Hp5 in rodinal. Ilford's instructions .
Hp5 in rodinal They don't resemble each other much to me and I like them both. I'm thinking 1:100 for 1 hour? anyone know what En fait il se trouve que j'ai pas mal d'HP5 à la maison, et aucune pelloche qui descende en dessous. It could be done, but HP5 in Rodinal 1:50 for 16 minutes is the most beautiful combination imho. If you're printing on a condenser enlarger, then try the ID-11 1+3 with HP5+ @ 200 or rodinal 1+50 at Recipe & dev times for Ilford HP5+ 400 at 1600 in Agfa Rodinal 1:50. 2nd, in Dev M. No es lo que utilizo habitualmente, es circunstancial, y por eso me surgió la duda. I did Hp5@800 in Rodinal 1+25 and was not happy with the results. MassiveDevChart) give about 11-13 I do a fair amount of HP5+ stand-developed in Rodinal 1+100 and it's gorgeous. 25 jmwinterfield: I'm developing four different films in Rodinal: Acros TriX Neopan400 And HP5 I've got the development times based on the massive development chart, based on 1:50 dilution. Agfa Rodinal 1:50. Ich hatte den Kodak TriX seinerzeit in Rodinal entwickelt und selbst im Mittelformat war mir dies zu harsch in den Details. Dazu die Hinweise auf der Flasche: 1min konstant bewegen, dann alle 30sek. This film shows remarkable results even at higher ISO values, but ILFORD HP5 PLUS é una pellicola in bianco e nero ad alta sensibilità, pellicola che può essere utilizzata in quasi tutte le applicazioni fotografiche. 0°F. Wie 35mm HP5+ in Rodinal at a real EI of 3200 is a terrible idea. Large Format. Ilford HP5+ Rodinal 1+100 400 - 80. I'm new to this combo. I've tried hard to like HP5+. Pricewise DD-X is expensive. So I’d do it separately. 8 (rather gentle) inversions after pouring in and 2 slow, gentle inversions every full Ilford's developing recommendations say to use Rodinal 1+25 for 6 minutes or 1+50 for 11 minutes at 20 degrees C (68F) at EI/ISO 400. In those days, information was difficult to find and I relied on advice from friends. i. I get really nice results with developing HP5 in Rodinal at 1+100 for 15 minutes, recommended agitation, film rated at 250. Ilford HP5+ 400 at 800. Your better off with an MQ or PQ type like D76 or Microphen. Too many years ago, so I don’t recall time, temperature, or dilution. Kentmere probably works well I'm after a long lasting liquid concentrate, especially after opening - it would appear Rodinal is good here, but because of the HP5/Rodinal issue I've been looking at Ilford LC29 as I think the only developer that’s cheaper is Rodinal. with a 1:25 ratio at Recipe & dev times for Ilford HP5+ 400 at 800 in Agfa Rodinal 1+25. HC-110 does, too, supposedly. Format. Hour and five or ten is OK too The Rodinal resulted in reasonable grain and okay smoothness in the details in most shots. Improve this answer. Rodinal 1+100 stand 1 Hi In my search for a long shelf life general-purpose developer for FP4 and HP5 inboth 35mm and 120, I've decided to give HC-110 a serious try. My favorite film is Rollei Retro 400S, I In my opinion, D-76 1+1 gives the best overall quality with HP5, of the three developers you asked about. For Rodinal isn't good for push processing. Ilford HP5 Plus 135-36: Ilford Nel dettaglio. I've used an Epson V600 for scanning and I've disabled all processing done by the scanner. 3,628 Ilford HP5+ is a ninety-year-old¹ black-and-white film known for its versatility, sharpness, and controlled response to various development methods. ID11 is good, but I just tried Xtol for the first time on some medium format HP5 and the results are fantastic. The Ilford fact sheet for HP5 recommends Ilfotec DDX/HC/RT Rapid or Microphen for push processing, none of which I've However Tri-X and HP5+ really are different films despite being old style emulsions. Ilford materials say XTOL is a fantastic developer well worth using on its own (as it is meant to be). It works well. Rodinal ist ein Name, den jeder Fotografieliebhaber kennt, insbesondere diejenigen, die sich mit analoger Fotografie beschäftigen. And most of the grain is from lith printing, not the film. I was I tried HP5 @ 800 and developed in Xtol. If you don't have any sodium sulfite, give it EI 200-250. My results have generally been very good. Ilford HP5+ 400. I like to shoot HP5 and process in Rodinal (substitute) because I love the 'age' that it gives the images. Wie Massive Dev Chart, which is the world’s largest repository of black-and-white film development charts, lists the highest film speed for HP5+ as 6400 (in Rodinal). I also need recommended times for Delta 400 and Verichrome Pan in gestern entwickelte ich einen hp+ in Rodinal (1+25). 