Air force volunteer bullets. 3K manifests/distro'd 1.
Air force volunteer bullets She pretty much got half the day off to buy a few dozen donuts, and it was her key volunteer bullet. Most of the time, we don't need help identifying our accomplishments. View Tools financial financial From BAH 101, a TSP contribution, massive discounts, and more. Mine was something along the lines of 13k Hello, I need to write bullets for a 1206. My flight chief told me to put together a quarterly award package for myself. Utilizing a deep understanding of Airman Leadership Qualities (ALQs) and Major Performance Areas (MPAs), we prov As you browse the collection of bullets remember, writing styles change over time and the bullets may not always contain the most current ideas and trends of the Air Force. There aren't many things as frustrating as having the report you labored over for hours abruptly returned for editing because it's in the "wrong" format. He selflessly extended his deployment by six months, filling the void left by a colleague's inadequate bullet, despite it not being his squadron, showcasing his unwavering dedication through countless hours of volunteer service. We know what we do. somthing Like: SSgt Snuffy was recognized by the wing for XX amount hours managing resources at food bank which in turn, developed Snuffy's organizational skills and enabled him to expertly manage Examples of Recruiter EPR Bullets. the new evaluation system entails and suggestions for . 4k--funded 3 sq morale events - Selfless volunteer! Dedicated to saving lives; donated total of 6+ pts of blood multiple times/yr--18 ppl saved a year Volunteer bullets . Perfect for precision and efficiency! Air Force Hub. Again, the intent is to provide information to help trigger your writing, not to write your EPR / OPR / The U. Organized and led a volunteer event during duty hours, peer had a bullet on their EPR that they led the same event (all they did was show up and participate, 0 leading from them). I got it but I worked so hard for it. Meeting Goals for/Results of the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). Organizing a blood drive is a good SrA ok Staff bullet. If Leadership get sassy, I just ask if they are okay with explaining to a mishap investigation why they are cool with airmen working on jets with sleep deprivation. SAPR EPR Bullets - 366 TRS Teal Rope ldr; acquired 40 hrs SAPR trng/fostered envt of repsect--rcvd Cert of Appreciation 82 TRW/CC - Active and involved, kept chain of command apprised of climate--prevented obstacles to mission accomplishment Back to Volunteer EPR Bullets. This guide is meant to give Air Force Airmen (total force) valuable Whole Airman Concept. See also: Volunteer/Fundraiser Examples. The person was doing your standard Booster Club Krispy Kreme deal where you paid for donuts and they'd deliver them Friday morning. 6M lbs mail--ensured payment of $750K to 13 air carriers/zero govt over-payments - Led two post office volunteer events; 20 mbrs/36 total hrsunloaded/sorted parcels--4K lbs delivered to mbrs Leading a bake sale or volunteering at soup kitchen standing on its own is seen as "weak" unless somehow logically connected it to the Air Force. Youth Sports EPR Bullets coached/mentored 2 teams/48 players--awd'd Volunteer Svc Medal - Mentored 45 youth; European Forces Swim League coach/12 swimmers in championship--theater-wide impact Craft impactful performance report statements and awards for the USAF, Army, Navy, USMC, and Coast Guard effortlessly with RapidEPR's generator. Volunteer and education bullets don't mean a lot now a days, and your leadership is failing your team if they're saying otherwise. Pick one night a week and you’ll have over 50 hours at the end of a 180. how. You will want to lead a volunteer activity or peer council. See also: Airshow Award Examples - 14' Air Show volunteer; fulfilled 24+ hrs security, rallied 30 volunteers, setup--selfless acts lauded by FSS CC - Provided ATC service to 30+ airframes during airshow--ensured safe demonstration of Air Force capibilities Examples of EPR Bullets for Postal or Mail Duties. Food Charity EPR Bullets coordinated 4 volunteers/3 collection points--collected 500 lbs for Aviano community - Served meals at local soup kitchen; bolstered esprit de corps; set a Leadership EPR Bullets - A leader among peers; unceasingly involved with AMXS critical processes--increased MC rate 26% for FY14 - Epitomizes Air Force Core Values; takes pride in service; committed to personal, unit and organizational success - Topnotch community volunteer; Algebra and Science tutor at local elementary school In fact, they're looked at as lesser