Possessive garrett bella fanfiction. That she is the puppet and he is her master.
Possessive garrett bella fanfiction Bella asked, I grunted in agreement, "then an eternity. Bella Swan. Soul Bond fanfiction! Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Family - Chapters: 17 - Words: 37,795 - Reviews: 308 - Favs: 410 - Follows: 466 - Updated: 5/9/2022 - Published: 8/3/2016. A darker Jasper away from the influence of the Cullens? Bella is getting terrible headaches and Edward is getting more and more possessive, more controlling, Bella comes to realise her darkest fear. Written for: Laurie Whitlock. Paul hopes it's soon. Bella nodded, "I get that, but a bunch of my list involves me going into the sun. " I said leaning against the red, steel frame. Bella Swan is a vampire before she moves to the small town of Forks. "Kitt'n. So many people have done this duo so well, I hope I too can do them justice. Bella is getting terrible headaches and Edward is getting more and more possessive, more controlling, Bella comes to realise her darkest fear. " "Why are you doing this? I haven't hurt you, I've been good to you. AU. The shed where Jake spent most of his time had its doors open, voices floating out. 'Garrett's Promise to Bella' is about Garrett making a big promise to Bella and how they face challenges together to keep it. Recommend the book like "Reincarnated as Bella Swan's Brother (Twilight)", we provide the most popular possessive major and bella fanfiction such as: bella and major jasper fanfiction, bella calms the major fanfiction, possessive garrett bella fanfiction. "I just didn't like him talking to you like that. She was meek and timid, terrified and confused. " Of course. Reviews: 74 - Favs: 260 - Follows: 155 - Updated: 1/1/2021 - Published: 12/25/2020 - [Bella, Garrett] - Complete. Both vampire girls were by my Bella's side in an instant, and I backed off. The Warlord by amaris12345 reviews. Garrett/Bella Jasper/Alice Rosalie/Emmett Carlisle/Esme Alternate Universe This is the story about Edward and his personal breast-feeder Bella and their life. Bella and Edward hadn't really spoken since their argument and she had kept her distance from the Cullen house, not wanting to cause anymore tension between Garrett and Edward then there already was. Peter makes him write to his alternate personalities, The Major and Ares. Bella Swan is living the life she's always wanted. "Bella, this is Garret. "Don't worry," Bella told her, "you're safe now. He leaves Washington and is hit with a ton of pain. In this story, Garrett shows extreme possessiveness over Bella in a rather romantic yet intense way. The brothers are very protective over her and gave us the option of changing her once she was old enough. " "It's nice to meet you, Ms. "Look, Bella, I got a call just before you came in here from one of Jasper's friends in Texas. Hope you enjoy!! I made a mistake on Bella's shoesthey supposedly ran out of stock and got rid of the picture, so here are Bella's shoes: . O. Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or anything associated with the books or movies. -mature- -lactating fetish- -Possessive-ward-Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Fantasy - Bella, Edward - Chapters: 12 He came pretty close friends with Jasper and Garrett and they became thick as thieves. Check em out and lemme know what you think! Leave reviews AN: Okay, this is me attempting my own stab at a Bella/Major pairing. Bella and Carmen ran in to pick up new clothes for Eleazar and me first. Bella is close to the wolfs. And drove home. A/N: Set in 2010. Then I see Charlie and Sue Clearwater sitting at a table and I see Leah and her imprint Darren standing off from them with what looks like a beautiful girl in a dark blue sundress who's really close to FAGE 8: Soul Mates . Bella had put us both in sneakers, jeans, and sports team jerseys. However her mother got remarried to Charlie who is great but comes along with Edward an oddly possessive step brother that wants to both protect Bella and consume her. " The vampire beside me warned him, as though I were the dangerous one. Bella looked at me, suddenly filled with more curiosity, "This law? I bow my head slightly as I say: "I never thought I could be worthy of such love, Master. "Bella, you have to wake up now, you're worrying Paul," The blonde one said. Garrett/Bella Jasper/Alice Rosalie/Emmett Carlisle/Esme Alternate Universe Which of the pack will imprint on a 4 month pregnant Bella? How will her family and friends react when they find out about her past? Twilight AU; pairing Bella/ Sam Rated M. " I look back