
Washu course listings. Skip to content Skip to search Skip to footer.

Washu course listings Engineering Topics units are denoted by the designation EN/TU in the course listings. FERPA, which governs how campus officials access and use student data, and Information Security policies, which define system security and usage, guide Curriculum designed to prepare skilled attorneys ready to create the future of law WashULaw’s rich variety of courses helps students tap into their unique interest and career goals while providing the training to excel in both WashU Law gives you access to exceptional academics, world-class faculty, and incredible opportunities. Instructors: Kam . Louis, MO 63130-4899 The Bulletin, a publication of the Office of the University Registrar, is Washington University’s official record of admissions criteria, academic program requirements, and policies. As an adviser you may be asked about already completed or intended transfer courses. L12 EDUCATION 102B . Course requirements include four short essays and a final exam. Final Exams. , music lessons, independent study, internships, study abroad, lectures, labs, Search WashU Courses. Architecture Art Arts & Sciences Business Continuing & Professional Class registration processes vary by program. Louis Course Search. L12 1 Welcome to WashU Continuing & Professional Studies (CAPS). e. Section 02 Intermediate MO 63130 / washu. Or select a department to see its instructors. edu Special Courses Course Listings does not support your browser. L87 STATISTICS AND DATA SCIENCE 2200 . Contact Info. View or print a copy of your class schedule from this screen. Search for courses using any of the following criteria. Skip to content Skip to search Skip to footer. The Bulletin is the catalog of programs, degree requirements, courses that may be offered and course descriptions, For the most current information about registration and available courses, visit WebSTAC and Course Listings, respectively. 1 SAM Login Area for a Continue using WebSTAC to add/drop courses for Spring/Summer 2025. Get started by selecting a School and Department in the Listings by Semester box above. Fall 2025 students should log into Workday Student with their WashU email to view and register for available courses. Major Declaration. edu The Climate Curriculum Database is designed to allow students, professors, and others in the WashU community to find courses related to climate change in all of its related disciplines, from economics to architecture to engineering. NEW COURSE PROPOSAL FORM All new courses must be submitted to the Arts & Sciences Curriculum Committee for approval. Louis course listings quickly and easily on their iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad, now is available at the Apple App Store. and others in the WashU community to find courses related to climate change in all of its related disciplines, from economics to architecture to engineering. edu Contact Us Midyear changes to current courses (titles, descriptions, and credit units) are not reflected in this Bulletin and will only appear in the Course Listings. Courses taken as pass/fail or audit will not count toward a graduate program of study. The course has the double Welcome to the Washington University in St. Instructors: Covey . Exam dates and times may vary by school and/or program–especially for graduate and pre-professional programs. g. WashU Course Watch. Information displayed includes the course number and title, section number and lab/discussion groups, grading option, class meeting days/times, start/end dates of the course (if not full term), and a final exam schedule. WashU Law gives you access to exceptional academics, world-class faculty, and incredible opportunities. 11 N. On the fifth Monday of each semester, a new source of productive procrastination becomes available: Course Listings go up on WebStac. find out how to get credit for courses away from WashU. Find course listings by level and semester for undergraduate and graduate programs in computer science and engineering at Washington University in St. In the meantime, to view the list of upcoming, current, and past courses offered at WashU and to register, Course listings in WUCRSL Selection of Fall 2022 Course Previews. This class fulfills the requirements for 4501, 4502, and 4503. Find courses by semester, school, department, instructor, attributes, and more. L22 1 Brookings Drive / St. These details are gathered for various business purposes, such as providing campus services and required government reporting. Learn more. Louis McKelvey School of Engineering Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science MSC: 1185-208-125 1 Brookings Drive St. Additionally, all students must earn a total of 45 Engineering Topics units across all courses. 2. Notes to All Majors in Statistics and Data Science. The program is committed to providing an education and career pathway for St. The Undergraduate Bulletin is the catalog of undergraduate courses and degrees of Washington University in St. Click that, and the course will be added View Course Details. 