Hero 16k vs 3366. ya can't do it anymore.

Hero 16k vs 3366 Only picky fps player will notice which I did but I am not bothered by it, for me the difference is not that significant. -Logo changed from previous G logo to the newer G logo that The only option for you here would be to return the mouse in favour of the 3366 version, or try and fill in the bump in the table (since there's a mousepad over it, you could use clay or epoxy). G Pro Wireless (hero 16k), G403/G Pro (3366), EC2-B(3360) at 1600dpi. whereas the 16k versions are the new & improved HERO sensors. 84,hero25k为80. Ouvrir le menu Ouvrir l’onglet de navigation Retour à l’accueil de Reddit. HERO 16k looks to be a better performer than the standard HERO sensor. 50 mil clicks while G305 has 10 mil (which I've been told is more than enough since other things may wear out faster), 16k vs 12k DPI (doesn't matter at all), G Pro is lighter If anyone is looking to buy a G305 and wants the updated Hero 16K version, check the first four digits of the S/N: barcode on the bottom of the box. 目前还没入16k, 有304 305 hero 12k感觉有点跳帧, 明显没老版903舒服. com/attachments/mon_201209/14/ Can't tell the difference in performance but the Hero sensor on a wireless is golden as it has superior battery life compared to the 3366 by far. Welcome to r/gaminglaptops, the hub for gaming laptop enthusiasts. 178. 30 чел. PMW3366 is better performance, Hero is better battery life. G903 LightSpeed Hero The G903 LightSpeed Hero by Logitech uses an Optical sensor, specifically the HERO 16K, providing a DPI/CPI range of 100 - 16,000 dpi. I HIGHLY suggest purchasing a G Pro X Superlight, as it has the best & most reliable tech in sensor performance money can buy. Что будет по итогу лучше, и какая в чем, каких играх себя проявит лучше может? Обе версии проводные. ya can't do it anymore. nga. the 25k version has the new update already applied and new packaging. 09分。 区别一: 1、hero鼠标的位移: hero鼠标:hero鼠标器是通过检测鼠标器的位移,将位移信号转换为电脉冲信号,再通过程序的处理和转换来控制屏幕上的光标箭头的移动。. I feel that the 3366 has a slightly more raw and instantaneous feel while the HERO 16K feels 3366,hero 16k,hero 25k, Which sensor is better? Obviously, GPW and gpwx have the best firmware optimization. 可以 现在,鼠标进入了“真正”的无线时代了,无线鼠标不再是只能办公,游戏和电竞也不在话下。这一切源于罗技hero引擎开了好头,然后原相依靠自身的技术实力,对光学sensor不断的技术优化和推陈出新,从paw3335到paw3395,塔尖上还有个性能爆炸的paw3950,3年不到实现了从有线切换无线、从追赶到超越 10 votes, 12 comments. The 16K Hero is a lot closer, still a shame that it doesn't have LOD adjustment again. 1-1. 2019-10-24 03:55. . The sensor isn't a 3366 in terms of performance but its definitely still a top performer. Question Hello! I want to buy a wireless mice, my first option was Logitech G703 / Pro Wireless, but it's too hard to find in my country (Chile), and i found the HyperX Pulsefire Dart that is similar in size to G703. Smoothing is uniform at all CPI steps, and the maximum is 12,000 like the 3366. Just going by the proof we have so far is that the Hero/Mercury just perform identical to the 3360, but we've had people being subjective (with literally not much proof or concrete evidence) that the Hero/Mercury doesn't feel as raw as the 3360. Changes vs G502 Proteus Spectrum: -Cable upgraded to something thinner and more flexible. The LOD on default for the G403 and G Pro 3366 are under 1 CD and the Pro HERO is slightly above 1 CD. i dont think its bcause grip weight or hero 16k手感比 3366好吗? 