bullets, compared to award winning bullets, education/certification bullets, and team award bullets. Airman's Attic EPR Bullets - Amn's Attic volunteer; spent 4-hrs sorting/stocking shelves/assisting patrons--improved QoL for those in need - Involved! Amn Attic vol; Vol'd 6 hrs as server for ALS graduation dinner; serv'd 320+--laud'd by 5 BW ldrshp - Volunteered 4 hrs at Amn's Attic; organized clothing/supplies--> 100 viable uniforms Access Bullet Buddy on GitHub for seamless AF OPRs, EPRs & Awards writing. Open menu Open navigation Go to outside of work. If you're volunteering because the old lady down the street needs a wheel chair ramp for her house, then you're making an impact in her life, with the added benefit of getting an EPR bullet. Air Show EPR bullets - Airshow committee leader--coordinated 10 wpn displays/B-52 load exhibition--success for 9K participants - Provided ATC service to 30+ airframes during airshow--ensured safe demonstration of Air Force capibilities - PA professional! Hosted 15 local reporters thru 4 day air show Anyone who's been through ALS knows that bullet statement format is the format required for entries in the AF Form 910 but in case you've forgotten just what bullet statement format is, we'll go over it againMore. - Volunteer'd 8 hours set up for 1st ever 48 FW Combat Dining In; 560 Warriors attended--lauded by 48 FW/CC Community for current and past members of the US Air Force. Duty Description - Cultivated renewed trust in First Sergeant role--helped institute climate improvement; revitalized Air Force values - Cultivated stellar CC/1st Sgt relationship; obliterated AF 90% metric w/ outstanding100% attorney consult - Led 12 volunteers w/setup & execution of SSgt release party--recognized 110 promotees/raised $800 for JEA - Formed church outreach gp, "Hope '11"; provided Christmas for 6 local families--donated gifts equalled $4K - Liased with Japanese Air Force/civilian authorities bus accident response; fostered strong partnership - Avid supporter of Go to the EPR Bullets or EPR Bullets by AFSC websites. 239K subscribers in the AirForce community. See also: First Sergeant Awards. Thing is, we were in Altus and the nearest Krispy Kreme was over 2 hours away. He did something with a youth rodeo thing with local 4H. Examples of EPR Bullets for Organizing Community Events. The views and opinions presented herein are those of the author This alone is why I pencil-whip volunteer bullets for my nightshift homies. Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 950, Solicitation of Federal Civilian and Uniformed Service Personnel for Contributions to Private Voluntary Organizations, Section 108 Preventing coercive activity, subparagraphs (a through g). Air Force EPR bullets sorted by AFSC and additional duties Squadron/ Base Volunteer EPR Bullets - A well rounded individual, supports/encourages participation in squadron and community activities; comp wingman - Active in flight functions; Huge list of example bullets sorted by AFSC/DSD/Volunteer Activity/more. Generally, as ratees, our main responsibility in completing the EPR is turning in a list of golden EPR Bullets. Air Force to raise enlistment age limit tokoku Temukan koleksi gelas kopi unik dan lucu yang akan membawa keseruan di setiap tegukan! Dengan desain kreatif dan penuh warna, gelas ini tidak hanya membuat momen ngopi lebih menyenangkan, tetapi juga jadi teman setia di meja kerja atau rumah. Volunteered 80 hrs/15 events; portrayed whole person concept--enriched community ties. These are things like Maintenance Professional of the Year or Air Force ISR awards as well as named award programs (Red Erwin for 1As, Leo Marquez for 2As Squadron Cookout or Party EPR Bullets. Recruiter EPR Bullets. I played “the game” and did A LOT of shit to get BTZ. Input Bullets Here: - This is a custom built bullet writing tool; abbreviations will be replaced according to table in the abbreviations tab--you will see output on the right - This tool can optimize spacing; output will be red if the optimizer could not fix spacing with 2004 or 2006 Unicode spaces EPR Bullets for Event Participation (as opposed to Event Organization) - Dedicated Air Force Amn; volunteered 12 man-hrs during Tops in Blues tour--Air Force heritage epitomized - Essential Weapons Fest volunteer; performed set-up/coordinated 3 sporting events for 300+ ppl- Your EPR bullet would show you led the event and you could throw how many volunteers/volunteer hours for then entire group into a bullet. Postal EPR Bullets - Created 3. See also: Navy Volunteer Evaluation Examples. narrative-style Performance Statements. I've never written any bullets before and I was wondering if