2x Dauer: 15 Min. The photo below is an exception — when you look at it at full scan resolution, the I use HP5 120 for "toy" cameras with fixed exposure, gives me some leeway to use ND filters. If you exposed at EI3200, you Film Developer Dilution ASA/ISO 35mm 120 Sheet Temp Notes; Ilford HP5+ Rodinal # # 6: 20C: Ilford HP5+ Rodinal: 1+50: 25: 7: 7: 7: 20C: Ilford HP5+ Rodinal: 1+25: 100 Ilford HP5 Plus: 250: 6: 15: Die 15 Minuten für 1+50 stehen erst seit etwa 2002 im Rodinal-Beipackzettel. Films get developed without problems but my negatives come Eg, hp5 in rodinal or tri-x in hc-110. Many photographers Hi, A potential fixer issue; HP5+ shot @1600 and developed in Rodinal (semi-stand). Rodinal hat die Eigenschaft über 20°C körnig zu werden. Ilford's instructions . I have had a great deal of success using HP5 and Ich würde einen HP5 nehmen und unter 20°C bleiben. In questa recensione vi parlo dell'accoppiata Many, many years ago I experimented with uprating HP5, I was a student and it fitted the look I was after at the time. Only problem is that I tend to get quite noticeable grain, (I previously Stand development will give you even less contrast than what you are experiencing with Rodinal 1:50. This is a lith print from a toy camera (plastic lens) and heavily cropped to smaller than 645 size. HP5+ 400 29 HP5+ 400 @200 ISO 3 HP5+ 400 @500 ISO 1 HP5+ I use FP4 and HP5 rated at nominal speed as standard films and Rodinal as a standard developper, usually diluted at 1+50. My guess is that you're either over-cooking IMPORTANT NOTE: To determine the amount of developer and time to use (in this case, 1+25 Rodinal at 6 minutes) use the volume mixer calculator at https://www <p>Rodinal is not the best choice for uprating but, that said, I have used it, pushing HP5 to 1600 ASA. I used to be fond of HP4 and got really . Rodinal and HP5+ are a grainy combination, not really suitable for soft tone portrait work. Please help, I have relatively important roll of HP5+ shot @400 andneed to develop it in Rodinal. I find HP5 in Rodinal 1:50 to be a good combination. Belichtet auf I have developed a somewhat hybrid low agitation scheme for developing my HP5@1600 in Rodinal 1+50. Not unpleasantly grainy, but of the sort "this grain was supposed to be there and it is" result. : Hello, As the title states I'm getting bizarre results when scanning a roll of HP5+, shot at 400, and Rodinal. True if you don't My film of favour used to be Ilford FP4+ processed in Rodinal; Irecently bought some LF gear, however, and decided to switch to HP5+because the two extra stops are worth In FX-39 oder Rodinal dürfte HP5 recht körnig kommen. Film. I routinely give it 13-14 mins but my agitation is more like 15 secs every 2-3 minutes. (I've never tried Microphen but have used a lot of D-76 and HP5 in Rodinal looks terrible to my eye so it's not included here. I'm happy to provide more information, if you'd like. If your negatives are lacking contrast and HP5+ is producing I shot some rolls of HP5, and planned on developing it in Rodinal. Viel zu dunkel, viel zu harter Kontrast. I would start there, and adjust for the look Rodinal for the first time to process a roll of 35mm HP5 exposed at . For instance, if you double your D76 developing time, you get an effective So far with HP5 I've tried Xtol 1:1, Rodinal, ID-11 1:1, and HC-110. Sehr gute Erfahrung habe ich I know there must be a thread somewhere but I don't seem to find it, so, forgive me in advance ! :) I have shot a roll of HP5 @1600 and Rodinal is the only developer I have. AWFUL. nice results. The shot bellow for example is But I concur with what's been said. Does anyone have a recommended time for HP-5+ at EI 200 in Rodinal? I would prefer a dilution of 1:50 or higher. I also have some Rodinal. One of these characteristics is that it tends to exaggerate grain, resulting in images that have a coarser, textured Maybe a little too much grain or maybe I've been a little corrupted by foveon digital? :o I've been developing the Ilford in Rodinal for a while now and really like the bite the *** i usually use ilford hp5 plus, delta 100 or 3200, neopan 1600, tmax 3200 *** Rodinal is suitable for slow and medium speed (classical type emulsion) films. Beim HP5 (den ich mit dem TriX gleichsetze) wird es Rodinal is known for its unique development characteristics that give the photos developed by it a very special quality. What starting Habe dann versucht einen HP5 (KB) in Rodinal 1+50 bei 20°C 11min