求大佬解答. Furthermore, this sensor The Logitech G PRO HERO Gaming Mouse originally had a 16k sensor with a maximum CPI of 16000. 罗技鼠标是现在的hero引擎好,还是以前3366好,用过一个403hero,感觉玩fps调教的没以前老款3366好,现在想入一个gpw,有点犹豫,本人只玩fps 3366和16k这种都是属于性能过剩了,普通人用不出来的,真正能决定fps准度的其实是模具,挑一个 284K subscribers in the MouseReview community. Also, it has a much Ah, e o sensor Hero é tão bom quanto os PMW 3360, 3366 e 3389, que são os atuais sensores topos de linha do mercado. 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、 外网上5月份已经公布了罗技G三款主打产品G903、G703、G403将搭载更强大的传感器Hero 16K传感器,对于小虎来说瞬间再看我的老G903就已经不顺眼了。 虽然它的性能几乎与3366相同,但它更轻,并且续航时间提升了到了180%以上,达到最低140小时,DPI范围也升级 277K subscribers in the MouseReview community. RGB, adjustable weights, infinite scroll+tilt. 我大概10个月前入手了的G603就是hero传感器。然后用的时候一直看网上说3366比hero更加精准,更稳定,有线一定比无线好什么的。于是又手痒入了个搭载3366的G403。 以前翻过去外网时查了,看到一个帖子说两个传感器的区别就在于DPI有误差。 You are correct hero isn't as good as 3366 in which just a modded 3360 but most gamer won't be able to tell the difference. Hi all, so I ordered a G403 25k to replace my base model g403 after it got all worn out. The G502 hero has a better cable, Hero 16K sensor and buttons rated at 50M clicks. 11 programmable buttons. Instead I got the Hero 16k version The Logitech G PRO HERO is much better than the Logitech G305 LIGHTSPEED. 모두 채워주는 정석 그대로의 차세대 마우스 16K HERO 센서를 탑재한다는 소식은 「Logicool G PRO HERO」は、計6ボタンを備える小型の左右対称型ゲーミングマウスです。旧型PRO HEROではセンサーがPixart社の3366を搭載していたのが、本製品で 用过hero12k, hero16k, 3366, 3389, 3391, tm3, tm1,最后还是觉得,最最最稳的还是赛睿的tm3和卓威调教的3360。 3390低功耗版用起来感觉和GPW的hero有点相似,个人不喜欢这两款低功耗引擎,罗技的hero看下代如何了。 The difference in precision feels to be 4x-8x with the hero sensor being 4-8x more accurate on the verical but 1-2x equal or 2x better on horizontal. PMW3366 has noticably lower lift-off distance. The HERO sensor delivers extreme performance and 10x improvement in power efficiency. You now get a great speed, heyyy hoy les vengo a traer el REVIEW del mouse LOGITECH G PRO HERO, uno de los supuestos mejores mouse economicos :o, con uno de los mejores sensores del 据了解,之前三款鼠标都是搭载的pmw3366传感器,此次统一升级为hero 16k。hero 16k的dpi为100 - 16000,最大加速大于40g,最大速度大于400 ips;添加对powerplay的支持,实现不间断无线充电并完善整体lightspeed性能。 It's not that bad, it's between 3325/3330 and 3360, just like Hero 16k in G Pro Wireless, older Hero is like 3325/3330, these arw a bit better, but 3366/3389/TrueMove3(+) are just too good but i'd personally get g703/mamba hyperflux if i was getting wireless mouse because after using 3366 mercury/hero feel rly bad to me G903 Hero được trang bị cảm biến Hero 16K mạnh mẽ với hiệu năng vượt trội, theo dõi 1 kèm 1 và trải nghiệm tùy biến cao. 3310 though. 没区别 自我感觉g304感觉定位发飘是因为鼠标形状问题 横向太窄导致握不稳 而且304是小脚贴鼠标 很吃鼠标垫材质 外网上5月份已经公布了罗技G三款主打产品G903、G703、G403将搭载更强大的传感器Hero 16K传感器,对于小虎来说瞬间再看我的老G903就已经不顺眼了。 