Rns510 firmware version. Auch falls ihr noch die alte Firmware-Version ins.
Rns510 firmware version clb Part No SW: 1T0 035 680 C HW: 1T0 035 Hi guys my daughters car has a factory fit RNS510 running H11 1120 firmware, can anyone tell me what latest firmware I can upgrade to. Volkswagen RNS 510 Firmware Upgrade version 5238 – Details Download Location 1: RNS_510_FW_5238 My hope is to explain and clarify the updates that are out there, both Firmware, and Maps on the RNS510. an hour to load that, and then found that all internal (non HDD) memory had wiped - lost There is a maps tool with which you can put the maps on an SD card to load onto the RNS510 unit but you also need a firmware CD, or it will also compress the maps disc so that it fits on a single layer dvd, when I say compress all it really does it Welche Version muss ich mir jetzt runterladen damit ich die Neuinstallation hinbekomme und aus der Rebootschleife zu kommen. auf die letzte, für dieses RNS freigegebene Version zurück zu gehen Bildschirmtaste Version Info. Emplacement de téléchargement 1 : RNS-510-fw-5269. Can we update maps and SSD hard drive standard, factory firmware is 5378 with plenty of performance improvements due to implementation of solid-state hard drive. Also, I have the most current navigation update maps available and support for this if needed for the update. profitshare. 0xC001: Firmware 1200 2. B. Easy to update basically copy to DVD and put DVD into unit. ( Firmware & Karten Updates ) RNS 510 - Inoffizielle Firmware 5238-josi Update-CD, modifiziert, mit VIM und Testmode. Lukas 8th December, 2022, 07:56 AM #7. Found the actual 5382 SWL disk from a VW parts house for $15 . RNS510 firmware - Gestimani - 10-09-2024 Hi friends, A thank you and reputation + is more than welcome The following RNS510 firmware version can be downloaded: 1300 2760 3810 5238 6276-Download firmare-Burn on disc (slow as possible, 2x speed)-Ensure you verify the disc afterwards Läuft die Version die sich bereits auf dem Gerät befindet problemlos, Da das RNS 510 wie ein Computer funktioniert, und ein Software -/Firmware-Update ähnlich einem BIOS-Update ist, sollte einem immer bewusst sein, dass es auch hier zu defekten Geräten kommen kann! La version 5238 est compatible toutes versions de RNS 510 avec hdd ( Hardware C3 à C12), et installable depuis n'importe quel firmware. Assurez-vous de bien This upgrade WILL delete your music and/or maps if you have a firmware version 1xxx/2xxx and upgrade to 3800-3910. You can email me at bjm539@gmail. I just updated to 1140 version, now my question since i have rns510 part number 3C0-035-684A can i use firmware This is a guide to assist you to update the RNS510 Firmware. Folgende Navis sind davon betroffen bzw. USA members will have more experience than myself with your RNS units (different version/features when compared to our Euro spec models) ***Perth - Western Australia*** 2015 (MY16) R Line (V8), with Panoramic Roof. Voice Control (requires microphone – see Volkswagen RNS Firmware version 4366 for Rev E-H. 1. A third partition is created for POI data and the 20GB music partition now becomes 15GB. 0xC801 C: Firmware 2850 4. 12M (version 8534) If your unit is bootlooping, slow to initiate the backup camera, rebooting at v5382 RNS510 Firmware (In physical DVD format or digital download) Latest firmware available for the RNS510. What's an RNS510 (MFD3)? It is one of these: The method to successfully update the required firmware is detailed, and MUST be followed step-by-step. Th The document provides information on hardware versions, firmware versions, and part numbers for Volkswagen RNS 510 radios across different vehicle models from C3/C4 to C14. Se sei un felice possessore del sistema di navigazione RNS 510 per la tua Volkswagen, molto probabilmente vorrai mantenere il tuo dispositivo aggiornato con l’ultimo firmware disponibile. Some of the new features are Bluetooth audio support AV output Faster touchscreen response New volume location at bottom of screen without any dimming Wie kann ich bei diesem Gerät den aktuellen Firmewarestand auslesen. Auch falls ihr noch die alte Firmware-Version ins I can help you determine the correct version for your unit if you're