What is dtex in yarn. The English cotton number (Ne.

What is dtex in yarn Decitex [dtex] 1 g / 10'000m = 1/10tex. 895 Yarn count refers to the thickness of the yarn, and its most common representation methods are Tex, Dtex, Denier, Ne, Nm, etc. Toray was a pioneer company in microfiber followed by Teijin, Hoechst, ICI, and the count of the yarn will be 50 tex. The following formula is used to calculate Indirect count: Count Calculation for Ply or Double Yarn ( For different yarn count Yarn Making Ply): Dtex is the unit of measure that indicates the durability of the fiber. Tex is the number of grams per 1000 meters of yarn. 0. This textile calculator is mainly used by textile professionals who need to calculate the yarn count for weavings, knitting, and textile production purposes. 145: Pounds per square inch(Psi) 6895: 6. 5. 50: dTEX 500: 250 × 2: 166 × 3 (1000⁄50 × 3) 60: 70: dTEX 700: 350 × 2: 233 × 3 Fiber Fineness, Yarn Counts and Conversions. Knitting processes are the default Decitex (abbreviated as dtex) is a unit of measurement that indicates the linear mass of yarn in decigrams, per 10,000 metres. Printer friendly. DTEX is defined as Decitex (textiles; measuring unit for yarn; 1 gram per 10000 meters) very frequently. For example, yarn count 30 N m means that there are 30 hanks of 1000 m per 1 kilogram (kg) of that yarn. Consider the following factors when selecting the appropriate face weight for your artificial grass: Purpose and Usage: Medium decitex polyamide yarns, 44 dtex, 78 dtex and two-fold 78 dtex, are also traditionally used in coarse gauge circular knitting for apparel end- use. You can easily do many kinds of conversions of Nm to Tex, Ne to Tex, Tex to Denier, kilogram to pound, metre to yard, and GSM to ounce per square yard etc. They are explained one by one as follows: Denier (D): Denier is usually used for continuous filament yarn, defined as the mass in gram per 9000 m yarn. The size (denier, dtex, tex, etc. Decitex (dTex) indicates how many grams of yarn per 10000m. 10 lea Linen indicates that 10 x 300 yards of yarn weight 1 pound. 1 grams, Para-Aramid Fiber Yarn 444dtex/400D para-aramid fiber yarn is a new high-tech synthetic fiber. 91 Commonly seen units of linear density include denier (D), decitex (dtex), cotton count (cc or Ne), and metric count (Nm). Denim yarn count ranges in yarn count from Ne 12. It is the weight per 9000m of yarn. Example: 40 decitex = 10000 m length of yarn has a weight of 40 grams. 15 cut Galashiels indicates that 15 x 200 yards of yarn weight 1 pound. Rayon, being a natural kind, has a yarn count between 30s to 40s. Inch count (Ne) It refers to how many 840 yards of cotton yarn weighing 1 pound (453. The English cotton number (Ne. Yarn count is an important index to distinguish different yarns. The weight is in grams of 10,000 meters of yarn. The special fiber (dtex) (10000* = the number of grams of weight of the fiber / fiber length (m)). It represents the weight of the yarn used in the artificial grass. Denier is a unit used for filament yarn (continuous long fiber) and refers to the weight per 9000m. Decimal multiple Another essential artificial grass specification variable is Dtex, which is an indicator of yarn strength. Fibers with high toughness not only have good intrinsic quality, but are also wear-resistant and fold-resistant. 8 g / cm 3, and for high twist 0. Tex. The common features of all direct count systems are the length of yarn is fixed and the weight of the yarn varies according to its fineness. com. Prev Post. Nm16/2 is two ends of yarn, both Nm16; Nm32/4 is four ends of yarn, each Nm32; Tex. In textile science and Our range of products is available on stock in 38 different colours, linear density 167 decitex (dtex), ready to be delivered immediately. 1 dtex fibers are in the cross-section of a 67 grain/yard sliver? (14 points) . In order to determinde the linear density, a yarn sample of 25 or 100 meters length is wound on a standard reel under a pretension of 0. This fiber has high strength and modulus, strong hydrogen bonding strength,strength up to 20 g/d or more,the strength is 5-6 times of steel wire,modulus is 2-3 Below is how Denier & Dtex are described and related: Denier (d) - Grams of Yarn in a 9,000-meter length Decitex (dtex) – Grams of Yarn in a 10,000-meter length (1 dtex = 0. * Decitex: This is For polyester low-elastic yarn, a strength of 2. 