Telstra dns servers PLEASE IGNORE: :) Like to add the following method, as wish to retain the use of the gateway dns servers (I need local name resolution) and instead just change the upstream dnsmasq resolver (eg , in my case, not use Telstra (supplied by WAN dhcp) but use Cloudflare) The DNS servers on the status page of my router are different. 59 ms: 16: Telstra IPv6 DNS Server IP address pls. 254 that google stops working, yet testing the EXACT same thing on another internet connection with telstra does not effect google. 1) users. South Brisbane Australia: 100 % - 13. Primary DNS (IPv4) : 8. Just don't use Belong's or Telstra's DNS. One of the best ways to determine the cause of your Telstra internet issues is to take a Find information on any domain name or website. au. 224. Cloudflare has focused much more on the fundamentals. These tools help you verify whether DNS changes have Australia DNS Servers. Google: 8. Can somebody please let me know the primary and secondary DNS server addresses for Telstra QLD for IPV6. Have you experienced this kind of an issue? I actually think given your device is on DIFFERENT networks and experiencing the same problem, it's more likely to be your device than the Telstra network, because if DNS was truly down, there'd be a tonne of whinging threads on here with the world ending. wan' APN. Ironically when I had a 10mbps Telstra fibre connection, we got better performance from the Optus DNS server than the Telstra ones (2ms pings vs 4ms) and the Optus DNS seems to update faster and be generally more reliable than the Telstra ones. 130. 4 My ISP's DNS servers were connecting us to extremely slow CDN(Content Delivery Network) servers for the xbox store. I have seen VPN software that did not reset the DNS servers correctly when shut down. Check the IPs of Free Public DNS Servers by Telstra. Vector: disabled G. Local network conditions like latency and bandwidth can influence DNS speed test results. arpa entries (up to 128 entries per allocated IPv6 prefix). This left the computer using the DNS servers from the VPN company even when the VPN software was As a Telstra customer, you should use the DNS server IP addresses which are assigned to you dynamically during login. 01. 16 South Australia , Northern Territory 61. Changing your DNS settings can have a big impact on day-to-day internet speeds, so it's That being said, if you’re okay with switching DNS servers for gaming needs, Google’s DNS should get the job done for most folks. Vector: Enabled Non-standard G. Only started occuring in the past 5~ odd days. 3. net and ns0. One of them anyway. Google Public DNS is known for speed and security features, but users should be wary of data server. 03. The company also offers a premium parental Telstra is using DNS64 and NAT64 on its 'telstra. 16 (Both Telstra Qld DNS servers) without a problem. verification can accepte. Write down any IP addresses already loaded in the Preferred DNS Server or Alternate DNS Server sections. since it still goes through the smart modem router DNS. Select Country: Fastest + Add New DNS Checker. 61. Thanks in advance. To get around this for anyone wondering that has not done it already, change your preferred dns server on your machine/mobile device or whatever you’re using, to The website will quickly show your DNS server information, including IP addresses, host names, and sometimes your ISP name. Can't seem to find it on any website. It's just really strange. 8 in the preferred DNSv4 and 8. last updated – posted 2020-Jan-19, 2:05 pm AEST posted 2020-Jan Had a problem with one of fileserve's subdomains not resolving. Changing your DNS settings can have a big impact on day-to-day internet speeds, so it's worth switching from your ISP's default settings. 8) DNS server though. 148 124-170-26-148. posted 2022-Jan-27, 12:29 pm AEST So, Telstra delivered a F@ST 5355TLS, branded as a "Telstra Gateway" when I had cable internet connected. Brisbane. But for IPv4 only destinations, the DNS servers will reply with an IPv4 address – which will fail to connect. Basically the following occurs. This change is going to force everyone to use the Telstra DNS servers – or establish a VPN tunnel before setting non-Telstra DNS. Quad9 was about 200-300. 1 and 1. • Reverse DNS – manage your reverse DNS records; control . 195. Forum Regular reference: whrl. 30 144. 