unsure. Dans cet exemple, le RNS 510 est en version 2660. AM and the new VERSION INFO "HDD re-partitioning does not occur when upgrading to version 3930 and 3970 from 1xxx/2xxx, upgrade from 3800-3910 to use these versions. There are a number of good threads on this forum regarding the latest version and here is a post of the latest DVD that was for sale (but has since been sold) - it at least gives you the info you are looking for. Im Menü finde ich leider keine Infos zur Firmware. moin, ich habe das rns 510 wie auf dem bild zu sehen ist. This firmware version is specifically designed to cater to the needs of Sbase users, providing them with the best possible experience. Firmware - This is the Operating system of the radio, and controls general functions. 12M (version is 8534) and this is good for any RNS510 unit, it doesn't matter which firmware version you're running or how old your unit is. können die neue FW aufspielen: 7F0 035 680 A Eine Werkstattaktion für fehlerhafte Firmware im Mise A Jour derniere version RNS 510 (firmware) et POI. 5374 Updates new MPEG Codecs for DVD Movies/Videos, it will come handy with decoding new media. Hardware C3 to C12 can use firmware versions to 5238 Hardware C6 to C12 can use firmware versions to 5274. AW: Volkswagen RNS 510 Sammelthread ( Firmware & Updates ) Hallo zusammen, ich kenne mich aktuell noch nicht ganz gut mit den Firmware Updates aus. Hier mal die Übersicht welche letzte offizielle FW zu welchem Gerät gehört. die Firmware 1200. These are not compatible with SDHC cards so they can only take up to 2gb cards. Load: Firmware 2850_gw_all. This upgrade is designed My hope is to explain and clarify the updates that are out there, both Firmware, and Maps on the RNS510. Version L is the fastest functioning RNS-510 manufactured to date. Es ist nicht die letzte Version, jedoch die, die am fehlerfreisten läuft. 2018, 11:38. 5 FIRMWARE update needed BENZ W205 RESET: MCCoding: 2: 481: I too am looking for a North American version of the latest RNS510 firmware and maps. Many years ago I updated the firmware, to which version I can't remember and it's worked fine ever since. I have all the firmware versions for north america and Europe and am happy to help if anyone is looking to update their units properly with clear instructions and support if needed. So geht's: Volkswagen RNS 510 - Firmware Upgrade auf Version 5238 28. I also have the most current NAV update V. Bienvenue, Invité. iso This firmware Gateway Patch is to RNS 510 FIRMWARE 5238 UPGRADE with Video in Motion & Test mode Enabled. Warning! There is a remote chance of you ‘bricking’ the unit, this is a fraction of a percent but it could happen! The process takes RNS510; FW Update; RNS 510 Firmware Update auf die Firmware 5238 updatet, um auch von den Vorteilen zu profitieren. Voice Control (requires microphone ***8211; see Volkswagen RNS 510 Microphone Volkswagen RNS 510 Hardware and Software (firmware) Versions: HW Vehicle: 0xC001 – HW Radio: 0003 C3/C4 1T0 035 680 (1T0035680) 1T0 035 680 A (1T0035680A) Firmware version (when hardware last produced): 1200 All depends on what your present firmware version is. FZR-rider Aktiv-Mitglied. . Firmware versions 1040, 1140/1142, 4366 and 5382 The NAV map update is V. So geht's: Volkswagen RNS 510 - Firmware Upgrade auf Version 5238 Well, I just tried to find the current firmware version on my RNS510 and it looks like it is so old that it isn't visible from system setup. bin ich nicht so ganz fündig geworden. HW-Version H21 SW-Version 6270 Active map coverage West Europe Active map supplier Navteq Map version HDD 8477 W menu Media->Pojemność HDD mam: Pojemność 18,14GB Wolne 18,14GB Zajęte 0,00 Dane z ukrytego menu: Remaining Size: 19 477 209 088 (czyli jakieś 19,5GB) HDD Read Size: 30 016 659 456 (czyli jakieś 30GB) I can help you determine the correct version for your unit if you're unsure. Vielleicht kennt ja jemand von euch einen User der zufällig ein VCDS und 15 Minuten Zeit hat. A3fDevil666. ? Mein wollte das nämlich nur ausführen, wenn ich vorher unterschreibe, daß er die Arbeit ohne jede Gewähr ausführt, und jegliche Garantie aufs RNS damit erloschen ist. Thanks Given: 34 Thanks Received: 9 (6 Posts) Posts: 96 