you all could read what I currently have and help me out. Had a volunteer bullet for my troop. Love it or hate it, had an awesome Airman of mine not get BTZ because they lacked the Whole Airman Concept, stellar technician but wasn’t a well-rounded “professional” (straight from the Command Chiefs mouth). Through conversations with him, it sounds like he won't accept me volunteering at my church - Volunteered to lead Punt, Pass, & Kick fundraiser--raised over $3,000 for football team uniform items. Bullet Statement Format. —lassoed civ/base relations Something like that. It will actually mean something and if it has a big impact then that’s just a cherry on top. The database can be utilized without registering for an account. Copy Bullets to Clipboard. I almost had a nervous breakdown after everythingcompleted my CCAF, volunteering on/off base, community service, helped out in other shops, EPR bullets for volunteering: Meals on Wheels, Change of Command, etc. The success of this database and quality of the narratives is solely based on the end-users engagement and submissions. Giving blood is a good bullet for a slick sleeve thru Amn, volunteering at a blood drive like signing people in can be written as an ok A1C and SrA bullet. Writing Strong EPR Bullets. Maybe the volunteer bullet was dumb to the panel too, but the person won because they're mission bullets were EPR Bullets. Through conversations with him, it sounds like he won't accept me volunteering at my church as a good volunteer statement. To be fair, it's only a few hours a month and it's all behind the scenes stuff. This website is dedicated to completing that portion of the AF Form 910 that gives people the most trouble: the Performance Assessment blocks. this database can be reviewed without an account here. Air Force EPB/OPB Narrative Builder is a specialized service dedicated to crafting professional Enlisted Performance Briefs (EPBs) and Officer Performance Briefs (OPBs) for U. Narrative Buddy lets you type what you have done in plain language or as a bullet and converts it to a performance statement using AI. First Sergeant EPR Bullets. Vol'd 3 hours at airmen's attic is the bare miiiinimum. 3K manifests/distro'd 1. Postal/ Mail EPR Bullets - Created 3. Air Force First Sergeant EPR bullets. Please refrain from submitting any CUI information. If he's rejecting your EPR based on volunteer bullets, I can almost guarantee he blows at bullet writing, and has absolutely no clue about things like the annual board charge etc. Whole Airman Concept EPR Bullets earned 15 cr hrs toward CCAF/Bachelors Degree--Awarded Air and Space Ops CCAF 100 personnelwg raised $100K/$30K above goal - AFSA VP; led 18 membership drives/fundraisers/events & tm amassed 10K volunteer hrs--raised $24K/donated $4K And you'll want volunteer bullets that are about leading and being involved in your organization and the community. REMARKS (use this section to spell out If you're volunteering to try to get a bullet that says you make a difference, then you're probably not really making any difference. S. 6. Volunteering just for a bullet makes me miserable, personally Examples of Whole Airman Concept EPR Bullets. This also applies to your Whole Airmen Concept Bullets. Airshow EPR Bullets. See examples of bullets for Airman Against Drunk Driving, Air Show, Airman's Attic, Adopt a Highway, and more. X. - Selected as Third Air Force's “Civil Engineer of the Year” for 1991; recognized for actions at forward operating location during DESERT STORM - Supported operation PROVIDE COMFORT as a volunteer for temporary duty in Southwest Air Force EPR bullets for Booster Club, Fundraising, etc. Search your Volunteer bullets My flight chief told me to put together a quarterly award package for myself. 2K for Breast Cancer awareness - Orchestrated beautification project Booster Club EPR Bullets - 56 Ways/Means chair; led 14 volunteers/37 hrs for Alerus clean up--$330 raised toward Wg NCO induction - 735th Booster Club VP; led Sq coin re-design/5 fund-raisers/drove OCP patch pgm--clinched $2K for morale projects - Active Booster Club lead; assisted w/picking 100lbs of grapes f/local vineyard--$440 earned Air Force level is the best and continues to decrease in value through the Wing, Group, Squadron, and Flight. To Air Force EPR Bullets by AFSC This site hosts Enlisted Performance Report (EPR) examples for all Air Force Specialty Codes (AFSC). why. If you'd like to contribute but don't see a page for your AFSC or additional duty, use the form at the bottom of this page to request it and a page will be made for it as soon as possible. - Volunteer'd 8 hours set up for 1st ever 48 FW Combat Dining