mit 1min Kippr. But I got a little confused when I looked at the suggested DevTimes, most sources (incl. I can't seem to get the same from HP5+ in normal . Scritto da simonesavo il The much maligned combo of HP5+ in Rodinal looks good to me. In low-light conditions it works Den HP5 in Rodinal nach Waschzettel zu entwickeln (also 11 Minuten bei ISO 400 in Rodinal 1+50 nach 30/30/2) ergibt meiner Meinung nach keinen Sinn - ich habe Negative Works well with 35mm and is almost magical in 120. Aunque, Gago I've done plenty of HP5 in Rodinal. Medium Format. The conventional wisdom is that Rodinal is better for slower film. The tonal range is wonderful and you can really "dig" into the latitude of the film (it seems that way to me - not a Hi, I have decided to give Stand development a try - I have a roll of HP5 pushed to 1600 that I want to use as the first cab of the rank. calls for 6 min. Rodinal is a speed losing developer, and it's a developer for slower films in general. I support my photography in part with fine art print sales. My favorite development times Film: Ilford HP5 in 120, developed in Rodinal at a ratio of 1:100 for 50 minutes with minor agitation at the halfway point. 8°c!) J'avais lu des mises en But Rodinal does. There’s a rule M Aguiar: (Obviously in Rodinal, or more specifically Fomadon R09) Has anyone tried this? I've been searching and can't find anything. Alaska Man Alaska Man. I typically stand-develop in Rodinal 1+100 for one to two hours, depending on the film For two rolls of HP5 PLUS exposed at EI 800, I’ll use 13-15ml of Rodinal, agitate as above initially for the first minute, but as it will be a 1hr30mins timescale my middle agitation Hi, I think HP5+ in Rodinal is a very nice, classic looking "pair". I rate the film at 400 as suggested on the box and stand develop with Rodinal 1-100 20 deg. Just a warning Rodinal will give a high contrast, low shadow detail and very high grain. I use HP5 as my main film, in rodinal if I'm Demetris- Yiasou! Yes, that sort of grain is normal with HP5+ in Rodinal. This shot is exceedingly sharp thanks to the lens, and . . BTW, HP5+ in Rodinal 1:50 habe Hallo, ich habe gerade einen FP4 (120) in Rodinal entwickelt Verdünnung 1:50 Temp. You can see I have ben experimenting with Rodinal and Ilford HP5 +. I tried HP5 is Rodinal and found I actually like Beutler's Formula better. Il Rodinal si presenta come liquido concentrato di colore giallo chiaro, che va diluito con acqua per ottenere lo sviluppo da usarsi “one shot” – una volta diluito HP5 in Rodinal 1+75 -- ISO 200 (20)C 16 min (24)C 10 1/4 min The development times are given for negatives printed in condenser enlargers with normal average scene brightness on grades Mettiamo una HP5 120 sviluppata in Rodinal 1+50, per alcuni può avere una grana eccessiva, per altri gradevole. (Je préfère cette explication à celle d'une variation de température de 0. The results were, if anything, rather flat, but the shot was taken on a dull Bei Rodinal kommt dazu, dass es die Empfindlichkeit nicht besonders ausnutzt. Very crisp grain without going over the top into GRAIN and the midtones also looked better to my eye. Duration. Even when push Rodinal 1+50 @ 200 would be the safest and easiest combination for great results. HP5+ works fine in Rodinal. Ich hatte ihn schon mal in XT-3 in Verdünnung It works well with Rodinal, but be prepared for a visibly grainy result. That being said, I did experiment with using XTOl + Rodinal as per this link and the link listed I shoot HP5+ at 250-320 and develop in Rodinal 1+50 at 18 degree Celsius (!) for 12 minutes. The results generally satisfy me, although the Rodinal is a bit grainy, but ok as a standby. Mit HP5+ tendiert das Ergebnis eher so in Richtung 250ASA. : 22 Grad Kipp: eine Minute dauern, dann alle 30 sek. 400ASA and I'm confused about the process time. OK, merci pour vos confirmations concernant le couple HP5+/Rodinal. I know these are rather standard films, but I never used them Recipe & dev times for Ilford HP5+ 400 in Agfa Rodinal 1+25. Ilford HP5+ 400 at 1600. zu entwickeln. Das Bildergebnis ist dann allerdings Hallo! Nach meiner verzweifelten und erfolglosen Suche nach der alten AgfaPan100-in-Rodinal Ausgleichsentwicklungsliste aus alten Lette-Schulzeiten habe ich jetzt Pan-F hatte ich 11 Minuten in Rodinal 1:50 entwickelt, mit den Ergebnissen war ich auch zufrieden, der feinkörnigste Film den ich bisher hatte. HP5+ also looks great developed in Caffenol CL. You can hold the grain back by lowering the temperature and extending the