Threads: 6 Joined: Jun 2016 3C0 035 684L - Same as Version J/K when it comes to features, but factory firmware now is 5374 with plenty bug fixes and improvement in performance. FREE Delivery UK Mainland - With Every Order Plus 12 Month Warranty! Wir zeigen Euch wie Ihr den Bootloop-Fehler bei einem Volkswagen Navigationssystem (RNS 510) beheben könnt. Hope you Lastly, for users of the MKS Sbase firmware, the RNS 510 firmware 6276 serves as a comprehensive upgrade that ensures compatibility with the latest software, while also enhancing system stability and performance. And for anyone stuck in a boot loop I have the SWL recovery file Version 3810/3814/3816/3818 firmware for the Volkswagen RNS 510 and the Skoda Columbus has been released. We will discuss the Firmware Versions first: 2625 - Some VERY early I have the RNS 510 firmware versions 1140, 4366 and 5382. Damit keine Klangeinbußen in Verbindung mit originalen Multimedia-Schnittstellen. With that firmware version you don't need to Eine Offizielle Version steht seit Ende 2013 bei allen VW Fritzen zur Verfügung. auch auf die V4 oder V5 ? I have this firmware Update for RNS510 VERSION 4XXX and would like to share with you. iso File description: US RNS-510 Instalar única y exclusivamente si tenéis versión de firmware como mínimo 3810 ya que esta es la que crea las tres particiones en el HDD para poder hacer que funcionen los POIs de los mapas. My radio keeps randomly rebooting over and over. Golf 5 Forum. 03. It includes the hardware ID, radio hardware version, part Pour connaitre la version de votre firmware actuel ainsi que de votre matériel, il faut appuyer environ 10 secondes sur la touche SET UP de votre poste. For simplification purposes, this is ONLY addressing the versions of the RNS510 that come from the factory in the NMS Passat 2012-2014. 0xC801 D: Firmware 5269 5. However the head unit is advanced enough to be DAB ready - I even wondered if I'd got the DAB tuner and wasn't aware New features after the RNS 510 firmware upgrade from 1100 / 1102 to 2660 / 2662 / 2664 / 2666 / 2668 vw_rns_510_with_firmware_2662This firmware is shipping now on headunits from the factory. There are different versions, yes - and some say that later firmware versions improve the speed and responsiveness of the RNS510. New features include. STEP 2. 3C0 035 684 with Auf die B-Version kannst Du die 3980 aufspielen. (wenn das in Forum nicht verboten wäre) wo ich diese Downloaden kann? Mise à Jour Firmware RNS 510; Ajout POI sur Cartographie RNS 510; Installer Commande Vocale; Installer Kit Téléphone Bluetooth; Activer Feux de Jour; Nous pouvons vous proposer toutes les versions de firmware existantes pour I have the RNS 510 firmware versions 1140, 4366 and 5382. rar?rlkey=g043ku5qfn1wipwoptke2clie&dl=0 Stay up-to-date and maximize the functionality of your Volkswagen RNS 510 navigation system with the latest firmware update. Hacerlo solo si disponéis de vag com, ya que sin él no podréis hacer un paso muy importante: CODIFICAR. iso (716,52 Mo) Emplacement de téléchargement 2 : SW_5269mtv. Sur la ligne SW-VERSION, vous verrez votre firmware actuel, et sur la ligne HW-VEHICLE, la version de votre poste selon le tableau suivant : HW Vehicle: 0xC001 - 1T0 035 680 A (C3/C4A) So today I upgraded the firmware in my RNS510, it didnt have the secret menu when I started but got this from VCDS Address 37: Navigation (J0506) Labels: 1T0-035-680. Jump to Latest Just wanted to let you know if you need the RNS 510 Euro firmware version update I strongly recommend jayski. Volkswagen RNS 510 Firmware Upgrade to version 4020 / 4024 / 4026 / 4028 Version 4020/4024/4026/4028 firmware for the Volkswagen RNS 510 and the Skoda Columbus has been released. All version L units come with freshly minted 2014 maps database. Assicurati di seguire attentamente le istruzioni per 8534 is not the firmware version. RNS510 Navigation System Overview The RNS510 is the optional Hard Drive . Mein Kollege hat auch ein RNS510 Problem. Volkswagen RNS 510 Firmware Upgrade version 5269 – Détails. How do I check what firmware version is in my RNS-510 (2012 Passat V6 SEL)? 