation Teams of Shanxi Province, China (202204051002027). Soil erosion, a primary cause of land degradation and grain yield decrease, has become an imminent issue and is still not well documented in Northeast China. 2. Mining leads to soil degradation and land subsidence, resulting in decreased soil quality. Specifically, the thickness of black soil layer has decreased from 50 to 90 cm in the 1950s to 20–50 cm presently, diminishing at a Nov 15, 2024 · Human activities have dramatically accelerated soil erosion, but quantifying their impact remains challenging. Furthermore, we quantified the effects of anthropogenic climate change (ACC), climate change, and land use change on grassland degradation and desertification in China. Wind erosion is one of the main causes of soil degradation in northwest China. Homogeneity and heterogeneity co-occur. Of this, about 400 million tons are deposited in the riverbed of the lower China has suffered degradation of its ecosystems and landscapes through its deep history, including in the past few decades. Soil degradation that results from erosion, losses of organic matter and nutrients, or soil compaction are of great concern in every agricultural region of the world. 1b, 2) and desertification. China is a country with severe land degradation and blown sand disasters. 1 %, moderate 34. The fertile and productive soils, Mollisols (also called Black soils) in China Feb 19, 2025 · There are constant transitions between adjacent levels of desertification land, with more active low desertification land and more stable bare desert. , 2023). Oct 1, 2022 · Progressive land degradation could significantly affect agricultural productivity and global food security (Utuk and Daniel, 2015). China's drylands have long faced severe land degradation, particularly in soil wind and water erosion. Land degradation is a global development and environment issue that afflicts China more than most countries in terms of the extent, economic impact, and number of people affected. This paper reviews the direct and indi-rect consequences of soil degradation in China. A need for clear and systematic recognition and recording of land use changes, land degradation, food production and climate change conditions is suggested, which would provide a reference for food security studies in the northeastern China. 499-510. 21FAO (2017). 30% of the total cultivated land area. Land degradation is a global environment and development issue. 751521 physicochemical properties and soil microbial diversity; (2) to evaluate correlations between soil physicochemical properties and soil microbial changes under gravel mulching; and (3) to explore the key factors affecting soil degradation in response to 6years of gravel mulching. 58 million ha. However, there is currently a knowledge gap in the literature regarding the responses of soil Collembolans to land degradation. Feb 9, 2024 · Arable land health (ALH) and arable land productivity (ALP) are crucial indicators of agricultural ecological functionality and sustainability. " The Loess Plateau lies in the middle reaches of the Huanghe or Yellow River. (1991). This study analyzed the food security issues coupled with global Dec 16, 2024 · Abstract. Oct 1, 2023 · The degradation of frozen soil constantly changes the water conditions and DSF of the soil. Grievous soil erosion has caused the Huanghe to transport an average annual sediment load of 1. Research Article. Soil compaction, erosion, overgrazing, slash-and-burn salinity, agrochemical use, and microplastics are the main causes of soil agricultural degradation in China. Looking North in East Asia, Mongolia and China (Inner Mongolia) are facing severe land degradation from continuous soil erosion by human-induced unsustainable agricultural practices and land-use changes, which have been execrated by climate change. The arid and semi-arid regions, in which land desiccation, vegetation degeneration, wind erosion, sandification, Gobi . 1. We found that the average sequestration rate in Oct 1, 2024 · Soil quality is defined as the capacity of soils to sustain ecological, environmental and productive functions, but it has undergone a remarkable decline as a consequence of soil degradation (Raiesi, 2017, Guo et al. China’s Law was introduced in 2002, providing a legal framework for the implementation of its National Action Programme to Combat Desertification, and numerous projects aimed at restoring land at risk. Then, based on a typical case in South China, the model establishment and practice of agro-forestry integrated management for KRD control were introduced. Unreasonable human activities and natural negative effects caused around 5. Here, we address this issue by using a new dataset of soil, climate and Feb 14, 2024 · The Chinese Loess Plateau, a region of remarkable ecological and economic value, grapples with significant water management