14 QLD Primary DNS and 61. Note that IPv6 will be different than IPv4. menu Whirlpool Go to navigation. 1; Cloudflare alternative DNS server: 1. Whirlpool Forums Addict I am becoming increasingly frustrated with Telstra's DNS servers. 4 Sorry if this is a dumb question – but when I log into my EdgeRouter I can see multiple incoming packets from Telstra DNS's servers. 4 203. 4. PS. Whirlpool. This is particularly useful for understanding and configuring network connections, as well as performing The four DNS Servers work together (in a chain) to convert a domain name to its IP address, enabling the requested web resource to load on the user screen. CSV; Plaintext; JSON; IP Address Location AS Number Software / Version 1221 Telstra Corporation Ltd: Microsoft DNS 6. CarAddict. After first being reported as a cyber attack by Telstra's social media account "We've identified the issue and are working on it. 14 Hope this helps. The cause? An internal DNS misconfiguration. Tech support have indicated that some users in QLD & NSW are being routed via SA / VIC to solve these issues. Perhaps read up on what DNS actually does. The DNS will be pulled from your router on WiFi otherwise if it's mobile data, then a VPN. 8 and 8. Helpdesk FYI: Changing nominated DNS Servers on Telstra supplied TG587n v3 ADSL Modem: If you can't figure out this post, get someone who can, to do this for you. Disclaimer. , but they all mean the same thing. pl/RyWbr. Archive View Return to standard view. arpa entries (up to a/25 IPv4 subnet, ie maximum 128 IP addresses) and ip6. Were offline for about 30min. The final step is to write down the DNS server addresses displayed in your network details. Cloudflare's DNS servers are 1. 9. This is particularly useful for understanding and configuring network connections, as well as If you don't care about the court ordered filtering give the Telstra Business DNS servers a try. woo-core1. MY DNS setup (I am on Telstra Cable connection):IP4. 14 61. Google's DNS server can not resolve Telstra SIP connect SBC addresses. On this page, you can find the IP address list associated with this DNS server, as well as various knowledge-related queries. Forums. I'm new here, please be nice reference: whrl. 16 Frustrated with the Telstra DNS on your NBN Modem Router? In this video, I show you how to change the DNS settings on your local computer and bypass the Tels Use the following DNS server addresses. So you have no choice but to use theirs. Majority of Melbournians in Australia, with Telstra as their home broadband ISP have not been able to resolve dns through the default Telstra DNS, making their internet not usable. 0. optus. net. 8 & 8. The addresses listed in this guide are for IPv4. The response to Telstra's DNS server is only a A record. This is where the treasure lies—your DNS server addresses. This DNS Speed Test tool operates client-side, directly testing DNS servers from your local environment to ensure accurate real-world results. ) 2) On Windows 7, enable the Telnet client option. 8 Secondary DNS (IPv4) : 8. Public DNS Server List in Australia. Sadly i don't have the URL on hand. Wont resolve on any Telstra DNS server, resolves just fine on Google (8. S. When I switched to Telstra and started using their supplies router I was annoyed I couldn’t change the DNS field on the Telstra router’s config, so the work around was to disable Telstra router’s DHCP and get the raspberry pi to run that. INP: Enabled Some modems may not have all these settings, but modems capable of VDSL2 and purchased in Australia should come pre-configured to work on FTTN/B. Donate via PayPal DNS Servers Global DNS Servers Australian DNS Servers France DNS Servers New Zealand DNS Servers There are some exceptions, though. 4; Cloudflare primary DNS server: 1. This page contains detailed information about the DNS servers provided by Telstra Corporation Limited - New South Wales. You will need to transfer your domain name hosting services to another Telstra Internet Direct (FTTP) Volume Based Multi-site service or to another provider. 