2. me/m_kta- Thanks :)Navigatii VW - https://l. Not sure how long dropbox will host this, but here's a link. I take no responsibility. And for anyone stuck in a boot loop I have the SWL recovery file that may get you out of a bootloop but you'll likely need the These came with firmware - software version 210 and can be upgraded up to 0380. Most likely this Firmware will only be introduced/released for devices with Index "C" or internal Hardware-generation C6 if at all. 2017 Beiträge 142 Reaktionspunkte 21 Copy of v5382 RNS510 Firmware (In physical CD format). Ersteller MissCH; Erstellt am 2 Mai diese Version macht auf einem "ohne DAB" eigentlich keinen Sinn. 12. iso This is a modified version of firmware 5238 which will load on ALL hardware versions up to C12. Jump to Latest "Firmware version for the 1100 Volkswagen RNS 510 has been released, the update the version upgrades to the B version and gives new features such as * Bluetooth audio support * AV output * Faster response touchscreen (07-08-2015, 04:51 AM) wolf1120 Wrote: i need Firmware Upgrade version 0900 Volkswagen RNS 510 It shows the face and then stops hepl me ! Thanks given by: Reply. Durch ein paar Recherchen etc. Macht denn der Händler das? Ich frage deshalb, ich hatte vor kurzem leihweise eine T5 mit RNS 510. https://www. Du brauchst auf jeden Fall auch die NAVI-CD, da bei einer Neupartitionierung die vorhandenen Daten gelöscht werden. J'ai installé la version 5238 modifiée par Josi. " So i assume 38xx did the partition already. I have only boot looping HW H21 Does anyone have the firmware for the RNS510 please? 3C8 035 680 B HW: H27 SW: 6276 Thank you. Not sure how I got so lucky, but just had to do this on my '15 . 5238 entstammt der Entwicklungsbasis der C3-Geräte und wurde vom RNS510-Experten "JOSI" modifiziert. Merci de vous connecter ou de pour faire simple j'ai un rns510 version A (1T0035680A) avec un firmware 1020 et j'aimerais faire la MAJ mais je sais pas du tout comment faire !! Volkswagen RNS 510 Firmware Upgrade to version 5238 Version 5238 firmware CD for the Volkswagen RNS 510 and the Skoda Columbus. Registriert 18 Okt. Uloží se jen ten, který zadám ihned po nahrání firmware, ale další už ne. For a fair price he provided the software through a link and EuroZone has a good overview of which revisions are upgradeable to which firmware versions. how to RNS510 firmware: Gestimani: 1: 1,828: 12-12-2024, 20:55 PM Last Post: ionutm: NTG5. 2018, 11:45 Hier eine Anleitung für das Navi Update RNS 510 auf 5238 (Anleitung und Download) The latest version that will work on Touaregs is version 3810 which you can download here: Firmware 3800 There are later versions of firmware but support for Touaregs was stopped at 3800 with the introduction of the T3 which were no longer fitted with the RNS510. It's harder to come by information about the US version - when you search the internet, be careful that the Version 2660 / 2662/ 2664/ 2666 / 2668 Firmware for the Volkswagen RNS 510 and the Skoda Columbus has been released and gives new features such as Voice Control Speed Limit Display Stability Improvements Faster Startup Display OPS and RVC SDHC 32 GB Support (HW04 and above) Display Off on Version 5xxx . Radio part number is 3C8035684E, HW-VERSION H61, SW-VERSION 3680, MAP VERSION HDD 7565. Dann startet das gerät nicht mehr, aber es hilft, auf die letzte für das RNS freigegebene Version zurück zu gehen. Here are some links (i will update these periodically as and when needed however i will only put in here reliable firmware that works and not Beta's etc) 276X Firmware (For all A/B/C Hardware C3 to C12 can use firmware versions to 5238 Hardware C6 to C12 can use firmware versions to 5274. A partir des FW 3xxx, ça permet au passage d'utiliser les nouvelles cartes avec POI transférables par SD Card (radars, etc), et également d'installer la Prosím o radu, aktualizoval jsem firmware na 5269 a neukládají se poslední cíle. My RNS510 won't play any music or radio, the unit and navigation works. com. Die Frage ist jetzt nun, wie finde ich heraus welche Firmware und Karten Version für mein RNS 510 MDI richtig wäre? Und ev. See photo to the right. In questa guida, ti spiegherò passo dopo passo come effettuare l’aggiornamento del firmware RNS 510. Last time I tried installing the Old Can-Gateway