challenges due to its distinctive geology and climate. Aug 14, 2023 · Soil degradation is a common environmental problem, which has a persistent and serious impact on the earth's environment. In southern China, Hainan Island faces land degradation risks due to poor soil physical properties, such as a high proportion of microaggregates (< 0. Jul 30, 2024 · Land degradation significantly impacts regional economic development and food security, particularly in arid river basins where soil and water conservation is crucial. It also has a number of indirect consequences, in particular, a reduction of the agricultural output due to a drop in China has some of the most intense and widespread soil degradation problems in the world. Nov 12, 2015 · Land degradation in China is an increasingly serious economic, social and environmental problem. Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Chinese Oct 1, 2009 · Soil degradation has an immense negative impact on the productive capacity of soils. , 2018). Soil salinization showed a concentrated distribution along the coastal plain that was scattered in the Yellow River flood plain and inland areas, and the salinity decreased from the coast to the inland area. This paper compares the degradation characteristics of the black soil quality in northeast China, analyzes the formation mechanism, and proposes a strategy to restore the black soil quality, an Sep 11, 2015 · Soil degradation is a global problem caused by many factors including excessive tillage, inappropriate crop rotations, excessive grazing or crop residue removal, deforestation, mining, construction and urban sprawl. Desertification Control Bulletin 21. L. Desertification, land degradation [definitions]. com discuss methods to address three separate but related issues in soil management in China. The SEM provided conclusive evidence that changes in land degradation exert a significant controlling effect on soil quality and crop productivity in the wind-eroded regions of northeast China (Fig. This Research Topic Feb 16, 2023 · Land degradation in black soil regions has a significant effect on belowground systems, and Collembolans can adequately indicate environmental changes in the soil. This study assessed land degradation changes by considering different land degradation types including vegetation degradation, soil erosion, aridity Jan 15, 2005 · The effects of land use change on soil degradation or restoration can be evaluated by comparing changes in some selected soil properties such as organic C and nutrients (Wang and Gong, 1998). "This may cause land degradation. Desertification and land degradation are the most severe ecological threats facing China, affecting over 400 million people. Nitrogen (N) fertilizers, which represent reactive or biologically accessible nitrogen in soil Jun 1, 2017 · Land Degradation & Development is an interdisciplinary journal for the environmental and soil science communities covering all aspects of sustainable land management. However, large-scale land reclamation and non-optimum farming practices give rise to soil degradation in the region. Sep 26, 2022 · Land Degradation & Development. This study may alert others to the potential land degradation in the subtropics. 20Oldeman et al. 99 billion ha, 90% of which has already degraded. Mar 15, 2023 · The reclamation of coastal wetlands for agriculture has expanded considerably over the last 40 years in China. Here we review 16 sustainability programmes, which invested US$378. Jun 9, 2022 · Interactions between soil quality and climate change may influence the capacity of croplands to produce sufficient food. 33 billion ha, 78% of which is degraded land; forestland area is about 1. Abstract The industrial emission of carbon (C) in China in 2000 was about 1 Pg yr−1, which may surpass that of the United States (1ċ84 Pg C) by 2020. Jun 29, 2022 · There are many types of land degradation in China, the occurrence is wide, the regional difference is great, and the harm is serious. The Loess Plateau (LP) suffered from severe land degradation, such as vegetation degradation, soil erosion and desertification. State Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Dryland Farming on the Loess Plateau, The Research Center of Soil and Water Conservation and Ecological Environment, Chinese Academy of Science and Ministry of Education, Yangling, China Feb 1, 2019 · Land degradation is a global environmental problem that threatens human safety and socioeconomic development. Soil degradation, characterized by decline in quality and decrease in ecosystem goods and services, is a major constraint to achieving the required increase in agricultural production. Land Degradation and Rural Research PLANT SOIL ENVIRON. SDG 15 focuses on Life on Land, in other words, terrestrial biodiversity and ecosystems, as well as their services. China’s leadership recognizes the problem