虽然它的性能几乎与3366相同,但它更轻,并且续航时间提升了到了180%以上,达到最低140小时,DPI范围也升级 Детальное сравнение Logitech G703 Lightspeed Wireless Hero vs G703 Lightspeed Wireless Gaming Mouse возможностей и характеристик, преимуществ и недостатков. 开箱图. . The cable difference Muy buenas a todos como estan, espero que bien, en este video les traigo una review del mouse que acabo de comprar para gaming, el LOGITECH GPRO HERO 16K, cu Logitech hero 12k vs 16k (now 25k) i don't find anywhere information about which were the changes between these two edit: 12k is a 3360 variant & 16k is a 3389 variant ? The Hero title was only adopted after switching to the Hero sensor, The Logitech G903 HERO and Logitech G903 LIGHTSPEED are the same but with different sensors. pmw3366鼠标通过 ps/2 口或串口与主机相连。摆脱了机械鼠标的滚球-辊轴机械结构,取而代之的是高精密度光学传感器,从而摆脱了 The worst thing about the Hero is that you can't adjust the LOD. 8 m cable. For the g502 using hero sensor, many players say that the version of The big deal with the HERO 16K was that it offered tracking on par with all the so-called "flawless" opticals, while lessening power consumption for use in From the research I have been able to find: it's stated that the Hero sensor is the same was the PMW3366, just with a lower power draw. HERO uses a continuous capture rate at a higher FPS than any other sensor which means the tracking data is collected and processed faster. These sensors feel identical as they have nil or 2 frame smoothing whereas 3310 feels “off” probably due to 20 frame smoothing. 9. 手头上的3366有g403 gpro ,hero有gpw 304,说实话,可能是我手木? 我反正用着没什么区别,正好GPRO和304还是一样的形状,同样的DPI下、同样的垫子,觉得3366比HERO快一 3366,hero 16k,hero 25k, Which sensor is better? comments. Hero 16000. I feel like the hero sensor isn't nearly The only real-world difference between the two is wireless battery life. Похожие вопросы . 8 million Acceleration: 40G (hero 2) vs 50g (3395) Tracking speed: 500 (hero 2) vs 650 (3395) Was actually thinking the hero 2 would be Razer's equivalent of focus+ sensors (3950), but it seems inferior to even the 3395. I have both versions of the G903 with the 3366 and HERO 16K sensors respectively. Logitech has since released a firmware update (version hero 25k是在16k基础上升级过来的,而16k是pmw3360,3399 26000dpi是3399 20000dpi升级来的。就早期版本巴塞利斯v2的3399和25k比,虽然dpi低一些,但ips高,因为ips高,所以在50g加速度下又更高的精度。 Found in the G603 and the G305. This is combined with a 32-bit ARM. Что лучше выбрать Logitech G703 Lightspeed Wireless Hero или Logitech G703 Lightspeed Wireless Gaming Mouse ? A variable frame rate using fixed steps, (like 3366 and other gaming sensors) improves on fixed frame rate designs but is still hampered by a limited number of steps or “gears”. and the fact in spec the new hero 16k is closer to the 3389 and 3390 than the 3360 and 3366. 16k DPI HERO sensor. Nó cũng cực kỳ tiết kiệm điện và có thể được sử 无线鼠标比有线的还快,本来看中了G703已经在配送中了,后来又看到新闻说G703会出hero版,比原版轻12克,果断退货,从某宝入手了还没正式发售的新款。. The HERO sensor is short for 'High Efficiency Rating Optical', wireless mice featuring the HERO sensor 这一切源于罗技HERO引擎开了好头,然后原相依靠自身的技术实力,对光学SENSOR不断的技术优化和推陈出新,从PAW3335到PAW3395,塔尖上还有个性能爆炸的PAW3950,3年不到实 区别不大。 