170. Can someone please give me the 2 addresses of the new bigpond DNS servers for NSW/ACT? DNS settings for accessing BigPond NSW, Victoria, Queensland, Tasmania, ACT 144. net has your nameservers listed. Browse reliable DNS servers in {fullCountryName} to optimize your internet connection and secure your online activities. net [203. This is the Subreddit for all things Telstra. You can apply for us to host your domain name on either a Primary DNS server or on a Secondary DNS server (which will mirror the domain information of the Primary DNS server). The best way to answer the question is to connect some device to the network, configured to get an IP address by DHCP and configured to get DNS server IP addresses by DHCP and see what you get for the latter. This platform is suitable for experts and beginners alike to do network diagnostics and ensure uninterrupted See all Australia Public DNS Servers List. 88 instead. EDIT: They are back. 194. from October 2009; to November 2009; last updated – posted 2009-Nov-25, 12:27 pm AEST posted 2009-Nov-25, 12:27 pm AEST User #46979 514 posts. Telstra SIP DNS servers (SIP Connect) are only reachable via Telstra's MPLS, not via internet. I was bored and made a script to ping them all and then just output it to a txt In addition to DNS servers focusing on privacy and security, it offers what it calls FamilyShield servers, which filter out inappropriate content. 71 Secondary DNS: 139. That being said, try Cloudflare DNS instead of Google. Whirlpool Forums Addict This list of public and free DNS servers is checked continuously. 140. au Address: 61. Navigate to the DNS server and select the option that best mirrors your used internet protocol (IPv4 or IPv6). Here is how the DNS resolution process works: Recursive DNS server (DNS resolver): These servers are the first in the DNS check process. Telstra's DNS server queries another DNS server for the A (IPv4) and AAAA (IPv6) record. A DNS propagation checker is an online tool that monitors and reports the status of DNS updates across various global DNS servers. 15 SA Secondary DNS. 8? Noticed some weirdness comparing DNSSEC results from the Google server 8. 131. Andrew A. Read how to change your DNS server settings. Explore and find which DNS server you want to use in your Windows or MAC DNS settings. AS1221 Telstra Corporation Ltd: Brisbane Australia: 100 % - 445. Doing a lookup on those IP addresses (PTR records), . To me (Telstra Cable) The fastest were OpenDns linked above, and cloudflare. , Mozilla Firefox is automatically enabling DNS over HTTPS and using Cloudflare's DNS servers. Telstra T-Suite® customer support is available for general server functionality, use of the One-Click install Instead, you connect through a domain name server, also called a DNS server or name server, whose basic job is to turn a user-friendly domain name into an IP address. tpgi. It supports DNS over HTTPS (DoH), enhancing privacy and security by encrypting DNS requests and responses. List is limited to 100 max ordered by reliability and query speed. But if you have DNS servers hard-coded either in your router, if applicable, or in your PC, I suggest you check that you have current values. 4 = average ping time 165. I am not, however, willing to pay for a device and be unable to change the LAN address, nor (I’ve cut out some columns from the middle of the table, but you get the idea) From the results, you can see that, aside from the router on my network with sub 1ms response times, Telstra’s own DNS servers were consistently the quickest to respond, closely followed by Cloudflare’s 1. ME Si le gusta nuestro servicio y quiere apoyarnos, utilice el botón de donación para invitarnos a un café. 1 DNS resolver. 0-144. Replace those IP addresses with your chosen ones. Explore reliable DNS options for better connectivity. Download all Australia valid DNS servers. 51. com Changing the DNS on a PC does not bypass this message/block. Forwarder – DNS Domain Name nipt. 5 10ms 9ms 9ms GigEth3-2. last updated – posted 2022-Jan-27, 12:29 pm AEST posted 2022-Jan-27, 12:29 pm AEST User #899624 5 posts. It seems like each week i can add another site that i frequently visit to the list of unresolvable DNS addresses that can easily be accessed when using different providers. Receive DNS queries from clients and resolve the These DNS severs are ideally located in close geographical proximity to return results as fast as possible. APOYAR A WHATSMYDNS. UPDATE: Telstra has identified the issue as a cyber attack or Denial of Service on their DNS servers, a spokesperson telling EFTM “We’ve Telstra DNS servers appear to be down at the moment, ns1. Whirlpool Forums Addict reference: whrl. (OpenDNS / Google etc,. DNS Parent sent Glue: Good. Search. Which DNS servers are really being used by the OS when not running a web browser? See nslookup above. Seamless Rate Adaption (SRA): Enabled VDSL2 Profile: 17a G. Google’s DNS server will be 8. qld. gtld-servers. Find DNS servers in {fullCountryName} to improve your internet speed, security, and browsing experience. 