as urgent, and a new law on soil remediation is being developed. J. Hence, the change in soil quality can give users insight into soil degradation to a certain extent. Abstract Widespread land degradation has stimulated the implementation of a large-scale ecological restoration programme in China's Loess Plateau—the Grain-for-Green Programme Soil aggregate stability is more suitable to indicate soil degradation under land-use change because the K factor of the EPIC model do not consider soil permeability. According to the mean erosion rate (2. Dec 31, 2018 · More than 40% of China’s arable land is degraded. China is one of the countries with the most serious soil erosion in the world. Sui1, S. Soil degradation has observable and measurable impacts, which include soil nutrient loss, salinization, acidification, and desertification. Here, we used the revised benefit transfer approach and spatial statistics Land Degradation and Improvement in China i MAIN POINTS 1. Correspondence to: Z. An Overview of Degradation and Restoration of Ecosystems and Landscapes in China Mar 4, 2023 · Proper greenhouse fertilization is crucial for establishing high-quality yields, particularly as food demand grows. Dec 1, 2018 · China has some of the most intense and widespread soil degradation problems in the world. China is a country whose soils are severely affected by this problem, which, due to its extensive area, and wide distribution poses a serious threat to regional agricultural Jul 1, 2023 · Land degradation, which directly affects global and regional economic and social development and food security, has become challenging. Dryland Jan 6, 2025 · In response to the risks posed by urbanization and climate change to land availability, China has implemented several significant land cover restoration initiatives since 1998. Plant Sci. 58 × 10 4 km 2) from 2000 to 2020, the overall trend was weakening. 5 billion by 2050, necessitates an increase in agricultural production of ~70% between 2005 and 2050. Mitigating soil degradation problems to achieve sustainable soil environment management has attracted high Jul 2, 2021 · Numerous studies have reported on the severity of soil degradation in greenhouse vegetable fields converted from a maize–wheat rotation in the North China Plain due to high fertilizer inputs and the increased frequency of soil cultivation, resulting in a significant decrease in soil C / N ratio and pH, enrichment of P and K, and salinization abovementioned agricultural land degradation in China and highlight important management strategies for preventing agricultural land degradation. Moderating annual cropping frequency and adoption of sustainable practises would safeguard against further soil degradation in China’s rice farming belt. The control of soil erosion and loss of organic matter has been proposed as critical to agricultural and environmental sustainability of Northeast China. Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Water Resources, Yangling, Shaanxi, 712100 PR China. Jan 1, 2024 · Since the beginning of the 21st century, a significant greening trend has been observed in approximately 97% of the study area. 712100 Shaanxi Province, China. 4). Herbert3, G. At the 12th Conference of the Parties (COP12) to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) in October 2015, a definition for land degradation neutrality (LDN) was proposed and subsequently integrated into the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Thus, a comprehensive assessment of soil erosion in Northeast China is essential for deepening our understanding of various geological and agricultural issues Feb 26, 2007 · Grasslands play an important role in livestock farming and environmental conservation. Sep 21, 2013 · The northeastern China is an important commodity grain region in China, as well as a notable corn belt and major soybean producing area. Volume 24, Issue 5 p. In this review, the effect of fertilizers, specifically nitrogen, on greenhouses and degradation caused by nitrogen interactions are critically evaluated based on a literature analysis. These drylands are at risk of desertification. Feb 19, 2025 · Funding: This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (42377346, U22A20613, 52379018). 96 × 10 4 km 2) in the critical sensitive class from 2000 to 2020. In the past, land use was much more diverse: trees, grass and wetlands coexisted with crops. Abstract Black soils, originally characterized by a deep, dark A-horizon, are widespread in the Northeast Plain of China and have been one of the most fertile agricultural Jan 4, 2025 · Soil carbon sequestration is a climate engineering process that could significantly reduce global warming, yet actual estimates of soil organic carbon sequestration in China’s croplands are probably underestimated. Sufficient SOC was underscored in restraining soil degradation based on the significant correlations between SOC content and soil aggregate stability, K factor in the SOC-poor soils. China's arid northwest has been described as one of the world's most wind-eroded areas. This region is bread bas ket of China where the fertile and productive Aug 10, 2018 · The western inland region and part of northeast China mainly act as carbon sources, with the NEP exhibiting an increasing trend, whereas the other regions mainly act as carbon sinks, with the NEP showing a decreasing trend across large areas of southern China, where the most obvious land degradation occurs. 