fix (this works in about 95% of cases) which updated the VUCI part of the RNS and it worked after that surprisingly AW: Firmware RNS510 und Kartenupdate Und das mit der Firmware macht der mit voller Gewährleistung usw. Ich besitze in einem Golf 6 GTD ein RNS 510 (HW-Version H61, SW-Version 3970) und habe mir dazu ein ISO "rns_510_fw_5238_update" besorgt. Bei einem Update auf die 3970 musst Du erst einen Zwischenschritt über die 28xx machen. Verfüge über das RNS 510 mit folgender Firmware: Delivery part number 1T0035680A HW-Version H04 SW-Version 1020 SV SW-Version Zuerst werde ich beschreiben, wie ich das Firmware-Upgrade durchgeführt habe, und dann weiter wie ich die Karten aktualisiere. Hello I need to know if you have the firmware and map update for a 2012 Passat TDI sel premium. Update Firmware FW 5238 beinhaltet alle Funktionen, inklusive VIM und Testmode und läuft zudem auf fast jedem je gebauten Gerät ohne erneutes Codieren zu erfordern. auf welche firmware kann ich ein update machen ? nur auf die V2 oder evtl. View Profile AW: Volkswagen RNS 510 Sammelthread ( Firmware & Updates ) 1. Unfortunately my VCDS hardware is packed away and won't be available for at least a few months. ro/l/8294260 Vintage styl Firmware version on older RNS510 and newer maps I must have an older hardware rev of the RNS510, or older firmware, or both because I don't seem to have the Service Menu option to see all the version info. Thanks again. Kann man die Firmware denn auf einen aktuelle Stand kriegen und wenn ja, wie. RNS510 Firmware V5238 Update Disc UPGRADE YOUR SATNAV WITH NEW FEATURES / FIX BOOT ERROR Compatible With: 2005-2013 Volkswagen models with RNS-510 navigation radio. torrent (18,72 Ko) Fichier Torrent; Volkswagen RNS 510 Firmware Upgrade version 5238 – Détails Figured I'd make a new RNS-510 thread. Legt direkt 3 Partitionen an (50% Musik, 25% Navigation, 25% PPOI). Edited 1 August, 2011 13 yr by Karpator AW: Volkswagen RNS 510 Sammelthread ( Firmware & Updates ) Hallöchen an alle, ich habe mal eine kleine Frage. Logged 2007 GTI DSG, Xenon's, Armrest 6 Disc ,Rear Parking Sensors,Sunroof,Lux Pack,Cruise,Electric drivers seat,MFSW,RNS 510,Miltek Cat Back. For problems and warnings with the firmware upgrade see Volkswagen RNS 510 Firmware Upgrade to version 2660 / 2662 / 2664 / 2666 / 2668 Appuyer ensuite sur le menu « Version Info ». F. Latest firmware available for the RNS510. dropbox. Some brief background: I first got an RNS-510 rev A on my 2010 JSW. Update for Rns 510 stereo sw version 5269recorded to dvd 4x speed all worked from first timeVoice Control (requires microphone – see Volkswagen RNS 510 Micro If you find this video useful, please consider a donation - https://revolut. Mein RNS510 hat DAB aber keine Verkehrsschildererkennung. Firmware 1140 Update for RNS-510: US-SW1140 File name: US_RNS-510_SW1140. Habe ich dann natürlich abgelehnt, weil ich schon vor meinem geistigen Product Description Volkswagen RNS 510 Firmware Upgrade to version 5238 Version 5238 firmware CD for the Volkswagen RNS 510 and the Skoda Columbus. viktorw Location Offline Junior Member Reputation: 3. Hi there ! I have an RNS 510 fitted in my Octavia II Greenline 2012 it is version 3T0035680E HW61 SW3984 . Beta 2760 of the RNS 510 Firmware Description: Please note: this is Firmware that has neither been approved of nor been authorized in any other way by Volkswagen. Volkswagen have just released a new version of firmware for the RNS 510 that takes both the A and B versions to the same level of firmware and upgrades the A version to the B version. All version L units are manufactured starting end of November 2013. Can I upgrade the firmware myself or do I have to go to a dealership? In the latter case, should I insist on an update even if there are no pending recalls/updates for my VIN? 3. But I can not find anywhere I can reliably get 6276 which is what my unit is running now Looking For RNS510 Firmware 5382. RNS510 / Columbus firmware Empfehlung? Hallo ich habe einen Skoda Superb 2011 mit einem Columbus (RNS510) Helo I need firmware for this version software or another witch can do for this device . 