可能dpi调教会有所不同。 hero像gpw一般会比原相的低大概小100dpi左右。 Он не лучше, это 3366 это логитековская модификация 3360, хиро это модификация 3366 с уменьшенным энергопотреблением, так что в целом он будет лучше. 没区别 自我感觉g304感觉定位发飘是因为鼠标形状问题 横向太窄导致握不稳 而且304是小脚贴鼠标 很吃鼠标垫材 로지텍에서 2018년부터 hero, hero 16k 라는 센서를 게이밍 마우스에 주력으로 사용하고 있는데 그 센서를 사용한 마우스의 판매량이 꽤 높습니다. New HERO 25K,三零表现针不戳, 视频播放量 10154、弹幕量 7、点赞数 68、投硬币枚数 10、收藏人数 20、转发人数 5, 视频作者 爱斯机膜人, 作者简介 科技数码分享,合作请私信。 【后浪vs前浪】罗 现在,鼠标进入了“真正”的无线时代了,无线鼠标不再是只能办公,游戏和电竞也不在话下。这一切源于罗技hero引擎开了好头,然后原相依靠自身的技术实力,对光学sensor不断的技术优化和推陈出新,从paw3335到paw33 Pixart 3389 vs Hero 16k . This results in a tracking speed of 400ips, and a maximum acceleration of 40G. The HERO has a higher max CPI and less CPI variation, while the LIGHTSPEED has a lower minimum CPI. This is something that Logitech's been firm on since a long time ago - neither the 3366 nor the 创作立场声明:这是针对罗技hero 16k引擎升级25k前后精准度变化的测试。 2020. 336X sensors have Logitech HERO 16K Lift Off Distance tested . actually internally the hero is closer to the mercury sensor and logitech office mice. 传感器: 有线版的hero16k传感器,在我看来就是12k版本的内核升级版,并未像gpw一样更改透镜(至少在目前两款有线16k看来是这样)但依旧很有效地增强了反馈感,且稳定了回报率,稳定的像湖面一样平静, 罗技鼠标是现在的he. 75,平均分差2. PMW 3366. hero 16k手感比 3366好吗? 求大佬解答. Logitech g403 на pmw3366 VS Logitech g403 на hero 16k ??? 지프로 유선(3366) -> 지프로 무선(HERO)로 넘어온 사람 입장에서 사용감은 "똑같습니다" 물론 저한테 지프로무선 vs 903(HERO) 뭐 쓸거냐 물어보면 전 묻지도 따지지도 않고 지프로 무선을 택할겁니다. This is a wide range that will take care of all your DPI needs and even more. 求问16k效果咋样啊? 16k hero. to get a better spray in csgo requires you to be accurate on micro adjustment like on 3360 it feels accurate/snappy when micro adjusting/spraying in csgo better than hero 16k could be mousepad. It uses a USB, Wireless connection with a 1. 没区别 自我感觉g304感觉定位发飘是因为鼠标形状问题 横向太窄导致握不稳 而且304是小脚贴鼠标 很吃鼠标垫材 罗技的都不轻,hero和3366差不多,我手上的903比304要稳一点,但是同3366的502感觉也没有903稳。有时候手感是玄学,巫师3,gta5,吃鸡都不吃引擎的,你不是玩csgo,hero够用的。主要看你使用的姿势和鼠标垫以及使用习惯。 首先g703用的不是hero引擎,g703已经停产了,并且用的是原相的pmw3366。 插值并非都是坏的,当然也并非都是好的,实际上hero25k我个人觉得,在直线追踪上确实和16k有不一样的感觉,最后带来的结果就是精准度上参差不一了。 很多网络上的朋友说gpx和gpw的 It should be taken with a grain of salt, because it all comes down to perception; the Hero didn't feel as raw as the 3360 but the difference wasn't as big as between the 3310 vs 3360. The LOD is a bit higher than the 3366, but tracking is considered flawless. Not like the average joe will know the difference between 3366 and HERO and HERO 16k. Opa eu tava editando o tópico você me corrigiu hehehe, obrigado! Então, pelo que eu pesquisei 預算 2~3k 需求 FPS [目前挑選清單] G PRO HERO or g pro 3366 [其他] 爬文看過 hero和3366感應器的差別,但好像差不多? 自己是比較偏愛3366,不知道各位 的意見是? 謝謝大家 Ps. If I had to guess an exact number I'd say 1. Only we obsess over these things, So what is the difference? Well, the HERO sensor is Logitechs efficient reboot of a top optical sensor, with a 16k DPI and 400 IPS for seamless tracking. HERO 16K - Logitech's current flagship sensor The 12k vs. Reply reply 【3200dpi挡】16k和25k数据和得分继续保持各自2400dpi下的状况(各项参数的偏差率),而且依然是16k比25k的数据表现更好。 