5 %, severe Oct 21, 2024 · Yi Zhang. In contrast to the finely developed framework used in restoring industrial brownfield sites, agricultural soil remediation on such a large scale is unprecedented. Using high-resolution data, we estimate that human-altered soil erosion by water in China reached 1. Up-to-date, quantitative information is needed to support policy and action for food and water security, economic develo … Feb 24, 2025 · To identify the effect of soil salinity on soil carbon density, we collected 135 soil profiles (0–100 cm), and calculated the soil organic carbon density (SOCD), soil inorganic carbon density (SICD), soil total carbon density (STCD) and their distribution, and discussed their relationships with climate and soil physicochemical properties. Dec 20, 2022 · The Impacts of Desertification in China. Jun 19, 2024 · Types and status of soil degradation in the main black soil regions of the world Northeast Plain of China East European Plain Great Plains of North America The South American Pampas Total the typical black soil sub- region Ukraine Moldova United States Canada Uruguay Degraded land area/proportion - 88. R. Aug 7, 2006 · The results showed that these land use changes have affected the wider environment and accelerated land degradation. Feb 28, 2023 · Land Degradation & Development is an interdisciplinary journal for the environmental and soil science communities covering all aspects of sustainable land management. One sixth of Chinese national land is more or less eroded that is mainly distributed in the Feb 20, 2024 · Land Degradation & Development is an interdisciplinary journal for the environmental and soil science communities covering all aspects of sustainable land management. Mitigating soil degradation problems to achieve sustainable soil environment management has attracted high national priority in China’s environmental protection agenda. Currently about 7% of the world’s land surface is threatened by salinization. Keywords: food security; soil degradation; climate change; northeastern China; black soil region Feb 4, 2025 · In this review, firstly, the KRD hazards and control in South China were reviewed. 3 trillion The problem is that, while the techniques for soil cleanup are known, they are expensive—especially at the scale of the problem in China. 5 PDF | China has 6. Since the 1980s, China’s food problem has been basically solved, and 22% of the world PLANT SOIL ENVIRON. 392 million km 2 degraded land, accounting for about 56% of the China's area (Deng and Li, 2016). Delang1, 1DepartmentofGeography,HongKongBabtistUniversity,15BaptistUniversityRoad,KowloonTong Jan 1, 2005 · China is a country with severe land degradation and blown sand disasters. 22UNEP (1994). 6 million km2. 1a), landslides (Fig. So far, there are 63 current standards related to soil environmental protection in China and the number of standards released by the MEP-PRC has increased, especially in the last 5 years (Li et al. 5 billion USD. The escalating issue of cultivated-land degradation threatens food security and ecosystem stability (Nguyen et al. , 2010; Gu et al. -p. Finally, our analysis of the costs of actions to address land degradation in China shows that the annual costs of land degradation due to land use and cover change (LUCC) is equal to about 24. 4 % (mild 29. 3 billion in 2015 and projected to increase to 9. In order to alleviate severe soil erosion, China has implemented historically unprecedented large-scale afforestation. Jun 23, 2003 · Land Degradation & Development is an interdisciplinary journal for the environmental and soil science communities covering all aspects of sustainable land management. 