In; 560 Warriors attended--lauded by 48 FW/CC - Donated 51 hrs to Sq booster club; mng'd snack bar/worked 5 fundraisers--raised $4,785 for Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) EPR Bullets. During this period, Sergeant Pozzi developed a 14-day duty schedule, rallied over 90 volunteers, and managed more than 800 volunteer hours for the 2014 Italian-American Carnival on Camp Darby 1. I went on Google maps and calculated the rough square footage of sidewalks, called a few power washing companies to get their rate per foot and took the average, and found out how many military students were at the school - tying the volunteering directly to the benefit of mil families. Examples of Blood Drive EPR Bullets. Web-based utility for writing Air Force Bullets (EPR/OPR/Awards) AF-VCD/pdf-bullets’s past year of commit activity JavaScript 45 MIT 36 26 11 Updated Nov 22, 2024 Pretty proud of this one Kid helped power wash some sidewalks for a local school. See examples of different types of volunteer activities and how to describe them in your EPR. 3K+ for Booster Club in two days--enhanced AF/community relations - 14' Air Show volunteer; fulfilled 24+ hrs security, rallied 30 volunteers, setup--selfless acts lauded by FSS CC If using acronyms and abbreviations, only utilize those identified on the approved Air Force Acronym and Abbreviation List, unless noted by an approved category. The goal of this paper is to help avoid that problem when it comes to EPRs. - Memorial Day vol; dedicated 8 hrs/placed 60 American flags on local cementary graves--honored fallen heros! Bullet statements may be contributed using this form. Examples of Habitat for Humanity EPR Bullets. Teamwork EPR Bullets - Devoted 8 hours to booster club; worked booth at '12 air show; raised $1. Bullet went something like: Honchoed lil tikes rodeo; wrangled 35 kids/etc. Reply reply lazydictionary • I had one volunteer bullet on my last EPR which was 4 hours of one Saturday at a good bank. - Action section of bullet should go here; put the how/what you did in this part--bring it home w/ a great impact line - This tool can optimize spacing; output will be red if the optimizer could not fix spacing with 2004 or 2006 Unicode spaces. POSITIVITY! Most of the bullets you find online are super outdated, poorly formatted, or too generic. Clearly you don't give a fuck about the air force mission. As you browse the collection of bullets remember, writing styles change over time and the bullets may not always contain the most current ideas and trends of the Air Force. Yeah pretty much everyone lies on their bullets at least to some extent. 2K attendees--praised by Joint Task Force 7/CC - Instrumental with the set up and tear down of Christmas bizarre; volunteer helped raise $2,200 for the "Top 4" Any 4A0x1s in need of bullets I compiled this from my past decade or so of EPRS hopefully it helps. bullet spacing, action verb generator, and more. I expect someone going up for BTZ to be leading a group effort on a community project, or EPR bullets for Fundraisers and CFC. The required format for entries in the Air Force EPR is the "bullet statement" format. Adopt a Highway/Community Cleanup. You don't need to sign your life away, just make the bullet look good. I get that it’s supposed to get rid of all the work of coming up with EPRs, but hell, I’ve found EPR bullets from 10 years ago and just made sure to reformat it in a way that matches our current bullet style. Community for current and past members of the US Air Force. It’s a great way to actually do something and easily satisfies your volunteer bullet for the year. Your right. Personal and Professional Development: Consider the amount of effort the Airman devoted to improving themselves and their work center/unit through education and Initial ccaf completion is still a good airman bullet, but unit depending education bullets are not good for ncos now at least at my unit. etc. - Community minded! Completed Red Cross vol orientation/tng--100% qual'd to assist local - Donated 16 hrs toward annual Henry Doorly Zoo exhibit clean-up--forged community/Air Force relationships - Donated funds towards CFC drive; attributed to wg's $282K in charity--broaden The best and largest collection of U. Habitat for Humanity EPR Bullets - Assisted Habitat for Humanity; 9 flt members/5 hrs--provided safe living condition for under privileged family - Habitat f/Humanity volunteer/14 hrs; built interior walls/shingled roof--expedited move-in f/mother & 3 kids Volunteer for things you actually believe in instead of just for a bullet. Administration/Format - AF Form 1206, Nomination for Award (2 Aug 17) remains the standard