【hero 16k和25k的全面数据对比】 在各自的15次测试中,g502的hero 16k平均得分82. r/GamingLaptops. 目前是用g 304和EC2B G304的外型和g pro一樣 用起來也很靈活 但hero感應器好像大家不太喜歡? 不知道新的hero 16k有比較好嗎? 初代的hero就有着比肩3366的性能和远低于3366的功耗,现在广泛应用的hero 16k是提升了dpi后的版本,关于这些传感器的知识,站内有其他很详尽客观的对比与测试,有兴趣的读者可以去自行查阅。 和g102比,g pro Does the Hero 16k have any kind of smoothing at high DPI levels? the true dpi on hero mice is usually higher, for example 1600dpi might be closer to 1700dpi, so maybe the increased sensitivity is what makes it feel different it doesn't. Review I tested the Logitech G Pro HERO next to my G403 with stock skates and G Pro 3366 with hyperglides. The left and right feel very consistent with each other. The only major difference is like you said, the power draw which is good for wireless mouse but for Hero 16k vs 3366, там выйграл 3366, так вот, бл чем он будет лучше? Чем сенсор pmw3366 лучше hero 16k, и лучше ли он вообще? Ser Seran Профи (875), закрыт 5 лет назад . didnt test on a good mousepad yet im on 2years old qck+. 目前是用g 304和EC2B G304的外型和g pro一樣 用起來也很靈活 但hero感應器好像大家不太喜歡? 不知道新的hero 16k有比較好嗎? Right handed, ergo mouse. Windows acceleration is turned off and sensitivity is set to 6 (1x) Windows magnifier is used but is not necessary. With our latest HERO 25K update, all HERO 16K mice now have B站有视频测试了卓威3310、原生3360和罗技3366的性能。结论是3366>3310>3360,这也符合我实际使用感受。至于3389,没用出和3366的区别。罗技家的304和gpw用了一年了,hero12k个人感觉性能差不多等于卓威的3310,甚至还能超过,16k应该就是3366的升级版了。 具有 hero 16k 传感器、1 毫秒响应时间、lightsync rgb、高品质侧握槽、g hub 和可编程按钮等 hero 25k 传感器可实现亚微米级追踪性能。全光谱 lightsync rgb 以及 6 个可编程按钮让您掌控一切。 바로 pmw-3361, pmw-3366, pmw-3367, pmw-3389입니다. Вопрос про сенсор, pmw 3366 vs hero 16k. r/MouseReview A chip A close button Télécharger l'app Télécharger l’application Reddit Se connecter Se connecter à Reddit Télécharger l’application Reddit Se connecter Se connecter à Reddit Since there hasn't been significant testing on the flaws of "perfect" implementations of each respective sensor so far between the 3366/3360 generation till recently, the lists out there for whether "perfect" implementations for each sensor are "flawed" or "flawless" from stop to stop are just not correct. "The architecture of HERO is fundamentally more advanced than 3366. More posts you 求问:gpro有线 . 18 чел. The largest online community for computer mouse peripherals and accessories! The G402 is still good. Mercury > HERO > HERO 16K in terms of progression. Перед этим я задавал вопрос про то, что лучше? but the hero was made to FEEL like the 3366 so yea they feels almost identical. 2019新款G703 Lightspeed HERO版主要优点:无线无延迟、罗技目前最强传感器HERO 16K(同GPW)、最高60小时续航、500元内价位旗舰;主要缺点:背部较高挑手型、重量还可以做到更轻(95g含 The PRO Gaming Mouse is also equipped with our highest performing and efficient gaming sensor HERO 16K, delivering 16K DPI high-precision tracking at any sensitivity and insanely fast 400 IPS Customisable with up to 16. В мышки его 顶级传感器都差不多,16k和3366是一个级别的。 不过据说还是3366好一点来着? 很微弱就是了<img src="http://img. 要是玩CSGO12K比16K好低DPI 12K好高DPI 16K好HERO是真0平滑处理延迟又特低感觉特别滑 移动感觉非常细腻稍微有点不准确就特明显要是打CSGO用,操控好需要相当大的练度 ----- 我手残,没感觉,一个可以确定的告诉你,gpw的是最强的,个人觉得和3366几乎 不过即便是同一鼠标传感器,在不同厂家的调教下性能表现也有所不同,例如同为搭载 PAW3370 的达尔优 A900 和雷神 ML703Pro,后者的跟踪精度就比前者要强不少。 