12:751521. Soil erosion in mountainous and hilly areas, desertification and pasture degradation in arid and semi-arid areas, soil salinization Jul 10, 2014 · With the environmental deterioration caused by the advance of climate change, soil salinization is a serious and growing global problem. During frozen soil degradation, soil permeability, surface water content and interflow increase (Zhang et al. which will contribute to enhance food security and promote sustainable land management in China. However, studies on soil erosion in northern China during the historical period, and its relationship with climate change and human activities, are rare. Jul 12, 2018 · China has responded to a national land-system sustainability emergency via an integrated portfolio of large-scale programmes. So Sep 21, 2023 · Northeast China is experiencing severe soil erosion, resulting in land degradation and nutrient loss. Mar 25, 2023 · Request PDF | Agricultural Land Degradation in China | China is a major agricultural country in the world. Trends in soil Jun 1, 2023 · China’s central government released an ambitious soil pollution prevention and control action plan in 2016 aimed at reversing the exacerbation of soil degradation. Zhang1, Y. Soil degradation: a problem threatening the sustainable development of agriculture in Northeast China X. Front. In this study, we report Dec 31, 2022 · Northeast China is a prominent base for commercial grain production nationwide. , 2018; Liu et al. The arid and semiarid zones of China (ASZC) have experienced significant land degradation, and in response to such degradation, multiple ecological projects were implemented. , 2016b). Apr 21, 2016 · State Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Dryland Farming on the Loess Plateau, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, Shaanxi, 712100 PR China. Arid Environ. Feb 1, 2025 · These factors of land degradation due to wind erosion will severely restrict crop production. (Xu et al. Up-to-date, quantitative information is needed to support policy and action for food and water security, economic development, and environmental integrity. 2 Soil Compaction and Erosion Tractor trafficking increases soil compaction [9], which is considered one of the most severe forms of degradation [10]. Soil is a non-renewable posed. Abstract Accurate knowledge of the soil pH in China's croplands is essential to control soil acidification and improve soil quality and sustainability of agricultural systems. This is particularly high in agricultural regions, driven by land use and socio-economic activities Apr 1, 2019 · Land degradation occurs in all kinds of landscapes over the world, but the drivers of land degradation vary from region to region. Dec 3, 2002 · Land Degradation & Development is an interdisciplinary journal for the environmental and soil science communities covering all aspects of sustainable land management. Dec 1, 2018 · More than 40% of China’s arable land is degraded. Here we estimated soil organic carbon sequestration across China’s croplands from 1980 to 2018 using four different methods. China 2Heilongjiang Institute of Water and Soil Conservation, Harbin, P. , 2016). Among them, water erosion poses the greatest threat to food security. experiencing land degradation or vegetation brownness Nov 15, 2024 · Soil erosion is a major land degradation process, threatening global agricultural sustainability and carbon cycling. , 2016a, Wang et al. 6 million km² of drylands that support approximately 580 million people. Feb 1, 2010 · Soil degradation that results from erosion, losses of organic matter and nutrients, or soil compaction are of great concern in every agricultural region of the world. Materials and methods 2. This paper reviews the direct and indirect consequences of soil degradation in China. Global greening resulting from climate change and human-led ecological restoration efforts, such as tree planting and afforestation, have enabled China's drylands to achieve land degradation neutrality (LDN) in 2020, marking a significant milestone in environmental management. springer. Although China's cropland area is huge, accounting for half of the total land area, the per capita arable land area is far below the world average. Small field experiments prove that vegetation in desertified/degraded land could recover if isolated from human activities. Jan 12, 2025 · Funding: This work was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2022YFD1300805), the Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province of China (2022JJ30644), the Hunan Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (2022JJ10057), the Key Research and Development Project of Hunan Province (2022NK2010), the National Science and Technology Fundamental Resources Nov 27, 2020 · The essence of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by the United Nations is described in 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, there are limited studies on the detailed effects of mining activities on soil properties, particul May 9, 2015 · Overgrazing during recent decades has been blamed for land degradation and desertification in Northwest China by many scholars. The spatial Aug 13, 2013 · Land Degradation & Development. 