AF award nomination form. School Volunteer EPR Bullets - Organized and led ANG Career day at local Elementary school; briefed 125 students--motivated tomorrow's Airmen - Aviano Elementary School volunteer; dedicated 3 hrs to Kindergarten field day--event enjoyed by 150 students Examples of Church Volunteer EPR Bullets - Aided Chapel's outreach pgm; srv'd 200+ at Jr Enl dinner; created trusted environmnt--incr'd Amn spiritual readiness - Chaired Club 7 Cafe; briefed FTAC 18 timesministered to 600 Amn/mo--provided alt activity for KMC Amn Anyone who's been through ALS knows that bullet statement format is the format required for entries in the AF Form 910 but in case you've forgotten just what bullet statement format is, we'll go over it againMore. the . Air Force personnel. Examples of EPR Bullets for Youth Sports, on-base and off. If you're an IT guy, get in contact with a local school or senior living center (extra points if it's an AF sponsored place) and see if you or a group of people can come by on a weekly/monthly basis to help out with their IT needs. Air Force Core Values: Consider how well the Airman adopts, internalizes, and demonstrates our Air Force core values of Integrity First, Service before Self, and Excellance in All We Do. o active community service; participated in Adopt-A-Highway program and aided local beautification efforts It will depend on what the board will value but a safe bet will have solid work bullets, volunteer and self improvement. Volunteer for Base/Squadron Functions. Mulai dari karakter lucu, desain minimalis yang penuh makna, hingga gelas dengan bentuk yang tak biasa – kami 726 votes, 224 comments. Clean Up EPR Bullets - Org'd 1 SOW base appearance tm; led 300 vols/removed 120 tons debris--prep'd 970 facs f/hurricane season/Wg CoC - Volunteer'd 4 hrs ALS initiative; collected 5K lbs trash/cleared 4 miles trails--elevated local community image - Volunteered at local EPR bullets for U. Find out how to write effective EPR bullets for your volunteer activities in the Air Force. Skip to main content. Thanks! I'd be willing to bet there wouldn't be a homeless problem if the Air Force built half Examples of Teamwork EPR Bullets. Read More » Mil-Cents December 18, 2024 Examples of Set Up and Tear Down EPR Bullets. Read More » September 23, 2021 LOC/A/R Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal (MOVSM) The awarding of the MOVSM is handled at the Sq Commander level and the guidance is very vague. EPR Bullets for Clean up, Beautification, and Trash Collection. Fundraiser/CFC EPR Bullets. See also Volunteer - Air Force Sergeants Association member--worked fireworks booth--raised $8,000 for national/local programs - Dedicated youth volunteer; The Air Force is implementing a new performance evaluation system. But As long as it’s not copy and pasted and you change it up and use it as a started point, it can work. Thanks to Wink, Project Arc, North Spark Defense Lab, and Narrative-Buddy for this tool! Was this tool Examples of School Volunteer EPR Bullets. The distinctive accomplishments of Staff Sergeant Bryant reflect credit upon himself and the United States Air Force. behind the change, what. (AADD) EPR Bullets - AADD volunteer; provided safe rides home for Airmen--averted 13 DUIs/secured wing's most valuable asset - Actively coor'd/participat'd AADD prog; As treasurer rised $500/volunteered 24hrs--secured safety of 31 FW Airmen - Volunteered 15 hrs to spt KMC s Armed Forces Whole Airman Concept EPR Bullets - Actively involved w/Tucson Clean & Beautiful prgm--over 90 bags of trash picked up/3 trees planted f/Tucson Parks - Selfless volunteer; dedicated 7 wks/52 hrs ISO 4 local charity orgs--fostered pro AF image/raised $8K for Sq - Selfless! Halloween corn maze scarer/builder; allocated 3 days/21 hrs--raised Examples of Meals on Wheels and Food Charities EPR Bullets. Utilizing a deep Examples of EPR Bullets for Postal or Mail Duties. 2. Community Service EPR Bullets. 12. 6M lbs mail--ensured payment of $750K to 13 air carriers/zero govt over-payments - Led two post office volunteer events; 20 mbrs/36 total hrsunloaded/sorted parcels--4K lbs delivered to mbrs The U. Read More » Bullets should state facts and should show impact with numbers--dollars saved, sorties generated, etc. Blackbelt Bullet Writing. You'll be recommended for a dishonorable discharge. - Air Force Assistance Fund Campaign representative--100% personnel contacted--base raised over $174,000 volunteer for air expo/fundraisers/youth baseball head coach; raised $5K - Team player! Vol'd for sq fundraiser; devoted 10 hrs Change of Command - Hand picked for parking lot commander; ensured the safe arrival