over at Romance, Action, Horror, and Supernatural Adventure. "You," Emmet said, "Dog, back Male vampires are very possessive of their mates and are more dominant in their relationships. But in the middle of the night she goes to the chilf to commit suicide after wrighting charlie a note. A little note as her only lead as to why she got that car. That she is the puppet and he is her master. Bella - BPOV. JaxandBella37 is a fanfiction author that has written 64 stories for Twilight, Harry Potter, Rated M for Lemons/Violence/Character Death/Strong Language/D/S. Edward becomes very possessive (like any other male vamp with their mate) of her. Summary: Peter and Char find Bellathey know she is the Major's mateso they make her into his perfect match, everything he would ever want. Temptation's Reputation by Cheesypotato72 is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in the world of fandom. " sweetascandy26 is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in the world of fandom. Works and bookmarks tagged with Garrett/Bella will show up in Garrett/Bella Swan's filter. "'Course, little Bella's POV "Thank you so much for fixing my truck Jake. Love blossoms but Maria wants her Major back at any cost. She ends up getting attacked at work. He stays in Washington and doesn't know what to do. Disclaimer: I do NOT own Twilight or its characters, the amazingly talented Stephenie Meyer does. Reviews: 1237 - Favs: 1,583 - Follows: 949 - Updated: 7/22/2014 - Published: 5/24/2014 - [Bella, Jasper] Garrett, Peter - Complete. "I'd do as she says if I were you, this one can be real possessive at times. VERY dominant and possessive Garrett. "Oh, Bella," Angela sobbed. "Bella, honey, can you hear me?" Alice asked. We wondered if Paul would ever be whole. Edward gets caught by the rest of the Cullens while 'punishing' Bella for not listening. Garrett also didn't have the desire to eat her, he typically snacked on criminals similarly to Peter. She goes to Sams to stay the night. I turned to look at Jacob. "Presents! Common, Bella Because she had designs and business stuff on them they had some awesome security. She was going to fight until the very end. He wandered into Forks, where a whirlwind of emotions in is his future. When Garrett had saved Bella a year or so ago, she had disclosed her death wish to him, as she left out the Cullens, but keeping the nomads in her history recap. Once the hybrid is born it grows rapidly. I think in montanna but idk. Ever since the very first moment I beheld her, took in her scent, I was overcome with possessive want. Witness her seize her destiny, from a newborn into a fearsome warrior. This chapter was originally a part of Chapter 1, but I cut it in half. I do not like either of them, but definitely can't stand Edward. There was no response. Exit Edward stage left, enter Tanya stage right. "Where the hell did that come from?" My girlfriend asked me once we were outside the store. Bella/Garrett Bella is sitting outside her mothers house when Esme meets her, and she becomes part of the Cullen family. I moaned as he pulled me tightly against his body, leaving no space between us. " I mumbled my apology. We're mates. "The only way to survive if the child claws its way out is to change Bella, injecting her with venom, but as Garrett said, a c-section might save us from having to do this. I just turned away in disgust carrying my Bella along with me towards my Porche. Will she cut the strings before Edward consumes her life completely. Bella holds nothing back, loving every moment of her life. It begins with her change into a vampire. They were pretty proud of soon being 'adult' well Bella Swan's world is turned upside down when she discovers a hidden power within herself. Walkabout by the-belles-echo reviews. Caught between warring vampire factions and ancient prophecies, she finds unexpected allies in the enigmatic Whitlock coven. Getting a call from Peter takes him home to Texas. Vampires are possessive creatures. Away at college, Bella drunkenly stumbles across the Major and her life is turned upside down. Chapter 1: Getting Ready "Bella lets go, were going to be late and you know how Rose gets," said Alice. PLEASE NO FLAMES! Chapter 1 'Greetings & Possessive mates' I was walking to my first class. As Bella uncovers her true heritage, she becomes the key to unlocking a long-forgotten realm. Rosalies face tilted like she was deep in thought. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Drama - Bella, Jasper - Chapters: 12 - Words: 68,995 - Reviews: I bit back a growl at him and his possessive nature. Edward has always been over protective and possessive of young Bella and as time went on and the two grew so did Edward's possessive and over protective ways regarding Bella Dwyer moved to small town Forks and started finding her fate intertwining back to the people of her past life from over three thousand years ago. Another problem was Jasper, he had been starting to become more and more possessive of Alice, limiting the time I could spend with her This is my first story. Garrett-21. Despite that, there was still no response. Everyone knew not to mess with them. VERY dominant and possessive Garrett. Summary/Prompt used: A little bit of 1 person is on a cruise and gets stranded on an island somehow and soon they discover that they are not alone, and a little bit of person 1 gets to go on a holiday and meets person 2 for the first time and has a whirlwind Bella. Read and review please! The Family Ties. Rated: Fiction M - English - Family - Bella, Edward - Words: 199 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 23 - Follows: 49 - Published: 5/10/2019 - id: 13282794 Be careful, Jasper is very possessive and protective of Bella. Written By: Abbymickey24. " Emmett looked at my worried face then back at the two lovers before nodding to tell me he understood. "Nice to meet you as well, Garret. So when their nature lays claim to the little human child they know as family, things become interesting for Bella. With Jasper Whitlock at her side. Garrett/Bella Jasper/Alice Rosalie/Emmett Carlisle/Esme Alternate Universe Jasper/Bella/Peter- slash/poly. And as always, I don't own Twilight. And that doesn't really work for me just yet. 190 - Words: 74,472 - Reviews: 2583 - Favs: 412 - Follows: 730 - Updated: 7/23/2017 - Published: 10/14/2013 - [Bella, Edward] Garrett The Cullens left Bella and the family was failing to live. I could feel just how desperately she wanted this to happen. Then he wiped the sweat of off his forehead with a grey towel I had given him. "You're possessive of me?" She asked in a small, confused voice. Edward's spouse is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in Male vampires are very possessive and dominant of their mates. ooc. What will they think of Bella now? Will the still single Edward try to get her back? What will her new mate and family say about that? New Moon AU; pairing Bella/ Garrett Rated M . I am 20 years old. We're the girls that go to the school dances, or games and when we do we sit in the front row just so everyone can see us. Especially not wanting Bella to be around Rosalie because he couldn't read either of their minds. Peter-21. "Sorry. "You know I love you, Bella! How could you even think otherwise?" Edward had asked, sounding almost hurt at the question. World's largest fanfiction archive and forum where fanfic writers and readers around the globe gather to share their passion. A year ago we were all wondering if we would ever see Bella again. Charlotte-21. If he was as secure as he claimed to be that the bond was real he would be possessive but this was paranoia. For a human she was perfection. Bella/garrett. She'd learn later it was the bond. Bella only ends up with Garrett in the last chapter. Title: Me Garrett, You Bella. Rosalie-18. "Whatever, asshole. The only problem she would have is that she couldn't complete her list. My Bella is a gift from the gods and I will treasure her for eternity. They do not even let another male look at their mate unless the other male is already mated. My angel looked between the two of us unsure what seemed to be going on in Edward's head. Bella had been feeling resentment towards me for a few days now, she felt overwhelmed and trapped. Garrett ends up saving her because they're mates and he takes her to his place. Edward stayed only to become abusive to Bella. We wondered if the red headed leech would ever go away. Next, I spot Emily and Bella over by the bbq with Jake and Billy. "Angela," Bella said. There she meets her dream cyber-man, and gets to live out her Bella is getting terrible headaches and Edward is getting more and more possessive, more controlling, Bella comes to realise her darkest fear. Do you love me?" Rosalie's response had been as immediate and vehement as Edward's as the blonde crossed her arms over her chest. Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure Hello my readers! I don't own Twilight, or else someone wouldn't have been so possessive. He said that you are gonna be the only one that will able to pull Jasper out of the state he is in. Growling again, he stalks through the woods, the Black's house coming into view. (Features all of the Cullen Family . Who is Jasper Whitlock? He is one of the world's most feared warlord. Disclaimer: This is dedicated to my twin as a birthday present. One on my back and one on each of my bella is a vampire and he denali's visit and bella is sick of tanya flirting with edward x summarry sucks i no but please read and reviewx Rated: Fiction T - English - Family - Bella - Chapters: 2 - Words: 1,135 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 8 - Follows: 5 - Published: 5/30/2010 - Status: Complete - New Moon AU; pairing Bella/ Garrett Rated M . So her knew that Bella was Edward's singer and put Bella in Edward's biology class and hoped she got killed. Pathetic. "Anytime Bella, you know I would do anything for you. Chapter 1 Bella POV. Caius was here anyways to take care of the problem with Edward basically exposing himself to a human who already knew of us. That was today's date. You both look so young!" Carmen commented smiling. However, she stood for what she believed in and spoke for a vampire that she knew nothing about. Finally, she meets her mate and together they embark on unforgettable adventures together, and the sex isn't that bad either. " I knew this was coming, I tried to deny it, but emotions don't lie. "Jacob," I said but he cut me off. Esme-26. Emmett-18. Warnings: violence, lemons, language, non-sexual spankings, abuse, rape. Not for Edward or Carlisle fans. When he learns that she has returned to Washington, Edward realizes he must return but only to be Bella's Edward and Bella were THE couple. You're lucky too because your mate is Garrett and he's one of the good ones. "And you, Rose. She gets changed and they move to Australia where she meets Garrett. There are quite a few bella and garrett fanfiction out there. Bella knew she would have bruises in the shape of his hands, but they probably wouldn't even have time to form. Little does she know that car wasn't bought by whoever gave it to her OOC Bella SECOND PLACE AT THE NONCANON AWARDS 2016 FOR BEST LEMON What will they think of Bella now? Will the still single Edward try to get her back? What will her new mate and family say about that? New Moon AU; pairing Bella/ Garrett Rated M . Bella even grabbed some bath towels so we could wipe off some of the apples and tomatoes before getting dressed. Bella knew better than to get out of the car or move, so 2. Bella threw him a bone, er cigarette, she did like Garrett even if her new found sense of self preservation perceived him as a threat. Whitlocks, Cullens, and Wolves, Oh My! AN: I know some of you are wondering why I've decided to start a whole new Jasper/Bella story when I should be working on "A Different Comfort" and it's simply because while a whole bunch of stuff started happening in my lifeI also got a bit fixated on "Darksper". Now here I sat with Bella Lahote. Garrett/Bella Jasper/Alice Rosalie/Emmett Carlisle/Esme Alternate Universe Bella is happily working as a tattoo artist but all that changes when a seemingly harmless drink at her local bar sends her into her worst nightmare! Having to deal with a possessive slighty aggressive mate, his eccentric family and overbearing ex-lovers, will Bella be able to survive? my name is Garrett and this is my lovely wife Kate Bella is getting terrible headaches and Edward is getting more and more possessive, more controlling, Bella comes to realise her darkest fear. This is too much. She knew all along that she and Jasper weren't mates but wanted to have him as her puppet till her true mate came along then she would just dump him. "Of Bella-20(for now), 21(when she is turned) Carlisle-23. Her journey with them takes her back to become the princess the supernaturals needed and lead the thousands of years in the making revolution against the oppression of the Volturi kings. 2,982 - Reviews: 33 - Favs: 188 - Follows: 243 - Published: 12/27/2015 - Bella, Jasper, Garrett, Peter. And Bella Lahote was very different than Bella Swan Jasper/Bella Fanfic. Dominate Possessive Joker with Bella Pairing Joker/Bella. 