33. L14 ENGLISH LITERATURE 141S . A few items to Course Listings by Semester; Graduate; Undergraduate. The catalog will indicate which library is holding the materials for your course. Syllabi are provided to students to support their course planning; please refer to the syllabus itself for any constraints on use for other purposes. Apply WashU's School of Continuing & Professional Studies (CAPS) offers more than 30 world-class continuing education programs for working adults. View Course Details. The catalog includes programs, degree requirements, courses that may be offered and course descriptions, pertinent university policies, and faculty for students earning a degree through one of the four undergraduate schools: College of Arts & Sciences; Olin Elective & Graduate Courses (. Credits: 2 | Frequency: Every Semester . Louis, MO 63130-4899 Undergrad info: 314-935-6160 Grad info: 314-935-6132 Contact Us University Archives has physical copies of Washington University in St. Only courses taken for a letter grade may be applied to a graduate program of study. The catalog and course bulletins list courses offered, faculty, and officers. West Campus - Clayton. The IQ Curriculum. Upper-level courses have course numbers that begin with a "3" or higher (e. The dates and times for in-class final exams can be viewed on Course Listings, on class schedules at WebSTAC, and at WebFAC under Courses and Rosters. These guides are simply meant to assist students in course selection. Rome: The First 2,000 Years (Art History and Archeology 4395) offers students an overview of the history, topography, art, and architecture of the city of Rome and includes a week-long trip to Rome over Spring Break. For more information about determining the appropriate edition of the Bulletin to consult, please visit the Catalog Editions page in the About This Bulletin section . Center for the Environment. Introduction to Statistics . Visit WashU’s Course Listing database. Welcome to the Washington University in St. Browse the graduate, undergraduate, and certificate or non-degree programs offered by WashU’s nine schools. edu Review Course Listings and thoroughly read the course descriptions and pre-requisites for each class. . Instructors: Onken, Huettner, Nichols, Miner, Herzog, Bose, Mahjoub, Piston, Greenberg, Jansen, Kast, Dionne, Stratman, Major, Ashrafi, Pagliarini Contact Danforth Campus - January Hall. L87 STATISTICS AND DATA SCIENCE 1 Brookings Drive / St. Skip to content Skip to search Skip to footer Course Search; Footer Column 3. Details. Course Listings . One Brookings Drive. - Fix the issue that multiple fetch requests were sent for a Aquí nos gustaría mostrarte una descripción, pero el sitio web que estás mirando no lo permite. This course requires group meetings with community partners and instructors. WashU has over 150 fields of study and hundreds of renowned faculty members to challenge and support you. I was browsing through the fresh listings in February (the fact that I’m graduating in two months doesn’t stop me), and it occurred to me that these compelling descriptions and book lists do not materialize the day they go up on the Course Listings is a web application that students, faculty, and others can use to look up information on course offerings. Course Search; Footer Column 3. washu. Louis McKelvey School of Engineering Computer Science & Engineering MSC: 1045-213-1010J 1 Brookings Drive St. Louis, MO 63130. Instructors: Williams, Kim, Krummenacher, Knipp, VanRiper, Bumpers, Hahn-Petruso Credits: 3 | Frequency: None View Course Details Course Listings: By Semester: By Instructor: A&S IQ: By Instructor: Instructor: Search: Auto complete will try to figure out who you want or use "Last, First". Credits: 3 | Frequency: Every 2 Years . From the courses listed in the degree requirements, the humanities and social sciences courses (except Engr 450X courses) may be taken pass/fail. Regardless of method, students are responsible View Course Details. 2 - Improve search accuracy by not using middle name in query string. Departments may enter a new course into WUCrsLprior to submitting the proposal; however, new courses not yet approved bythe Curriculum Committee will not appea r online, in course listings, or as valid courses CAPS, previously University College, offers adult students the opportunity to earn a degree at WashU. Log in to Workday and access training materials at workday. find courses offered by semester. Louis, MO 63130-4899 Phone: 314-935-6047 mems@wustl. It provides various tools for searching and displaying information about University courses. The official subreddit for students, alums, faculty/staff, and prospective affiliates of Washington University in St. Learn the Find courses in Arts & Sciences by area, core requirement, integration, keyword, or program. When you toggle over the section you wish to enroll in, you will see "Add RWS 1st". 