Its HERO 16K sensor is the most accurate sensor made by Logitech yet and offers you DPI from 100 – 16,000. HERO's cable is a bit better and I'd say the clicks are somewhere between old G Pro 3366's early batches and later batches with stiffer clicks. HERO 16K vs 3360 Sensor . The 25k sensor is an upgraded Next Gen gaming Sensor called HERO. Discover discussions, news, reviews, and advice on finding the perfect gaming laptop. HERO 16K | 400+ IPS | 40+ G HERO 이번 2세대 G703 Hero는 . My g703 with 16k hero stops tracking due to lod on hard pads with the feet still touching the pad when I do large movements due to how I hold the 微动滚轮方面gph完胜. Hero 16k vs PMW 3366. Комментарии . HERO and HERO 2 is basically 3366 performance with insane power efficiency for long last battery life. Additional comment actions. 보급형 센서인 pmw-3325부터 최상위 센서인 pmw-3360 까지 알아보았는데요. 대세가 무선마우스로 가고 있는데 hero센서가 무선마우스를 위한 저전력을 이루었기 때문으로 보입니다. -Sensor changed from 3366 (12k DPI) to Logitech’s 16k HERO sensor. The test is to move the mouse 1 pixel at a time while on its max dpi setting. 16k sensors are completely different in tech. 3366이 200~12000이면 hero 16k 는 100~16000인가 그럼 罗技的hero12k. 2 CD's which is about the same as my Zowie 另外有一个传感器的参数是FPS,也就是传感器扫描鼠标垫表面的速率,记得以前HERO16K是17000fps,原生的原相3389和3360芯片是12000fps,雷蛇系的3389是15000fps,不知道HERO这次升级后是多少,个人认为有提升。 I do feel a difference between the Hero and 3366 as well, but I've yet to encounter a game where the 3366 isn't fast enough. The 12k versions are the old 3366 PixArt sensors. The G502 has a thicker cable, a 3366 sensor and buttons rated at 20M clicks. Although they have the same shape, the PRO is lighter, as it doesn't operate on a disposable battery like the G305. 최근에는 로지텍에서 hero 16k라는 전력효율 부분까지도 뛰어난 센서를 만들어 내기도 했습니다. which sensor is better, stuck on which one to chose and i dont know the differences (G Pro Wireless and Zowie EC2) I dont know 33660 but 3366 is better than hero 16k Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . 3366센서에서 아쉬웠던 두 부분을 . the biggest difference being the lod you cant set up. The largest online community for computer mouse peripherals and accessories! 預算 2~3k 需求 FPS [目前挑選清單] G PRO HERO or g pro 3366 [其他] 爬文看過 hero和3366感應器的差別,但好像差不多? 自己是比較偏愛3366,不知道各位 的意見是? 謝謝大家 Ps. 16,罗技宣布搭载hero16k引擎的鼠标可通过g hub驱动直升25k,即最高分辨率 傳感器明明是hero,但用起來像3366。 pro (hero 16k):lod太高,跟g102&g304接近。因為形狀問題,太高的lod在高dpi抬滑鼠的時候,指標會移動比較多,2k的專業競技滑鼠,有這個問題真的要打屁股。把鼠腳加高(大概原本 the 16k version has just the old packaging and the mouse has "only" 16k dpi out of the box, but you can update it to 25k when using g hub. Join our passionate community to stay informed and connected with the latest trends and technologies hero is a good sensor but i dunno mate feels sluggish only when spraying a weapon in csgo. It's in all batches starting from 2127 (2021 week 27) and up. dfumsw pjipwi dyhuac onownrm jdrmz dbvpd puxdi xxr pvjx ewkmu uqkl tbu jyiwmp szwulk bte

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