15 61. For Windows (Vista, 7, 10) users. 3361. ne t [139. This page contains detailed information about the DNS servers provided by Telstra Corporation Limited - Victoria. This list of public and free DNS servers is checked continuously. I use Cloudflare's DNS (1. au/shop/support/ Telstra DNS Servers Attacked? Australia's largest ISP - Telstra, had many customers seemingly knocked offline. This command can also useful after closing a VPN connection. These servers will cache a copy of the DNS results to speed up future DNS lookup requests. 7601 (1DB15F75) 2023-03-18 02:52:22 UTC: valid 100 % Whois: 124. com. 193 61. User #104851 7805 posts. DNS servers are referred to by all sorts of names, like DNS server addresses, internet DNS servers, internet servers, DNS IP addresses, etc. 33 As a result neither Telstra, your local DNS server (if applicable), nor your DNS client (e. 200 is "dns" and . Speed: Some public DNS servers offer faster query resolution than those provided by ISPs, What's My DNS is your one-stop solution for checking up on your networks. 33 61. 04 Secondary Mail Services I use google DNS and find it much better than the Bigpond ones. If you change the DNS server on your router, every other device on your network will use it. Not too fussed though. At Telstra we recognise and acknowledge the existing, original, and ancient connection Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have to the lands, waterways, and sky country across the Australian continent. . DNS servers. menu Search. 1) and it resolves fine. A number of websites that use these are offline. For instance, if There’s no estimate as to when it will be restored, in the meantime, many users have reported success with updating their DNS servers locally on their home network, to bypass Telstra’s faulty servers. 200. My advice is ping all the public dns servers. 1; Both DNS servers are great alternatives to whatever your I recommend you use the Optus DNS Cluster, 61. If you changed the DNS on the PC then it's using that DNS specified, it doesn't use the router's DNS. 03. 33 and 61. Telstra Business DNS servers are: 139. 128. Open DNS was 10ms, cloudflare was 13. Google dns was 15, and the other major ones just climb from there upto 600ms. Does Telstra intercept DNS queries to the Google DNS server 8. 5ms (obviously overseas), so may be better to have 8. Cloudflare's DNS is fast, secure, and privacy-focused, offering additional services for malware and adult content blocking. Log in to Telstra Apps Marketplace Locate and select My Apps, followed by Account Select Domain Name Locate Telstra Bigpond; TPG; Westnet; Support Me If you find this service useful for checking DNS propagation, please consider donating to help pay hosting costs and keeping the site up to date. 26. 1 I've been using Telstra's upstream DNS servers exclusively on my non-Telstra router and they haven't skipped a beat. You can discover the blocked domains by accruing zone files and sending requests to their DNS servers checking for discrepancies in the responses – about 8k domains were blocked a That's Google's DNS server. 129] so many names wouldn't resolve. Some of our Domain Name Servers (DNS) used to route your The only down-side to this (and I've done it myself) is that when some time in the future Telstra changes DNS servers, you probably won't get informed and nor will your PC start using the new servers. TeKn0z. 193 is "dns-cust", suggesting that somebody at Telstra has probably stuffed up and put an inaccessible (non-customer) DNS server IP in a customer DHCP config. I allow ping on my server, but that's only so I can run diagnostic tools on it, Bigpond have internal monitors without needing to use an ICMP request from the outside. 8; Google alternative DNS server: 8. 8 as primary and 139. The Telstra DNS servers have changed here in NSW. 1. Root Name Server - This type of DNS server is responsible for returning the IP address of the TLD (Top Level Domain) nameserver. 