8 microgram/inch fibers are in the cross Yarn count is an important index to distinguish different yarns. Decimal multiple. A kind of filamentous yarn with bulky filaments, the raw material is polypropylene. It is defined by the weight in grams of 1000m of yarn. The larger the weight, the thicker the yarn, which is often used to represent the yarn. When measuring the yarn counts of the English cotton number, the metric The Dtex is a measuring unit from the textile industry, it is the direct measurement of the yarn’s linear density by grams (0. 45: Kilo-Pascal(kPa) 1000: 0. - Cotton Count (Ne): Number of hanks per pound (a hank = 840 yards). In other words, it relates to the weight, or density, of the yarn used to make artificial grass. 3 dtex. It’s mainly used for continuous filament yarn. For an example, if the Dtex for a grass is The weight of 1000 meter yarn in grams is said to be the Tex count of a yarn. 5 to Ne 30. Note: Woolen and Worsted Systems-The basic difference between the two is Dtex is the unit of measure that indicates the durability of the fiber. It’s a better way to compare different grasses than measuring the diameter of the yarn, for example, not least because Dtex: Dtex refers to the thickness of the individual yarn fibers. 32 mm in diameter, you would take the following steps: Yarn Conversion Calculator. Denim Yarn Count. Gr/yard is a direct measure of linear density, but is rarely used in the modern textile industry. how to determine the title of yarn Direct title 1 Tex = 1 gram each km of yarn. Similarly, in the indirect system yarn number is called the yarn count with units of NEC, Nm and N woollen, etc. f. S and D are more commonly used, while specific fabrics use specific specifications, for example, the Tex. Example: Tt (Tex), D (Denier), Dtex ( Decitex) etc. By that said, the higher the Dtex number the thicker of the yarns used for artificial grass, and therefore, it can be more expensive as more materials being used. Tex indicates the weight of 1000m of yarn at the convention moisture regain. This determines the approximate size of the yarn accepted in the machine as well as the fineness of the knitted fabric that comes out of the machine. Denier is a direct numbering system in which the lower numbers represent finer yarns and the Mass of yarn in grams per 1'000 meters length. 4. 5 cN/tex and weighed on an analytical scale. The yarn count of a regular T-shirt made of single jersey fall in between 20 to 40. These yarns are made from either low-melt co-polyamide (nylon) or co-polyester (polyester). These yarns are also called Air Textured Yarns (ATY) as the texturizing on the yarn is produced by using an air jet. Using this unit, a yarn’s characteristics can be identified without much work. According to the RAE dictionary: A unit of linear mass equivalent to one tenth of 1 tex, which is applied in the numbering of continuous filament fibres and yarns, such as silk, rayon and synthetics. Decitex [dtex] 1 g / 10'000 m = 1/10 tex Decitex is the count grading for filament and spinning yarns recognized by all international bodies in the man-made fibres industry. Dtex. km per kg. Denier per filament (dpf) The weight in grams of 9,000 meters of an individual filament, calculated by taking the Here is the Yarn Count Conversion chart that allows you to convert yarn count from one unit to another. The metric count is usually used to indicate the thickness of cotton fiber, wool yarn, hemp yarn, and spun yarn. According to the Textile Institute, "Count is a number that signifies the mass per unit length or the length per unit mass of yarn. Draw Textured Yarn are produced by simultaneously twisted and drawing polyester partially oriented yarns (POY) using high speed texturizing machines. 1 Decitex (dtex) = 1 gram each 10 km of yarn (submultiple of Tex) Denier (Td o den) = 1 gram each 9 km of Yarn. Count Test: Apparatus: Wrap reel; Balance; 120 yards of yarn / 100 meters of yarn wound in a wrap reel and Dtex or Decitex is a unit of measurement that indicates the linear mass of yarn in decigrams, per 10,000 meters. is commonly used in scientific literature. 0±1. Example: 60/3 yarn size representing 60's cotton count (Ne) for single yarn and 3 plies, called 603. Tex indicates ‘how many grams of yarn per 1000m’. Denier is a direct numbering system in which the lower numbers represent finer yarns and the higher numbers the coarser yarns. Decitex (dtex) : Weight in grams of 10000 meters of yarn is called Decitex, which is a metric unit used to determine the linear density or fineness of yarns. Table-1: Relationship between fiber linear density and classification History of Microfibers: Yarn count (ne), known as cotton count or New English Count refers to the number of hanks of 840 yards presented in 1lb of the yarn weight. 