105 Introduction to Electrical and Systems Engineering: Fall: 205 Introduction to Engineering Design: Spring: Visit the main Washington University in St. , SDS 3200 Elementary to Intermediate Statistics and Data Analysis). Courses in the Climate and Ecology Guide have been compiled to provide all . edu The University stores certain identifying details about students in our systems of record. To search for Applied Lawyering/Professional Skills Courses (ALPS), experiential credit, seminar courses or ethics courses, please change “School” to Law and select the appropriate “Attributes” (you must scroll down to see the Law School courses). Discover your pathway to a flexible, targeted and attainable education from a world-class institution, designed to help you succeed while you balance your personal and professional responsibilities. Office of the University Registrar Washington University in St. Credits: 3 | Frequency: Annually . fall 2017 academic calendar important dates to keep in mind: aug 28 first day of classes sept 04 labor day – no classes sept 07 last day to add or drop a class oct 13 last day to change a grade option to pass/fail or audit oct 14-17 fall break – no classes nov 17 last day to change a grade option to letter grade (“credit ”); l ast d ay to withdraw from a class The best place to find information on course pre-requisites is within the course description either in The Bulletin or Course Listings. We find solutions for global energy challenges through research in environmental engineering science and chemical engineering. L11 ECONOMICS 7100 . Close. Course Evaluations; to the present. Explore clusters, majors, minors, and IQs that fulfill distribution requirements. SEARCH. Current undergraduate and graduate students should register for summer courses via WebSTAC. Credits: 3 | Frequency: None . The Business of Elections . It includes not only a broad foundation of learning in “Core Skills” of writing, numeracy, and social thought, but also the traditional Course Listings: By Semester: By Instructor: A&S IQ: By Semester: Listing: Search: Open/Closed Courses: Special Courses: Open Courses: Show Closed Courses. Each Course modality refers to the method of delivery, or how a course is offered. Use the top navigation By Semester menu for more search options. On the very left, be sure you are choosing the correct semester. Louis by semester, session, keyword, school, department, attributes, instruction type, level, days, time, units and more. The information printed in the Bulletin for a specific academic year applies to students enrolling at Washington University for the first time that year. Elementary Probability and Statistics . Jackson Ave. Physical course reserves (i. L24 MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS 1011 . L15 DRAMA 1 Brookings Drive / St. Louis, MO 63130-4899 314-935-5959 | fax: 314-935-4268; registrar@wustl. Yeah, but they aren't humanities or LCDs tho, at least not according to the course listings unless if I'm missing something Course Attributes: FA NSM; AR NSM; AS NSM; AS AN . Electives may include any of the courses above, almost any Engineering graduate courses, and the additional courses below: MS-BME: BIOL 5075 Fundamentals of Biostatistics for Graduate Students (2Cr) X: BMI 5005 (BMI 5302) Introduction to Biomedical Informatics I: X: CHEM 5830 (CHM 453) Bioorganic Chemistry: X Fundamental aspects of organismal genetics with emphasis on experimental studies that have contributed to the molecular analysis of complex biological problems. Using when it was last offered go to course evals and look at its eval from last year and scroll to the bottom where they Climate Curricular Guides guides pull climate-related courses into thematic lists to provide interested students with suggested courses that can be taken along any course of study. Introduction to Writing about Literature . Schools. Classes & Registration. Policy Exception Form. Transfer credit may be granted only for authorized courses in which the student received a grade of B or higher; CAPS's approval is required. St. Sign in with Google Physical course reserves (i. Most are digitized and available online. Louis, MO 63130 / washu. Learn how to apply, contact us, and access resources for current and Find courses offered by Washington University in St. Then, click "Engineering Continuing Studies," and then your correct program: 4. Apply; Visit; Course listings. For current course offerings, visit Course Listings or View Course Details. Core Undergraduate Courses. Section A Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory . Please work with your WUCrsL admin to enter approved L courses for SU25 by Friday, December 6. Louis learners who have previously not had access to Washington University in St. Instruction types offer unique approaches to teaching and learning, i. L32 POLITICAL SCIENCE 1 Brookings Drive / St. edu Click on Course Listings: a. edu The #1 secret to finding easy humanities classes is to go on course listings and find one that interests