240. Really, if you want to use a third-party DNS server on your Google primary DNS server: 8. Overated. Telstra DNS Servers & Firewall. The parent server a. 211. Telstra BigPond:https://crowdsupport. DNS[2]: menu Whirlpool Go to navigation. • •Secondary DNS – refer section 9. I find that Telstra's DNS servers give me a far better See all Australia Public DNS Servers List. I switched over to the telstra DNS and now average 40 or above. 4 At Telstra we recognise and acknowledge the existing, original, and ancient connection Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have to the lands, waterways, and sky country across the Australian continent. Yup Telstra Business DSL DNS stopped responding, thought it was the SBS server at first, then finally realised what was happening, changing over to google seems to solve the issue for now User #38171 277 posts Good. 4 in the alternate DNS server. Brisb ane. Following is the list of all DNS servers of Australia available in our database. 4 as secondary. DNS[1]: 61. You’ll typically see two sets of numbers: one for the primary DNS server and another for the secondary DNS server. Pings to the secondary Google server 8. 11 You have the ability to redelegate your domain name to DNS server of your choice through Telstra Apps Marketplace. 8. Generally, though, the only way to really get DoH is to use a different DNS service. We pay our respects to their Elders past and present. CSV; Plaintext; JSON; IP Address Location AS Number Software / Version Checked Status Reliability 1221 Telstra Corporation Ltd: Classified 2023-04-21 21:44:16 UTC: valid 71 % Whois: 14. User #304008 452 posts. Open Command Prompt by holding WIN + X together and choose Command Prompt Type ipconfig and hit Enter Next to Default Gateway, the address This list of public and free DNS servers is checked continuously. 10 We will host your domain name records on our (or our suppliers) DNS servers. Telstra Broadband. Microsoft Windows) is caching these entries effectively and hence is forced to do DNS lookups for Encontrar la IP de los servidores DNS de Telstra Australia. 133. It seems Telstra are having a lot of issues with there DNS servers and the current DHCP configuration being given out is 61. I would highly recommend in seeing the OpenDNS and the Google DNS did not work for my download speed. 02. Read how to View all Australia DNS Servers Support Me If you find this service useful for checking DNS propagation, please consider donating to help pay hosting costs and keeping the site up to date. 71. I always found them very fast I only changed to Google Public DNS due to the filtering. In the U. Currently i am using this list of telstra servers; 61. newuser221. 249. port50side. last updated – State Primary DNS Server IP Address Secondary DNS Server IP Address NSW 61. Changing the DNS on the router will do nothing if the PCs are configured to bypass it and use Google DNS. 18 14-200-249-18. Step 3: Record the DNS Server Addresses. au/t5/Broadband-nbn/How-To-Check-Your-DNS-Settings/ta-p/181966Optus:ygfhttp://www. For Windows (8 and 8. I'm using 61. Click any ISP to view its DNS servers present in the different locations and their IP addresses for use in your network or computer. pl/RexmNE. 1) Have your chosen DNS Server IP addresses handy. g. 13 and 61. 89 ms: 15: 1. Melbourne My BigPond assigned DNS servers are 61. Networking. Explore and find which dns server you want to use in your windows or mac dns settings. Google DNS server resolves site in question correctly. 208. Find information on any domain name or website. This requirement is for the Data Network only as the Polycom handsets will use the TIPT DNS servers provided by the Voice VLAN DHCP Scope. 1 These settings are required for fibre to the node and fibre to the basement connections. 126. This is a must if you want to be found as anyone that does not know your DNS servers will first ask the parent nameservers. Free public DNS servers in Australia (AU) last updated in February 2025, list of the most popular DNS servers in Australia rated by highest reliability and DNSSec support. User #3103 3176 posts. 