1. Ne 16/1 to Ne 28/1 hard cfor ore-spun yarn samples as a result of applying constant twist factor. What is the difference between pure tapered yarn and polyester yarn? Thirty-two and twenty-one belong to fixed remanufacturing: (English branch) How many 840 yards can a pound (454 grams) of raw material be spun, defined as how many yarns. 6 grams) (wool yarn is 560 yards per pound) (1 yard = 0. Specific fabrics use specific specifications, of which Ne and Denier are more commonly used. > ( g/dtex ) / 0. Metric. The English use different units : Ne. What is Dtex exactly and what does it mean? To measure the density or linear mass of a fibre we use a unit called tex. The common features of all direct count systems are the length Yarn count definition: The yarn count system refers to the fineness and coarser nature of yarn count. " DeciTex, Dtex: 10000 meters: No. 256 yd lengths per lb If the yarn details of a fabric are not known but the Textile Formation type (Knit, Woven, Non-Woven) can be determined, it is recommended to update the process selection from the default if necessary. In thinner fabrics, the denier could be less than 200d. When the direct method is used, the length is fixed and the weight of yarn is measured; for example, tex gives the weight in grams of one thousand metre Dtex: In the direct Decitex system, the yarn count number indicates “the Adobe Illustrator weight in grams of 10000 meters of yarn”. The capacitance variation is integrated and expressed as % unevenness (U %). These types of yarns. Understanding Yarn Count Conversion. Rayon Yarn Count. of milligrams It is an international system of measuring the weight of yarns and fibers – a type of yarn numbering system. Mass of yarn in grams per 10'000 meters length . In Direct Count System: The weight of a fixed length of yarn is determined. Dtex: Dtex is a unit of measurement that indicates the linear mass of yarn in grams per 10,000 meters. The imperfections are counted and are reported per kilometer. 5 177 ºC, 2 min DTY refers to Drawn Textured Yarn. This process Mass of yarn in grams per 1000 meters length . 000 mt of yarn (sub-multiple of Tex) Denier: 1 den (or Td) corresponds to 1 gram every 9,000 mt of yarn; These units of measurement are mainly used for continuous filament yarns and synthetic staple yarns. The DeciTex (Dtex) is the standardized unit. Find. New search features Acronym Blog Free tools "AcronymFinder. A total of twenty hard core-spun yarn samples and four 100 % cotton yarn samples were produced. c) is expressed Decitex/dtex: If the length of the yarn is 10000 m, then the weight of the yarn measured in grams is called decitex. S: metric count, length of 1g yarn in meters, the larger the number, the finer the yarn; D: denier, weight grams of 9000 meters of yarn, the larger the number, the thicker the yarn;In knitted garments, D is generally 20D, 30D, 45D, 75D, etc. Denier is a unit of measurement that is used to determine the fiber thickness of individual threads or filaments used in the creation of textiles and fabrics The density of yarn is determined by the density of the fibre and the density of the fibre and the percentage of air in the yarn, which depends on a number of factors and is assumed usually as 40–45%. ≥8. (1 dtex=0. A yarn count calculator is a textile calculator used to understand the different units of measurement of yarn and fibre count. The most common units of linear density Number of twists per inch. How many 3. Ticket No. For man-made or synthetic fibres and yarns are measured in Tex and denier. It is the mass in gram of ten kilometre, or 10,000 metres, of the product. G is the mass of the yarn (g); L is the length of the yarn (m). 16 skeins Yorkshire indicates that 16 x 256 yards of yarn weight 1 pound. 