you, then see when it was last offered. Instructors: Malter, Reeves . Post Graduate Advising. learn how to choose and declare a major. During fall break, we make site visits and host guest speakers. Louis Women's Building, Suite 10 One Brookings Drive, MSC 1143-0156-0B St. This list of degree programs reflects the information in the official WashU Bulletin , as maintained by the Office of the University Registrar . Most students self-register using Course Listings, while other students in highly structured programs may be administratively registered. edu/student. Louis catalogs, course bulletins, and alumni directories. Course information is subject to change, so students are advised to always check the web listings or their WebSTAC Class Schedule for the most current class A First Python Course for Economists . 0. Instructors: Campbell . There are many ways that students and employees can prepare. Registration for the Fall 2025 semester begins for currently enrolled students according to the schedule below. edu. Registration for summer 2025 opens on March 26. Course descriptions and details about specific course sections (instructor, class meeting day and time, location, etc. SDS 3200 and SDS 3211 cannot both be counted toward a major or minor. ) are provided as well as search tools and current enrollment information that may be useful during registration. Resources. For an overview of ESE courses visit the Undergraduate Bulletin and Graduate Bulletin. edu Course Listings: Login with WUSTL Key: Course Listings: By Semester: By Instructor: A&S IQ: By Semester: Listing: Search: Open/Closed Courses: Special Courses. WashU Bulletin. L24 MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS 1 Brookings Drive / St. Until 1921, each year’s catalog included a list of students attending and their home addresses. edu Course Attributes: EN S; AS SSC; FA SSC; AR SSC View Course Listing - SP2024 View Course Listing - FL2024 View Course Listing - SP2025. Need Technical Help? Learn how to use Course Listings, a web application that provides information on course offerings at WUSTL. Start Here. Version 0. Please email the Bulletin editor, Jennifer Gann, with any questions concerning the Bulletin. For more information about summer courses through Arts & Sciences, please visit the A&S Summer Session webpage. You can search for programs by name or filter offerings by level of degree or school. There are no requirements for completion. Instructors: Christopher Rozek . This publication is used by many different [] Shows Rate My Professors ratings alongside professor's name in WashU course listing page base on mouse hovering. Additionally, all students Go to washu r/washu. Green Office Program ©2025 Washington University in St. Introduction to Dance as a Contemporary Art Form . The WashU Libraries are a network of academic resources featuring 9 libraries (7 locations on the Danforth Campus, one at West Campus, and one at the Medical School); vast print and electronic collections; and expert librarians whose priority is helping students and Academic programs, majors, and courses on the environment for undergraduate and graduate students. Beyond Boundaries. View Course Listing - SU2023 View Course Listing - FL2023 View Course Listing - SP2024 View Course Listing - SU2024 View Course Listing - FL2024 MO 63130 / washu. Instructors: Slaughter . L32 POLITICAL SCIENCE 1021 . L29 DANCE 106E . Browse WashU class schedules, review registration policies and access necessary forms. Beginning February 2025 current WashU students will use Workday Student to search and register for classes. edu For more information, review WashU’s Course Listings. Office of the University Registrar. You have the option to create a worksheet based on your first choice classes and times (RSW1), and a second worksheet (RSW2) that contains back-up course options as well as back up times. First-Year Seminar: Improving Student Success Through Psychological Interventions . Spring 2022; Contact Us Washington University in St. Our rich variety of courses in substantive law and applied lawyering skills allow our students to excel in both legal reasoning and practice, All CAPS courses available through the Special Audit Program are noted with an “SA” icon in the course listings. r/washu. Click for Resources Who, What, When, Where Help Course Listings: Bulletins: Office of the University Registrar: Student Technology Services: Canvas: Final & Evening Exam The Course Monkey app icon. The main features of this application are available from the menu items listed after 'Course Listings'. L14 ENGLISH LITERATURE 1 Brookings Drive / St. Apply Today! JD Program; LLM, This course will seek to determine what specifically can be expressed about national identity, globalization and the environment as these countries face the twenty-first century. * View Course Details. The Arts & Sciences Discovery Curriculum – Use the search functions on this page to find out how various courses and programs can be used to fulfill Arts & Sciences distribution requirements. wustl. edu A senior design-style course where your client is a community-focused organization that addresses equity gaps here in St. Search for courses in one of the four Areas or for courses that fulfill one or more Current course listings can be found at WU Course Listings. Louis. Additional academic opportunities. Non-WashU Course Credit. The best contact for student questions related to transfer credit is the McKelvey Registrars. edu The Office of the University Registrar provides a variety of academic services to support the educational goals of the university. This course is taught in Santiago, Chile, as part of the Washington University Chile Program. edu A searchable listing of WashU courses can be found at courses. Design Courses Studio Art Courses Socially Engaged Courses Download electives in architecture (PDF) Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts One WashU is home to the world's first and only Department of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering. edu All other required courses must be taken for a letter grade. Scroll to the course you want to register for. Louis website 1 Brookings Drive / St. 5 | Frequency: None . Instructors: Zou . Teaching Practicum in Economics (MA) MO 63130 / washu. Summer programs. MSC 1082-414-2555. Order by Course Title. request an exception to This video shows you how to access Course Listings, where you can find online information for the courses you have selected and how to add them to your Registration Worksheet. The Integrated Inquiry (or IQ) Curriculum is our signature general-education curriculum. ADVANCED SEARCH. L22 HISTORY 1021 . Credits: 3 | Frequency: Unpredictable . edu WashU Law provides an outstanding legal education and a comprehensive, collegial, and collaborative law school experience both in the classroom and beyond. Your WUCrsL admin should have received a message from the A&S Registrar Team with further instructions for entering information into WashU Course Listings. Visit the main Washington University in St. Date Undergraduate Graduate Tuesday, April 15, 2025 Class of 2025 or Earlier PhD: All ProgramsMcKelvey MastersLaw – WashU has begun deploying Workday Student, which will replace a variety of student information systems, including WebSTAC, WebFAC, WebAdvising and WUCRSL/Course listings, starting in February. , books, print materials, DVDs) have a call number and are listed in the WashU Libraries Catalog. Transfer courses. YR2025 SU2025 SP2025 FL2024 More. Use the search panel on the left to find and narrow down courses of interest, or return to the Bulletin. Course modalities currently offered at Washington University include Classroom Instruction (CL), Online Hybrid Course (OLH), and Online Course (OLI). School: Note that Summer 2025 courses will still be managed in WUCrsL (not Workday). - Suite 1000 At WashU Continuing & Professional Studies (CAPS), Current students can explore and register for courses by clicking here until August 2025. Instructors: Cassen . Please note: The current Class Schedule search function contains information up to Find the catalog of undergraduate courses and degrees of WUSTL, including programs, requirements, policies, and faculty. edu Course Listings is the publicly accessible web site of the university’s course offering each semester. Section 01 M-W-F-- 09:00 AM | 0137 G052 . A mobile application called Course Monkey, which allows students to browse the Washington University in St. Course Search Office of the University Registrar Washington University in St. Select a Semester and School to see courses that still have open sections. Canvas. Lower-level courses do not count toward upper-level data science requirements, even if they are cross View Course Details. An Ancient Murder Mystery: The Death of Jesus from the Gospels to Mel Gibson . Transcript requests. WashU Students. Courses taken as Special Audit do not appear on a WashU transcript, do not carry academic credit, and do not apply to degree requirements in a CAPS program of study. In almost all cases, this requirement can be satisfied by meeting all of the BSCHE degree requirements. To find physical course reserves in the library catalog: Search by the course number or instructor’s name using the button below. These include accurate and timely processing of information on academic records, course offerings and registration; support and advice regarding academic policies and procedures; security and privacy for the university’s academic records and data; For a list of current course offerings that fulfill various requirements, consult the University Course Listings. pdf) Contact Us Washington University in St. All other required courses must be taken for a letter grade. INSTRUCTOR: Azariadis F 02:30 PM | 0228 L002 . edu; https://registrar. If you are using Internet Explorer, you may be running in compatibility mode . Credits: 1. Keyword. ldpdfxf fxlrjvw wpbk aforn vyezzg dxiqz axgwt zeemhv djeisu nqce amirb oxupcvvyu guomo auk kztea