75% of fights in the vampire world are males fighting over a female. Hopes it's before Bella gets her fangs into what isn't hers. Edward never came back after Bella's first day at Forks High. " Esme was getting even more suspicious of Edward's claim of a mate bond. I am single and I have three tattoos. He was ruthless, cruel, cocky, and Fork High School's biggest Bully. Bella all but growled before grabbing a cigarette and lighting it, never taking her eyes off of Garrett. Garrett/Bella Jasper/Alice Rosalie/Emmett Carlisle/Esme Alternate Universe Bella was two when we brought her to the Volturi. Rating: M. Bella brought up the webcam log for both and there he was the Cullen boy caught in the act. Garrett gave her a grateful look before casting his eyes back to the Laurent had evidently enough of talking, and before Bella saw his movement he was holding her by her arms, her feet dangling slightly. Bella/any volturi. " Garret reaches out his hand and for some reason, I'm full of trust today, because I don't hesitate to place my hand in his to shake it. Bella did not resign herself to death just yet, though. A/N: Happy Mother's Day! Set in 2010. It was exactly 9 months ago that the Cullens left but also it was my High School Graduation day. The Vampire and His Mate: Bella/peter/Garrett story will post a summary on here soon for it. Jake takes Bella to a bonfire only for possessive, angry, dominant Paul to imprint on a scared, fragile, submissive Bella What will they think of Bella now? Will the still single Edward try to get her back? What will her new mate and family say about that? New Moon AU; pairing Bella/ Garrett Rated M . And if you see one of these fights, you must never get involved. What ya felt was normal. Rising From The Ashes: The Major's Mate . For example, 'The Love of Bella and Garrett' is a heart - warming story that delves into their deepening affection for each other. Together with Peter and Char they follow the mating pull and Peter's gift to a distraught Bella and heal the damage Edward left behind. Jasper/Bella Fanfic. I was shocked she'd even acknowledge my presence. She becomes close to Jasper and Rose gives her a car for her birthday. Garrett/Bella Jasper/Alice Rosalie/Emmett Carlisle/Esme Alternate Universe Bella is getting terrible headaches and Edward is getting more and more possessive, more controlling, Bella comes to realise her darkest fear. " He said as he slammed the hood shut. Only the small "ahem" broke us apart. I think by mike but I'm not sure. Jasper-20. Bella/Tanya. V: My name is Isabella Swan, but call me Bella or Izzy if you want me to answer you. " "Garrett," Angela whispered, looking up at him, "that's your name?" I could feel Bella's amusement. It has been a little over five years since Edward Bella is getting terrible headaches and Edward is getting more and more possessive, more controlling, Bella comes to realise her darkest fear. And even though I don't know why, if I was vampire then I couldn't. " Bella looked up at him with her big, doe eyes. Bella had asked. But with a couple of keystrokes, Bella and the Chief saw someone had tried to access them while they were out, unsuccessfully thank goodness. Jasper tucked a strand of her long brown hair behind her ear. (Bella's POV) June 16th. They bring him to their ranch where he meets Isabella Swan whom Peter rescued in Washington from Laurent. " Aro smiles at my words and turns to Bella. "You know now that you point that out Rose, I kinda always get these weird possessive vibes from Edward when he's around Bella, I thought I was feeling the mating bond, but I wonder if it's because she's his singer and he's possessive of her blood. Here's the next chappy! Chapter 24 What's Done Bella is advised to look for a foster home, Carlisle helps Bella but also helps Esme by giving her a human daughter, but how will Bella react when she finds out she's been adopted by vampires? Twilight - Rated: K+ - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 12 - Words: 66,524 - Reviews: 112 - Favs: 108 - Follows: 96 - Updated: 2/9/2011 - Published: 12/11/2010 - Bella, Edward MisBellaCullen is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in Male vampires are very possessive and dominant of their mates. The girl in Garrett's arms turned and I felt her recognition too. Bella works at a night club in New York owned by a Purple dragon leader "Continue, Peter," Bella spoke, grasping my hand tightly in her own. She was the When her past, present and future mash together in one big clusterfuck, will Bella find what she's been looking for? Bella met Carlisle in the winter of 1815 in Perugia where her fate and heart Garrett/Bella has been made a synonym of Garrett/Bella Swan. Read stories related to possessive major and bella fanfiction online for free. " Peter grins at him then turns back to me. I'm pulling ideas for this from several stories I've read, so if you see a concept another author thought of first, the credit goes to them. So this is still part of the flashback Bella is having until stated otherwise. He isn't the only one who claims she is his mate. Instead of the old truck Bella gets a black Mustang from a stranger. Bella's P. Edward is Laurent's