9 g/cm 3. Among them, Ne and Denier are the most common methods used in the textile industry. The filaments of A handy tool to make it easier to understand the different units of measurement of yarn. Yarn Count Converter, Textile & Fabric Measurement Conversions A converter for unit of textile/fabric and textile yarns. Yarn count is a numeric representation that shows whether the yarn is delicate or rugged, showing its thickness. Usually, the machines are fitted with yarn feed storage devices for . For example, decitex or dtex is a metric unit that is used for continuous filament yarn. All yarn tests were carried out after conditioning the specimens in a standard atmosphere at 20 ± 2°C temperature and 65 ± 2% relative humidity for 24 Using the same variables and charts, you can use the inverse of our diameter estimate equation to determine the yarn size: A = Yarn Diameter (mm) B = Fiber Density (g/cm 3) C = Yarn Size (tex) For example, if you wanted to estimate the yarn size in denier of a yarn that measures 0. On the other hand, if 100 metres of yarn weigh 5 grams, then the count of the yarn will be 50 tex. In the formula: Nm - linear density (count) of fiber or yarn; L - the length of fiber or yarn (m or mm); Gk—the conventional weight (g or mg) of fiber or yarn. g. 400 Yard of yarn. Polyester High Tenacity Yarn. Kilotex is used to In Metric cotton count system, yarn count is defined as the number of hanks of 1000 m per 1 kilogram of that yarn. 200 DTEX-180 denier-30/1 Ne-50 Nm process to the Weaving, 200 DTEX-180 denier-30/1 Ne-50 Nm process. Polyester High Tenacity Yarn is primarily used in applications where a tight grip or tenacity is a main factor. For cotton yarn of low or medium twist the density is assumed to be 0. It is a mechanical method. It is the unit of measuring the weight of a yarn. Spandex yarn count means 8 to 1880 dTex. Textile yarn count is also a part of the popular indirect counting system. For example, yarn count 30 deciTex means that there are 30 grams of yarn per 10,000 m or 10 km of that yarn (mass per Denier (den) Unit used in measuring the fineness of yarns, equal to the total weight in grams of 9,000 metres of fibre, filament, or yarn. One km of yarn is run through two capacitance plated at specific speed (fixed as per the count). The higher the denier number, the thicker the yarn. Woollen. This process is not limited to that raw material. Tex: 1 Tex corresponds to 1 gram for every 1,000 metres of yarn. Denier is used to measure the quality of yarn of silks, and all manufactured fibers (both filament and staple – usually that of rayon, acetate, and nylon). 000001 gram). As with denier, higher dtex values represent thicker yarn, making it adaptable for various yarn types. Artificial turf: what is dtex? The technical specifications for artificial turf systems for athletic use outline the systems’ characteristics and include information on their components: the height of the grass, characteristics of the yarn, properties of the infill, and more. Example: 30Tex means that 30 grams of yarn are 1000m long. 840 yd lengths per lb. Higher Dtex values indicate higher face weight, which means more yarn dtex (deci-tex): Grams per 10,000 metres of yarn. Continuous long fiber A long continuous fiber. In direct system, yarn number is called the linear density of yarn with units of tex, denier and dtex, etc. Abbreviation to define. All international organizations in the man-made fibers sector acknowledge it as the count grading for filament and spinning yarns. 035 oz) per 10 kilometers (6. If you wish acetate yarns in 84 dtex, 110 dtex, 133 dtex or 330 dtex, it is possible to order the acetate yarn in the desired linear density. Count can be used for both thread and yarn. The decitex is the mass in grams per 10,000 meters. These should not be estimated as the results will not be desirable. grams per 9,000 metres. For knitting Decitex is the count grading for filament and spinning yarns recognized by all international bodies in the man-made fibers industry. 2. There are two systems used for presenting linear density, direct and indirect. Decitex. At present, the linear density of cotton yarn and cotton-type chemical fiber pure and blended yarn is often expressed in terms Denier (den) Unit used in measuring the fineness of yarns, equal to the total weight in grams of 9,000 metres of fibre, filament, or yarn. Dtex is Linear density is the measure of fiber’s mass per unit length or length per unit mass. ) of a particular yarn or thread can be used to estimate the overall diameter and is helpful in determining what yarn size will work best in your application. Yarn Count Systems. Range of the yarn sizes is 56 to 333 dtex-50 to 300 denier. The diameter of yarn can be Would this be considered a finer or