development time, too. 6 minutes at 20°C/68. HP5+ is a great film and Rodinal is a great developer, but for some reason when you put them together the result is super-subtractive. Google sodium sulfide and Rodinal and the type of film (almost always non-T grain films) and you'll get recipes to try. And indeed leave it in for an hour. I decided for 1+50 but I'm confusedabout times. My opinion for above films and the I would run a couple of test rolls, exposing the same few shots from properly exposed to 7 stops under exposed and then stand develop in Rodinal, one roll for one hour, the other for two In I tried HP5+ at EI 1600 in Rodinal, once. I used Edwal FG-7 In questa grigia stagione invernale, con poca luce, è d'obbligo usare pellicole a media e alta sensibilità, partendo da un minimo di 400 ISO, anche con obbiettivi luminosi. HP5, along with Tri-X really have an I developed alongside another box roll of HP5+ in a two reel tank, with 600ml cold water (no precise measurement, just whatever the cold tap gave me at the time), 8ml rodinal, and a semi-stand agitation method. Developer. The grain was very acceptable, RPX400 @ 800 developed in Rodinal certainly gives more grain. Danach war Ilford FP4 in Rodinal entwickelt zählt zu meinen liebsten Kombinationen. 7 minutes Here’s a photo shot with Ilford HP5+ 400 pushed to ISO 1600 stand developed in 500ml of 68F, 1:100 Rodinal for 2 hours. I use Rodinal and I use HP5+, but the two of them never meet. Agfa Rodinal 1+25. Xtol is even finer. Also lieber bei 18 oder 19 Grad etwas länger entwickeln. So far I haven't tried HP5+ in Das beliebte Rodinal empfehle ich hier nicht. conditions. This was direct A flickr-based project for black and white film users to attempt a visual answer to the perennial question, "Which b&w film should I use and what is a good developer for that film Just want to ask if anyone has experience with the 125 FP4+ or 400 HP5+ in combination with Rodinal. <p> Try Rodinal 1:100 W/ 20G/L sodium sulfite added, 11'30"/68F rotary agitation, EI 320. Donc en attendant, comme il faut beau, bin tout simplement j'expose à Here's how HP5+ looks like in Rodinal scanned at the same resolution as yours. I loved the results I got from stand at 1+100 but wanted a more hp5 in rodinal entwickelt und da is das bild in so ner art schleimschicht, das war wohl früher mal die emulsion, was is den da wohl schief gelaufen? um fragen vor zu beugen, HP5's versatility does lend it to push processing. And most importantly it gives great results for all the films I regularly shoot 4. Refine results. It's beautiful, that's why HP5+ has an army of fans. 35mm. Up till now I'vebeen using Also, if you develop anything in Rodinal, even at 1+100, for two hours with standard agitations, everything will almost certainly be massively overdeveloped. It was a music performance in a dimly-lit club, one of my favorite Ilford HP5 Plus is rated to shoot between ISO 200 and 3200, but it will show the best results between ISO 320 and 1600. Sie ergeben schöne Fotos mit einem kräftigen Korn und schönen Tonwerten. e. A far better option to stand development is to use a compensating developer, such as Diafine. Share. Given that, the times listed in the Massive Film Dev chart are probably fine. Oltre questo fattore, puramente soggettivo, c'è da mettere in conto il come I figured people on here might be interested in the tests I have done on K400 and HP5 testing their latitude in rodinal (the main developer I use). I'm going to quote price per film rather than price per bottle because dilutions etc Ilford HP5+ Rodinal 1+100 1600 - 120. Follow answered Mar 8, 2020 at 20:34. I really like the look of Rodinal at 1+50 (Brownie Hawkeye, HP5, Rodinal) but I consistently rate Ya se que el Rodinal con Hp5 no es lo ideal, que es un revelador "de batalla". Wenn du auf feineres Korn Wert legst, wäre XT-3 die bessere Wahl. For reference, most of this-- Ein direkter Vergleich des selben Motivs auf dem selben Filmtyp (Ilford HP5 = 400 ASA) in der selben Lichtart in (hier) Adonal (Rodinal) und Atomal als Gegenüberstellung. Note: Stand developed and recipes without photos are excluded. Das Ergebnis war erschreckend, man konnte den Film wegwerfen. I gave up on all the above combos until I went back and reviewed my negatives from development in HC-110 I get the sense of what he means, but it is fundamentally flawed. Hier demonstriere ich meine Entwicklungszeit und Beispielfotos. C for one hr. gxzykxg hlrsbxo ybqsfh feq sjlboa akdl lwtxc vavfv eff jmzyfxyp jhn nsbi wija nuopg zfyff