75 billion ha, 72% of which is forest deterioration; grassland area is 3. In order to better understand this issue, in this study, a total of 180 soil Collembolan samples were ORIGINALPAPER Theconsequencesofsoil degradationinChina:areview ClaudioO. China had successfully Mar 25, 2021 · "Vast areas of land are planted with a single species, and you only see the same variety of corn while driving for more than 500 kilometers," he said. In my introductory Chapter, I discuss the background for the soil degradation in China and how soil degradation threatens food security, the environment and agricultural sustainability. To meet the needs of an expanding global population, it is essential for humankind to recognize and understand that improving soil health by adopting sustainable agricultural and Based upon the concepts of ASSOD for soil degradation, the reality of China and some references, the paper presents the dynamic changes of different kinds of soil degradation in China while discussing the characteristics of the soil degradation, the problem and prospect of the related research in China. 22 mm/a) obtained in this study, the black soil will be completely eroded within ∼113 years. The fertile and productive soils, Mollisols (also called Black soils) in China May 1, 2024 · Continuous cultivation has resulted in soil degradation, such as soil erosion and acidification processes, which are particularly serious in sloping cropland. Plant Responses to Air Pollution and Global Change, 2005. Liu1, X. 3389/fpls. , 2019). In addition, the cost of grassland Feb 16, 2022 · Background. However, it is not clear how land use affects ecosystem degradation and restoration over time. But the land degradation sensitivity decreased in 18. , 2015). Generally, cultivation of grassland is accompanied by losses of soil organic C and nutrients, which indicated land degradation. Among the terrestrial ecosystems, cropland area is about 1. Our Sep 1, 2002 · This study investigated the impacts of land use on soil erosion and soil fertility in alpine grassland of China. China Aug 17, 2018 · Quantified information on land degradation and restoration is needed to support policies for sustainable ecosystem management and socioeconomic development. , 2018, Zhang et al. Volume 34, Issue 3 p. , 2008; Lawrence et al. Dec 1, 2020 · Sustainable development, and especially sustainable land use, is very important worldwide. Combining various multi-source data, we applied the modified soil erosion equation (RUSLE) to evaluate the water erosion modulus in Northeast China (1985–2021). We simulated the effect of soil degradation, which occurs in combination with increases in population size, urbanization rate, cropping intensity and decrease in cropland area, on long-term food security in China using a web-based land evaluation system. Up-to-date, quantitative information is needed to support policy and action for food and water security, economic development, environmental integrity and resource conservation. Agricultural soil compaction is common in Feb 17, 2025 · This study analyzes factors driving land degradation in China from 1996 to 2023, focusing on gross regional product, rural population, coal consumption, and wastewater generation. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, approximately one-third of the world’s land faces degradation, primarily due to climate change, over-farming, and irrational land use, leading to soil erosion, nutrient loss, and Mar 25, 2024 · The results indicated a high level of land degradation sensitivity in Northwest China, with >66 % of the area (190. 64, 523–541 (2006). Although geomorphic evidence confirms that human activities have significantly accelerated soil erosion, to what extent humans have altered soil erosion and how to attribute it to different land use changes and economic activities remains uncertain at the national scale. Dec 4, 2014 · Soil degradation is one of the most serious ecological problems in the world. Jul 1, 2002 · Soil degradation, defined as lowering and losing of soil functions, is becoming more and more serious worldwide in recent decades, and poses a threat to agricultural production and terrestrial ecosystem. Abstract China has an extensive agricultural land degradation issue due to pollution, with 19·4% of its agricultural land being contaminated. Nov 3, 2015 · Did climate drive ecosystem change and induce desertification in Otindag sandy land, China over the past 40 years? J. Ding4 1Laboratory of Black Soil Ecology, Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Harbin, P. 4 billion people in China, but also seriously affects the living environment and quality of life of human Land Degradation & Development is an interdisciplinary journal for the environmental and soil science communities covering all aspects of sustainable land management. , 2003; Woo et al. The studied region had experienced dramatic landscape change and soil degradation during the 20th century, especially in the last two decades. 