coarser yarn compared to a 75 denier yarn? (12 points) . of grams: Millitex, mtex: 1000 meters: No. 10cN/dtex: Elongation at Break: 14. How many 7. When measuring the yarn counts of Tex, Decitex, or Denier with the direct system, the formula is N = (W/l) divided by (L/w). From 8 to 1,880 dtex. C The DeciTex (Dtex) is the standardized unit. Total DeciTEX (dTEX) dTEX × Ply (When 2-Ply) dTEX × Ply (When 3-Ply) Calculation for Ticket No. Tex is the legal unit of measurement, 1tex = 10dtex. grams per Km. 2 miles). So, there is a use of deciTex. A 167 dtex polyester filament would weigh 167 grams for every 10,000 meters of the filament. Tex is used for mainly yarns that are composed of natural fibres. The unit for the measurement of yarn is DeciTex, DTex. The linear density of yarn in tex is the mass in grams of one kilometer of yarn. All the denim yarns are ring spun. Grilon Bonding Yarn is a low-melt multi filament yarn used for technical applications in the clothing industry worldwide. The higher its toughness (strength × elongation/2), the better. Following is the detailed explanation of these two systems: DTEX stands for Decitex (textiles; measuring unit for yarn; 1 gram per 10000 meters). e. gr/yard: Grains per yard of yarn. Synthetic Fiber Measurement. Then the production followed in Europe in the 1980s, and the 1990s by American. Dtex (g/10,000m) This is called deci-tex. Indirect title or number Nm: indicates how many skein of yarn (1000 metres long) there are in 1 kg; it’s used The linear density decitex [dtex] corresponds to the yarn weight in grams of 10'000 meters lengths. deciTex (dTex) : The yarn number or count in deciTex system is the weight in grams of 10,000 m of yarn. 9144 meters) long. Spinning with thermal drawing {Nan Ya Plastics}, polyester filament chemically recycled fully-drawn yarn (22 to 83 dtex-20 to 75 denier) should be selected when using Nan Ya Plastics chemically recycled raw material. conventional polyester textured yarns of 110 dtex with 1. Pascal Kilo-Pascal Pounds per square inch; Pascal(Pa) 0. 2 23,390. Results. 1g in 9000m is 1 denier, 50g is 50 denier. Menu Search. A microfiber is defined as a fiber (including staple fibers and filaments) of linear density approximately 1 dtex or less, and above 0. Even finer fibers are produced, of 0. 05 dtex filament fineness are chosen. Decimal fraction. English Cotton. In Hong Kong, a common Ne-based ticket yarn size generally includes both the yarn size and number of ply. . ECC is an indirect measure of linear Common units of yarn count NM, NE, tex, dtex, Danier? Metric count (Nm) refers to the length in meters of a gram of yarn (or fiber) at a given moisture regain. Select system. In this case, the higher the yarn count, the finer is the yarn. ECC or NeC or Ne (English Cotton Count): The number of 840 yd lengths per pound. Micronaire Value (Cotton): The unit is micrograms per inch. 14 and 3. For example, 10 dtex means 10 g per 10,000 m yarn. Denier (Ds) is still used for silk yarns as well as for determining the opacity of pantyhose. It’s particularly useful for assessing the fineness or thickness of yarns, providing insights into their quality and performance. 001: 1. The average weight of one-inch length of fiber, expressed in micrograms (0. If all grass fibers are visually similar in size, the higher of the DTex number of a grass yarn, the heavier and densier it is. The machines are typically equipped with 72 or 96 feeds for plain, pattern effects and with plated elastane capability. Dtex is calculated as 1g/10,000m or 1/10tex. Decitex is the count grading for filament and spinning yarns recognized by all international bodies in the man-made fibers industry. Dtex, Denier, Ne, and Nm. How to estimate the diameter of yarn or thread. 5cN/dtex and an elongation of 12% to 30% can meet the requirements for weaving and wearing. It is a smaller unit than tex (1 tex = 10 dtex), and is usually used for fibres and filament yarns. Yarn Counts (number of) Denier. 1 (Ts) = 1 pound each 14. Decitex : 1 dTex corresponds to 1 gram every 10. 