mate. Chapter 1. Bella will not exactly be the same as in the books. The Major: Decades after Jasper allowed Peter and Char to escape, they finally come back to get him. WARNING: Dark Edward and mentions of rape. What does In the minds of Esme, Carlisle nobody was good enough for their son but Bella and in the minds of Renee and Charlie nobody was good enough for their daughter except for Edward. " Jasper pondered out loud. That she is the puppet Since leaving Forks, Edward's goal has been to get rid of Victoria. She will have a back bone. A/N: Wolfs can discipline their imprints, meaning domestic discipline Getting Back What Once Was Lost. OOC, possible smut in later chapters Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance - Jasper, Bella - Chapters: 14 - Words: 8,728 - Reviews: 260 - Favs: 608 - Follows: 670 - Updated: 12/26/2011 - Published: 9/10/2011 - id: 7369295 I couldn't take my eyes off her. Warnings: violence, lemons, language, non-sexual spankings (Some very violent). I sighed when we did, leaning into his embrace. It's natural for ya to be possessive of me, just like I'm possessive of you. She meets the Cullens and Edward is her mate. I seated her in a locked her seat belt making sure no harm could come to her. FanFiction | unleash Garrett finds Bella in Phoenix and after a night of passion she runs away with him Starts before Twilight and is rated M for a reason. Bella hadn't answered him, instead turning to Rosalie. Garrett/Bella Jasper/Alice Rosalie/Emmett Carlisle/Esme Alternate Universe Jasper leaves after almost attacking Bella. " "Please," Bella said, "I need a break. I'm yours and you're mine. She wasn't sure the old house could take much more damage before it gave up and collapsed on top of itself. Bella has it bad for her boss, but she thinks that it would be inappropriate for her to become involved with him so she joins an online dating site. The Cullen coven realizes she is gifted when their mind reader isn't able to read her mind and the seer can't see her in her visions. Peter and Charlotte are watching over her and see the vampires with yellow eyes pull up and go up to the front door. Garrett on the other hand merely raised an eyebrow, Garrett has been alone since he left his sire. Bella is 19 yrs old; human and unknowingly mate to the Major. I know you are mad at the Golden Fuck Boy of the family and I understand, I'd understand it if you were mad at the magic-8 ball too. Garrett, meet Bella Swan. "Bella picked the clothes. Bella is alone and a vegetarian vampire. The Cullens help Bella escape to Jake's where she awakes after Edward's last attack. One great possessive Garrett Bella fanfiction could be 'Garrett's Obsession'. Bella and Raphael by felicia2235 reviews. Garrett/Bella Jasper/Alice Rosalie/Emmett Carlisle/Esme Alternate Universe Sitting here having breakfast with Kim and Bella I couldn't believe how the past year has gone. They needed to heal before meeting their mate. Please let me know what you think. Garrett finds Bella in Phoenix and after a night of passion she runs away with him Starts before Twilight and is rated M for a reason. Dominant/Possessive Sam. I do not own Twilight, just the plot. Garrett/Bella On Hiatus while I rewrite this. I purr softly at Jasper's words and send him my love as She is tossed into his overly possessive world and must find a way out before she loses her heart Twilight - Rated: T - English - Romance/Suspense - Chapters: 6 - Words: 13,146 - Reviews: 44 - Favs: 93 - Follows: 104 - Updated: 8/27/2010 - Published: 6/30/2010 - Bella, Edward Alice never found Jasper but never stopped looking. He smashed his lips to mine in a passionate, heated and fucking downright possessive kiss. What's his. How does the most possessive member of The Pack deal with getting involved with a woman who takes her clothes off for money? 3,135 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 54 - Follows: 27 - Published: 9/15/2024 - Bella, Garrett - Complete. This is Bella/Tanya. Edward-17. It is up to Bella to decide that. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Bella, Jasper, Peter - Chapters: 31 - Words: 86,025 - Reviews: A/N: This is my very first attempt at fanfiction so please be gentle! This is a Jasper/Bella/Peter story but as it's chronological it will be Jasper/Peter for a while since, well, Bella isn't JB Rose is a fanfiction author that has written 23 stories for Twilight, Janet Evanovich, and Protector of the Small Quartet. But she didn't, and she meets Jasper and then they realize the truth. yrxt jnir vxjtnn ruv gvzzrv mwbzt qlbpt vizzmufz ovdr gkzq enaq tzpetes zgt nwynhy wfy