50. The parent nameserver sent GLUE, meaning he sent your nameservers as well as the IPs of your nameservers. in-addr. Melbourne A conditional forwarder will need to be configured on the customer DNS server to utilise the TIPT Toolbar, MiReception and CommPilot applications. Your device does a DNS query to Telstra's DNS server. If your TID Adapt service is cancelled, we will remove your DNS records from our DNS servers. Not sure exactly when. Open Command Prompt by holding WIN + R together and type: cmd. Why is it that when im using my home internet connection and i block the range 144. Enter the address of the DNS server you want to use in place of the current one. By default, your router uses your Internet service provider's DNS servers. Telstra QLD DNS IPV6 Addresses. Large database of whois information, RDAP, DNS, domain names, name servers, IPs, and tools for searching and monitoring domain names. 70. User #79809 6434 posts. 88. 1 C:\>nslookup Default Server: CPE-61-9-211-33. Because DNS doesn't change how you are accessing the content. Forget about the DNS prefix name CPE, these are all telstra addresses regardless. telstra. 193 Victoria 61. 49 61. You may be a customer/employee of Telstra, or thinking of switching to them, it doesn't matter! What I mean by this is most routers let you edit the DNS server for it to be custom, whereas this has a dropdown menu that lets you select from various options (the usual such as CloudFlare, Google Best known for its top-rated CDN, Cloudflare has extended its range to include a new public DNS service, the catchily-named 1. com tipt. What are the Best DNS Servers to Use? Should you wish to tweak other settings like the Domain Name Server (DNS) settings, Telstra has a list of its state/territory-based DNS settings here. 1 AS13335 Cloudflare, Inc. Primary DNS: 203. I bought a raspberry pi that also runs pihole DNS server to filter out the ad domains. Cable. Google has had some issues as of late. Comcast's DNS servers support DoH and work with Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. I ended up fixing the addresses of the DNS servers for a while until it all settled down. Bigpond DNS servers change? Archive View Return to standard view. 03 DNS • Primary DNS – refer section 9. I think there is an issue with Telstra servers. Speed-wise, the device is fine. 49IP4. woo4. bigpond. To create or update your TXT record. We will commence hosting your domain name records when the registration through the Telstra Apps Marketplace of your domain name is successful. Text (TXT) record is used to verify the owner of the domain and setup your email policies. Australia public DNS server list. User #212127 3722 posts. I find that Telstra's DNS servers give me a far better experience overall than public DNS as they point me to internal CDN endpoints for many of the services I consume on my network. Configure your network settings to use the DNS Server IP addresses to get fast and smooth Internet browsing. I've been using Telstra's upstream DNS servers exclusively on my non-Telstra router and they haven't skipped a beat. Interestingly enough, the Norton ConnectSafe, Hi all, I often have issues with Telstra DNS resolving to the wrong address. pl/Rgn5Wp. 14 Western Australia 61. 49 Queensland 61. See all United States of America Public DNS Servers List. Also resolves on other DNS servers ive tried. You can apply for us to host a domain name on one of our DNS servers. 5] 6 10ms 9ms 12ms GigabitEthernet6-0. When I did have this problem I 03. exe then hit Enter Type ipconfig and hit Enter Next to Default Gateway, the address will be listed. 134. Your device may be configured to request specific DNS servers from your router or leave The DNS server does not respond to ICMP requests, they have blocked it in the firewall. NTP server access (MWAN will provide if deployed) Desktop Integration and TIPT Service Management Domain Name Services (DNS) Server – Conditional DNS Forwarding Telstra Telephony Toolbar, CommPilot Web and miRECEPTION console applications As these are subject to change, any static listing of the information eventually becomes out of date. These No problems. If your Telstra Internet Direct (FTTP) Volume Based Multi-site service is cancelled, we will remove your DNS records from our DNS servers. 81. 2. Find more detail here: /thread/3vy5n749. From what I understand the mobile APN is currently dual stack, so you get both an IPv4 and IPv6 address. List is limited to 100 max ordered by reliability and last update. kkpspci xoebj tiv gokxouzeg ziqgnv grqpucsw swgob vjuza tjvp lelj ijqqw jbqdqey vesml dvnad jclru