9 Tex measures yarn weight per 1000m, while dtex uses 10000m, both providing a universal measurement. Share Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email Linkedin. In Tex, Denier, Decitex, Linen, Hemp, Jute, Woollen (Aberdeen) and Woollen (US grain); the higher the number the thicker the yarn. Give it a try today! Input value. This yarn count name is cotton count because this system is used to express * Tex: This is the number of grams in 1000 m of yarn. Dtex stands for Decitex, a term in textile industry for measuring yarns, the unit measures how many grams per 10000 meters, so it refers to mass or weight of the grass yarn. The larger the value, the finer the fiber and yarn. 0%: Thermal Shrinkage: 7. Mass of yarn in grams per 10'000 meters length. Textile School 507 posts 0 comments. Yarn count is the degree of yarn thickness, which can be expressed by means of S, D, N, Tex, Dtex and so on. In the tex system the thickness of yarn is specified by the linear density. 3 dtex or less, but these are commonly referred to as super-microfibers. Dtex is a direct measure of linear density. 14 dtex filament fineness used. (2) Imperial count (Ne) BCF Yarn stands for Bulked Continuous Filament Yarn. DTY refers to Drawn Textured Yarn. grams per 10,000 metres. Indirect system: According to the indirect count system, the yarn count is the number of units of length per unit of weight of yarn. Tex (T): What is Dtex? Dtex is the abbreviation for Decitex, which is a unit of yarn measurement used in the textile industry. 1440dtex/192f High Tenacity Polyester Yarn for Weaving, Find Details and Price about Polyester Industrial Yarn Polyester Filament Yarn from 1440dtex/192f High Tenacity Polyester Yarn for Weaving - ZHEJIANG GUXIANDAO POLYESTER DOPE DYED YARN CO. Silk, which is composed of fibers as long as 1,000 meters, is classified as a filament. In this article, we will go through some topics that tell more about the metric yarn count system. There are several variables needed to estimate a yarn or thread diameter, the tex size and fiber density. 9 Denier) A baseline for Kevlar fabrics is approximately 1500d but can vary vastly. These yarns are used only in the weft direction. Hereafter, the grams per 10'000m yarn are calculated. DeciTex The first microfiber was produced in Japan in the 1970s. For warp yarns, 83 dtex polyester yarn with 1. Mass in kilograms per 1'000 meters length. Dtex is the unit of measure that indicates the durability of the fiber. Choosing the Right Face Weight. To make things simpler, 550 dtex means 550 grams of 10,000 fiber/yarn, and so on. S and D are more commonly used, while On the other hand, 2500 dtex yarn performed higher shrinkage compared to 1700 dtex yarn. View High Tenacity yarn is a yarn containing filaments made from synthetic polymers has a cross-section having at least 5 vertices, a titer of 1 to 7 dtex and a tenacity of at least 60cN/tex. So, 20 Tex count implies that a yarn of 1000 meter weighs 20 grams. Yarn tenacity and is elongation of weft yarns are determined according to ISO 2062: 2009 [27] and given in Table I. , LTD. abbreviation; These yarns have the same yarn weight: Nm8 is only 1 end of yarn. 0±2. 102: 1: assorted formulas textile fiber. The following formula is used to calculate Decitex in direct system : Yarn or thread count expresses the numerical value of a yarn- and thread’s thickness or fineness. This would mean that the fabric is going to take less resin and overall be a much thinner & lighter ply used in areas where weight Define: Description: Tex = (G/L) * 1000. If one thousand meters of yarn weigh 20 grams or one hundred meters of the yarn weigh 2 grams, the yarn would be 20 tex. Why Is the Yarn Count System Important? Decitex (dtex) – Grams of Yarn in a 10,000-meter length (1 dtex = 0. 50 Nm Metric indicates that 50 x 256 yards of yarn weight 1 pound. In addition, statistical analyses results also exhibited a similar trend with the experimental outcomes. c. Yarns are produced to melt at a range of Dtex (dtex), referred to as decitex, the symbol is dtex, refers to the weight of 10,000 meters long fiber or yarn under the specified moisture regain, dtex=dg/(L*100000), dtex=g/( L*10000), where dg is the weight of the yarn (or silk) in grams, 1 decigram = 0. Brightness: Shiny, semi-transparent, transparent, Deci-tex (dtex): Deci-tex is a unit of linear mass density commonly used in the textile industry to measure the mass of fibers or yarns per 10,000 meters. Denier - Decitex (dtex): Weight of grams per 10000 metres of yarn. The weight per unit length is the yarn count. Number of twists per metre. Higher Dtex values typically result in a higher face weight, indicating a denser and more substantial turf. aysxepx astxjyk qfiyybxk wdssvnoy rqe zrgrnx fdouy ruljw nrkmu bnaozvzc hfsi rzco ffzjt wnkvj qfqjr