637-652. In 2015, the United Nations (UN) adopted Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in which land degradation caused by soil erosion is one of the main issues (Keesstra et al. The arid and semi-arid regions, in which land desiccation, vegetation degeneration, wind erosion, sandification, Gobi-pebblization and salinization occur, take up one third of China's total land area. The Songnen Plain in northeast China was one of three major grasslands in China and has now become one of the most concentrated areas of sodic-saline soil worldwide due to soil parent material characteristics, hydrological conditions, and overgrazing. Soil degradation has observable and measurable See full list on link. , 56, 2010 (2): 87–97 89 modity which can feed about 216 million urban residents annually. Sep 24, 2022 · Various land degradation processes have led to land productivity reduction, food insecurity and ecosystem destruction. , 2020), and shallow water recycling accelerates (Cuo et al. Derelict mining land area is about 6 million ha, which is increasing by 12,000 ha/year. Y. Subsequently, in 2015, the UN Convention to Combat Desertification officially introduced and defined the concept of Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN For example, Chen Yiqun discussed the severity and dominant cause of human-induced soil degradation in the world based on World Soil Resources Report 2000 [8] ; Zhang Jianfeng overviewed the status of saline-alkaline land resource of the world, analyst causes of soil salinization and put forward the basic measures to improve saline-alkaline Aug 16, 2024 · Land Degradation & Development is an interdisciplinary journal for the environmental and soil science communities covering all aspects of sustainable land management. X. China’s leaders are aware of these environmental problems, which began with serious deforestation in the 1950s, leading to overgrazing, accelerated topsoil erosion (Fig. Globally, soil Feb 1, 2022 · Soil degradation also affects other physical and chemical properties, including pH, organic matter, porosity, bulk density and etc. Oct 1, 2009 · Soil degradation has an immense negative impact on the productive capacity of soils. According to the soil taxonomy in China, the black soil group belongs to udicisohumisols suborder of isohumisols order (CSSTG, 1991, Wen and Liang, 2001). This perspective offers a short review of the eco-environmental protection measures undertaken in the Loess Plateau, underscoring the transformative impacts of initiatives such as the “Grain for Green” project Mar 31, 2015 · Feeding the world population, 7. Wang2, Y. , 2015; Ming et al. 52 % of the area (53. Data for a defined, recent period enable us to distinguish Nov 24, 2021 · Keywords: temperate desert, biocrust, soil eco-hydrology processes, land degradation control, nonvascular plant. Land uses included three levels of pasture degradation, lightly (LDP), moderately (MDP), and heavily degraded pasture (HDP) classified based on vegetation cover, and cultivated fields ranging from 1 to 50 yr of cultivation. The features and advantages of agro-forestry integrated management were concluded. With the continuously serious land degradation leading to the reduction of agricultural yields, China may face critical food security problems. 00 thousand ha, accounting for 11. Mar 25, 2023 · In this chapter, we started from six aspects and elaborated on the main factors that potentially affect agricultural land degradation in China. Nov 9, 2021 · Drylands comprise about 41% of Earth’s land surface and support more than 38% of its population (>2 × 10 9 people), approximately 90% of whom are in low and middle-income countries 1,2. Dec 25, 2024 · The main data of the 3rd National Land Resource Survey shows that China's cropland area is 127. This study provides a simple, feasible, and highly accurate desertification monitoring method for the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau region, and provides important data support for the driving mechanism Dec 1, 2019 · China first developed its own Soil Environmental Quality Standards (SEQS) in 1995 (GB15618-1995) (Xia, 1996). Up-to-date, quantitative information is needed to support policy and action for food and water Dec 1, 2010 · Black soil is a soil group distributed in Northeast China identified by pedologists. Citation: Li X, Hui R, Tan H, Zhao Y, Liu R and Song N (2021) Biocrust Research in China: Recent Progress and Application in Land Degradation Control. Currently, black soil-related research has attracted immense interest in soil geography research. However, prolonged agricultural practices have led to increasingly severe soil degradation, and the mechanisms and driving factors behind the degradation of soil quality remain unclear. Feb 28, 2010 · Soil degradation that results from erosion, losses of organic matter and nutrients, or soil compaction are of great concern in every agricultural region of the world. qsj uuro hdeij magavxy iguwx fdw tqnp pmrqm tij udbtsmyf hvmy juzyic iprhmqu jdguhlr gvvyg