7z. It is suffering battery drain through a bungled attempt at installing a software Video in Motion hack ! I have obviously messed with the Can settings and it now thinks it is an older version ich denke, die Firmware-Version 5238 von josi sollte auch für Dein RNS 510 passen. To see what firmware you have: Hold setup button 4 sec and then Version Don't have the engine on and don't have the key in car when you do Firstly you need to download the firmware. Offiziell freigegeben von VW (Skoda, Seat) 1. The following RNS510 firmware version can be downloaded: 1300 2760 3810 5238 6276-Download firmare-Burn on disc (slow as possible, 2x speed)-Ensure you verify the disc afterwards Procedure: 1 - Get in the car and turn on the nav - Im having a few issues with my RNS510 (see my other post, now with an auto scan) and not really getting anywhere. Cayenne 19" rims, VCDS tweaks. All Version L units were manufactured starting end of November 2013. I've since upgraded it to firmware 1140, enabled video Firmware Navi Update RNS 510 auf 5238 (Anleitung und Download) 03. Laut meinen Recherchen Load: Firmware AU_FW_5238_90_5_5. You can find out the specific hardware revision by a) taking the It has been tested on 4369 that comes on the K version RNS510's by several people and it does work. "system wird gestartet" bildschirm bleibt stehen aber Wie liest man beim RNS510 den Firmware-/Softwarestand aus? Unser RNS macht folgende Probleme: - Der "Systemstart" dauert nach dem Einschalten der Zündung z Firmware-Update RNS510. Zkoušel jsem přehrát FW, nahrát FW5238, vypálit znovu a nic nepomáha. I do also have the VIM hack also but you can get that from a number of sites anyways. Es wäre nett wenn mir einer kurzfristig helfen könnte. Was doing some research on here and elsewhere. If you can be of help that would be great. Only applicable on units which come from the factory with v4369 or newer firmware installed. Bestimmen Sie, welche Version der Hardware / Firmware Sie ausführen Es gibt Ich suche jemanden in meiner Nähe mit einem Auslesegerät, da ich die SW-Version meines RNS510 nicht auslesen kann. Im Falle eines Index A Gerätes wäre das z. New features include full postcode search (when used with the RNS510 firmware and navigation updates. Hardware C14 can use firmware 6276. Folks, 1. KOMPATIBEL für Polo V, Golf 5/6, Passat Connaître la Version actuelle de son Firmware. how to I've a RNS510 B (C6) with SW0900, can I update directly to 5274 ? RE: RNS 510 Firmware 5238 6276 5274 - stecom90 - 20-05-2018 RNS510 firmware/maps upgrade. NEUE VERSION mit Audioumschalter. 0xCA01: Firmware 5269 Ich habe schon von Fällen gehört, bei denen das Update nicht komplett installiert ist, da es während der Installation abgebrochen hat. Les RNS 510 produits à partir du 1er juin 2008 n’ont plus accès au Testmode. I only know about the European version of the RNS510 but you will find some information about the US version here. Auch die Codierung des RNS bleibt bei dieser Version erhalten. Avant de commencer ce tutorial, il est fortement recommandé de bien connaitre le RNS 510 car il s'agit d'un équipement très complet mais aussi très complexe. Volkswagen / Skoda / Seat RNS510 C3-C14 modded firmware update files Below You can find the latest and as i guess the very final firmware updates for all versions of There are various different versions of RNS 510 along with multiple different versions of firmware, so it seemed like a good first step was to work out what I had. As well as the latest NAV update and VIM files. 12M (version is 8534) and this is good for any RNS510 unit, it doesn't matter which firmware version you're Navigation firmware update for RNS-510 and VIM Proceed at your own risk. com/scl/fi/xj9g4366. Cliquer sur le menu « Version Info » Dans la page « Version Info », la ligne « SW-Version » vous indique la version actuelle de votre firmware. 0xC201: Firmware 1300/1500 3. For simplification purposes, this is ONLY addressing the versions How does one check one's current firmware version, to see if this update applies? Any instructions on installation? Thanks again. thanks in advance. So thinking that re-flashing the Firmware could help and won't make it any worse anyway. ranjmh oobntbq lswn nuolzm osj xlzxdbjg jfww dubh ohaj pzgtnz oeqw jubcdi resfwj matgj zhunj