of 125 international and US DVs--flawless CoC - Proj Ofcr f/Sq CC call; org'd evt time/location/3 vols/TJC prep brf, presented 5 decs/7 qrtly awds--upheld AF customs See also: Air Force Volunteer EPR Bullets. Again, the intent is to provide information to help trigger your writing, not to write your EPR / OPR / 1206 bullets Examples of Community Service EPR Bullets. Blood Drive EPR Bullets - American Red Cross blood donor; provided six units--saved two lives/helped reduce state-wide shortage - Assisted sq blood drive; 34 units of whole blood collected from 41 donors--11% of mo goal/102 lives saved I saw something similar. Air Show EPR Bullets - Volunteered at Thunderbirds Air Show; raised $1. Air Force Air Show. IDEAS is a tool to see demographic data across the Air Force and can be limited down to the PAS CODE. It may help though if you have good volunteer bullets that make you look better and in turn may result in a higher promotion statement provided your primary duties are up there as well. Duty Description - Recruits for USAF; enlists Amn/NW US/280K civ/4% recruitable pop/AOR; delivers professional Amn/USAFs 260K - Org'd Civil Air Patrol Academy tour; mentored 22 cadets/briefed 4hrs/6 acft mx obj- 100% man. Easily the best volunteer opportunity there is sorting mail, it has an actual impact on morale and they will give you exact metrics on weight/time/items. gunna have to 2009 it. Examples of Airshow EPR Bullets. See more Find out how to write effective volunteer EPR bullets for your Air Force performance report. It starts with a straightforward PHILOSOPHY: The success of the Air Force resides in its people. Dude got his masters and they rated it lower than some bs volunteer stuff at efdp board. i just realized if forgot the space after the dash. Set Up and Tear Down EPR Bullets - Volunteered 12 hrs "Warrior Week" event; setup/teardown/1. 4K+ patrons Anyone who's been through ALS knows that bullet statement format is the format required for entries in the AF Form 910 but in case you've forgotten just what bullet statement format is, we'll go over it againMore. to write. Also when was the last time some official air force organization like 5/6 NOT happen on nonner shift - Avid volunteer--mentored 40+ youth recreation league kids; largest, most competitive league in years - Involved in local Head Start Program; read books to over 35 children--bettered community - Reorganized and upgraded Pass & ID facility on off-duty time--saved over $5,000 in labor costs -Key ldr to AF form; Authored XXX replies to XX posts--guided 47K mbrs/key to SAF "Mobile Workforce" initiative More followership leadership if you ask me. Squadron/Base Support - Volunteer oriented--assisted 380th AEW Amazing Race & MC'd the 380th AEW's 65th anniversary celebration - Coor'd sq baby blanket prgm; dedicated 20 hrs/collected/delivered 40 orders--boosted member/spouse Examples of EPR Bullets for Adult Sports, on-base and off - 96 LRS Cross Country coach; gelled/trained 30 team mbrs for '12 season--bolstered Sq fitness/esprit de corps - Active mbr of unit softball tm; promoted fitness/teamwork w/15 players--raised morale/increased camaraderie The goal of this project is to produce “real”-sounding Air Force performance bullet statements using a machine learning model. Reply . Airmen Against Drunk Driving (AADD) EPR Bullets. Developed by Nicholas Schweikart. 6M lbs mail--ensured payment of $750K to 13 air carriers/zero govt over-payments - Managed postal volunteer program; trained 35/garnered 140 man-hrs--alleviated wait times for 2. This guide explains. Made it to superintendent and he walked in Some of the most tedious tasks made easier. Volunteer for Squadron Cookout or Party - Participated in holiday party; helped set up f/event fostering tm work/esprit de corps--event lauded by Wg CC/160 prsnl - Volunteer'd to support Deputy Commander's farewell dinner; Collected over 3K funds--flawless event for 120 guests Examples of EPR Bullets for Postal or Mailroom Duties. Event Organizer EPR Bullets - Ramrodded F-16 2-ship for RAF Mildenhall 75th Airshow--showcased US air power to 100 local dignitaries - Planned 5K water/snack stations; rallied 5 volunteers--spt'd ACES/raised $1. The intent of the narratives are to serve as a reference and inspiration to assist Air Force members create golden statements. Prior to submitting, ensure that your submission is thoroughly sanitized. Airshow Volunteer. Please complete the form provided below to gather examples of Narrative Performance Statements for all Air Force Specialty Code (AFSCs) and additional duties. ysucn fmmp yvxvzs exuuph olfj rhiqppp pljs kacanu juyd nfkyr fou cxg vsdputv sztbij vzwfbli