Acap office kathmandu contact number. np Number List |Search Phone | Update Content. 

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Acap office kathmandu contact number ACAP offers various permit categories catering to the diverse interests of trekkers, mountaineers, and cultural enthusiasts. the normal business hours number is +977-1-423-4000. This website is supported by Grant Number 01CH012606 from the Office of Head Start within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U. Christchurch 8011. IDP Education Nepal Pvt. and is home to ACAP office in Kathmandu is situated in Sanchaya Kosh building in Tridevi Marg, Thamel. fmdept@epf. Address : 6th Floor, Kathmandu Mall, Newroad ,Kathmandu Contact Us. Your Name * Email Address * Mobile Number. You could be asked to show your card at police, national parks, conservation areas check posts. on telephone number 0041 22 733 2600 or by Fax 0041 22 For the Annapurna region, both a TIMS card and an ACAP permit are required. please contact the State Department’s Office of Overseas Citizens Services by telephone at 1-888-407-4747 or Kathmandu Office Contact Information. Thapathali-11, Kathmandu Contact us. np 12427 Swift Code: MBLNNPKA Looking for other Branch and Atm Locations? The Administrative Office of the Courts modernized its disbursement system for indigent representation payments to attorneys, interpreters, expert witnesses, and investigators in February 2018. Public Notice; AGM Minute; Annual report; Account Number and Mobile Number and our customer service representatives will contact you right away. Entry Permit: International – NPR 3000, SAARC – NPR 1000, Nepali – NPR 100 ACAP was established in 1986 under the guidance of the King Mahendra Trust for Nature Conservation. Current Students If you're a current ACAP student with an Call +977-01-5970900 or Check out the page to get the contact details of Buddha Air, the largest Nepal domestic airline with an online booking facility. Number 14, Part 5, 2067/04/03 B. Sales, Reservation, and Flight Information Contact Numbers: +974-44317070/44318080 Email: doh. Let us know what अध्यागमन विभाग. service@epf. Annapurna Circuit is one of the most popular multi-day treks in Nepal. If you need assistance with your flight, here’s how you can contact the Sichuan Airlines office in Kathmandu: Ring Rd, Kathmandu 44600, Nepal: Sichuan Airlines Kathmandu Contact Number/Phone Number: 86 28 8888 8888: Email Address [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Sunday Nepal Country Office P. Contact Us. Public Service Commission. Call Center: +977-01-5970041 6 days a week (Sunday - Friday) (Office Chief) biratnagar@epf. np Click here to view our location. Cargo Sales and Reservation Contact Number: +974-44311010. Officials Mr. Customer Support "We value you, send us your compliments, For any other queries, email us at general. Reach out to us for assistance with any issues or inquiries. np ACAP-NTNC has its headquarters in Pokhara and has 7 Unit Conservation Offices (UCOs). Visit VFS Global Kathmandu for visa application services, including submission, tracking, and passport delivery. Of these, 132,094 were from South Asia, and 111,951 hailed from other countries. View all. Simply type Nepal Tourism Board Service Center into Google Maps; the office is located at the lake's shore, about a fifteen-minute walk from Pokhara's genuine centre. If you have a media inquiry, please contact our Department of Immigration. You can collect your ACAP permit from the Nepal Tourism Board office in Kathmandu. Similarly, trekking in Manaslu and other regions also necessitates a TIMS card. Trekker’s Information Management System(TIMS) Permit. org or call 764-3721. Phone Number. The TIMS card fee is USD 20 for group trekkers. HBL Corporate Office, Kamaladi Kathmandu, Nepal. permit application process, you need to fill out the form. According to the Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP) office, this marks the highest number of visitors Emergency contact information; Applying for ACAP. ACAP system questions: Amy Park 615-741-2687 or amy. International. Below are the trekking regions and routes falling under this rule. np, info@ntnc. You can get this national park permit in the tourism board office in Kathmandu or in Pokhara. Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers; Ministry of Home Affairs; Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Inland Revenue Office Bhadrapur, Jhapa Kathmandu Mall, Newroad ,Kathmandu Click Here: आन्तरिक राजस्व कार्यालय नयाँ सडक. Box: 20590. It is Nepal's first and largest conservation area, covering 7,629 sq. MENU. Both the permit and TIMS card can be obtained from Nepal Tourism Office in either Kathmandu or Pokhara. Contact List of All Municipalities of Kathmandu District 2079-11-01 Bidhan Format, Reg. Doha Office Address Abdul Aziz BinAhmad Street, Ground Floor, Jaidah Tower, Doha, Qatar Contact Numbers:+974-44317070/44318080. O. For additional information, please contact: King Mahendra Trust for Nature Conservation P O Box the Tourist Service Centre in Kathmandu; the Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation in Kathmandu; the Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP) office in Pokhara; the Nepal Tourism Board ACAP Office, Kathmandu ACAP center at Nepal Tourism Board issues the Annapurna Base Camp Trek permit. : 18102123234 machbank@mbl. km. कालिकास्थान, काठमाडौँ +977-01-4529659, 4429660 +977-01-4433935, 4433934 Sichuan Airlines Kathmandu Office – Contact Information. Nepal Tourism Board (NTB), Exhibition Road, Bhrikuti Mandap, Kathmandu; Nepal Tourism Board (NTB), Dam Side, Pokhara; You can access the office of the Nepal Tourism Board (NTB) in KATHMANDU: The Annapurna region, a renowned and adventure destination for trekking, welcomed a record number of foreign tourists in 2024, reaching a total of 244,045 visitors. Use our online form to send us a message and we’ll get right back Province Wise Contact Numbers. sales@nac. A large number of people live within the protected region, but Of these, 132,094 were from South Asia, and 111,951 hailed from other countries. Phone: 01-5342530, 01-5328229. Pokhara Branch Office Chiple Dhunga, Pokhara. Tel: 1800 039 139 or book a call back Email: [email protected] CURRENT STUDENTS. The Annapurna Conservation Area Entry Permit (ACAP) and the Trekker’s Information Management System वैदेशिक रोजगार कार्यालय, काठमाण्डौ Address : ताहाचल Branch Manager : वैदेशिक रोजगार कार्यालय, काठमाण्डौ Phone : 015909671, 015907661, 015909665, 015908669 Fax: Email : admin@feo. Prior to joining ACAP in 2015, Jason held communication leadership positions in higher education and healthcare for nearly two decades. 3000. Location: Bhrikutimandap, Kathmandu. The Pokhara office is also conveniently accessible. New Zealand. Search for: Vivaan Adventure. Christchurch Central City. Checklist_sanstha_section 2079-11-01 CDO, ACDO, Info. 3rd Floor, Central Plaza Narayanchaur, Naxal, Kathmandu, Nepal. Message * We want your input: questions, bug reports, complaints, praise, feature requests — every little bit helps. CONTACT INFORMATION. The fees collected contribute directly The ACAP Office Kathmandu, established in 1986 under the National Trust for Nature Conservation (NTNC), serves as the Visitors Information Centre for the Annapurna Launched in 1986, the Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP) is the largest undertaking of NTNC and also the first Conservation Area and largest protected area in Nepal. S. There are several features that make the Annapurna region a unique place in the world. enquiry@britishcouncil. Immigration Office, Tribhuvan International Airport. Air India Kathmandu Contact Information; Kathmandu Office Hattisar Kamal Pokhri P O Box No. gov. Contact us online. Phone No: +977-1-4545481, 01-4512044 Our Head Office. Box 1187 UN House, Pulchowk Kathmandu, Nepal Tel: 977-1-5523200 Fax: 977-1-5527280 Email: kathmandu@unicef. , Renew etc. Topics. TIMS card is valid only in For additional information, please contact: King Mahendra Trust for Nature Conservation P O Box 3712, Jawalakhel, Lalitpur, Nepal Phone: 977-1-5526571 Fax: 977-1-5526570 Complaints/ Grievance Coordinator: Mr. Annapurna Conservation Area Permit (ACAP) Categories and Fees. MBL Tower, Lazimpat, Kathmandu +977-01-4528556 NTC Toll Free no: 1660-01-23234, NCELL Toll Free No. For HelpDesk. Office of Chief Human Resource Officer (CHRO) Central Office, Doorsanchar Bhawan Bhadrakali Plaza, Kathmandu, Nepal. org. View all our store locations and their contact details here. This Entry Permit is valid for single entry only. Inside Valley and Banepa : 01-5970444: Bagmati (Outside Valley) and Gandaki : 01-5970457: Province 1 and Madhesh Pradesh : Gairidhara (Branch Office) Gairidhara, Kathmandu: For visits with appointment only. Clear all. News and Opinion If you're interested in studying at ACAP or have a general question, please call us on: 1800 039 139. 300, KTM-1 Kathmandu, Nepal Tel: +9771 442 9468 / 441 0906 / 441 4596 Helpdesk for online E tickets booked on Air India Website & Mobile App Contact Number : 011 24667473 (Monday to Friday ,0930 hrs - 1730 hrs IST) In 2022, Jason earned his Certified Community Action Professional Credential. This is about a 20-minute walk from the heart of Thamel. P. Wildlife: 102 mammals including blue sheep and endangered snow leopard; 39 species of reptiles and 22 species of amphibians. m. +977-01-4529659, 4429660 +977-01-4433935, 4433934 info@immigration. Nabil Investment Banking Limited. So, make sure to fill out the details such as name, passport number, permanent address, etc. Fees. Permit for the Annapurna Base Camp Trek: Take note of ACAP office lunch break times According to the Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP) office, this marks the highest number of visitors to the region in its history. Box: 11018 Tel: +977 1 5356909 Fax: E-mail: info@ntb. Contact Navigator. Hari Bikram Singh Phone No: 977-01-5253571, 5253573 Ext: 234 Email: hbsingh@ntnc. ACAP (Annapurna Trekking Permit) Foreigners: 3,000 NPR ($25/£19) TIMS permit (with a guide): If you are considering enrolling at ACAP you will need to contact our central Admissions Office. The office of the Nepal Tourism Board is located about 20 minutes walking distance from the popular tourist spot, Thamel. np: Hetauda, Makawanpur: 057 - 524377: 9851228959 (Office Chief) Kathmandu: 01-5970041. Call : 01-5970099. correctly ACAP is rich in biodiversity and is a treasure house for 1,226 species of flowering plants, 102 mammals, 474 birds, 39 reptiles and 22 amphibians. Hence, the ACAP permit raises the funds for such a purpose. qa; Phone Number: +977 1-4540376; Traveler Needs and Services from Kathmandu office. Now reach your destination in faster time, in greater comfort. Birds: 474 species of birds including multi-colored impeyan pheasant, kokla and blood pheasant Contact Info. org Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram. In Kathmandu, you get the TIMS card at the main tourist office on Pradarshani Marg, which is about a twenty-minute walk from the Thamel tourist area. Cargo Office, Kathmandu Tel: + 977 1-4577321 Email: [email protected (Near Pokhara International Airport Gate) City sales: 061-501396, 061-455997 Airport office: 061-597050 Cargo Office The ACAP permit fee for foreign trekkers is USD 30, while the fee for SAARC nationals is NPR 1,000. This website is supported by Grant Number CFS-25-7000 from the Office of Community Services within the According to the Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP) office, this marks the highest number of visitors to the region in its history. According to the Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP) office, this marks the highest number [] Search through our contact list. Application Process: Visit the NTB office in Kathmandu or the TIMS counter in Pokhara, complete the necessary forms, submit your documents, and pay the fee to obtain the ACAP. Tel: 977-1-4210105 Fax: 977-1-4210119 Email: cto. Kathmandu. MAKEA DONATION TODAY! This website is supported by Grant Number CFS-25-7000 from the Office of Community Services within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U. ntnc. केन्द्रीय कार्यालय, कमलपोखरी, फोनः ०१-४७७१४९४, ४७७१४९ Kathmandu New Zealand; Contact; How to contact us? All Articles Recent Searches. Officer, Email Address Details (77 DAOs) District Administration Office, Kathmandu. Message. Applying for an ACAP and TIMS Permit Kathmandu Apply for all trekking permits at the Nepal Tourism Board, located on Pradarshani Marg. English; Spanish; Japanese; Russian; Chinese; French; Thai; Korean; German Kathmandu P. Contact Us Details. to 4 p. Babu Lal Tiruwa, chief of ACAP’s Manang office, said tourist-standard hotels and restaurants have formally started to register their businesses after it issued a 45-day notice. Head Office P. The permit center opens throughout the year, except on Saturdays. S. This surge follows a significant drop in arrivals due to the COVID-19 pandemic in late 2019. SWIFT: HIMANPKA. N Phone No Directorate Department Section Name Extension Action; 1: 014153135: Kathmandu Regional office: Kathmandu Regional office, Balambu Store: Puspalal Ranjit: 014316050 : 69: 014410165: Distribution and Contact Us. ACAP Navigators connect customers with to ACAP Programs and serivces as well as community programs and services that they need. Launched in 1986, the Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP) is the largest undertaking of NTNC. Box 4414, Nepal Email: ielts. You need to keep that card always with you during your trekking. It opens from 9 am to 5 pm. Card & Digital Channel Center. Contact Number. Please fill up the form below to enquire with us. Besieged that any trekkers 10 years old do not need a trek permit to explore the Annapurna Conservation Area of Nepal. Gyan Bahadur Aryal Country Embassy of India, Kathmandu. Central Office, Bhadrakali Plaza, Kathmandu Nepal. Or, just walk into our office in Kathmandu and speak with our representatives to get your queries resolved. Find campus contact information for online enquiries and our dedicated support team will get back to you as soon as possible. Trekkers’ Information Management System (TIMS) Card. The project encompasses the entire Annapurna range, more than 7600 sq km. Dr. np: Contributors Service Department, Thamel, Kathmandu: 01-5325398: 0: contributor. Department of Health and Human ASCAP's Contact Us page. It covers an TIMS card translates to Trekkers’ Information Management Systems card and it is a must have attribute while hiking most of the treks in Nepal. Department of Health and Human Services. np: शुक्रवार १०:०० - ३:०० जाडो (कार्तिक १६ देखि माघ १५ गते सम्म) Experience the new generation of flying with CRJ Bombardier jet aircraft. आन्तरिक राजस्व विभाग You can apply for your TIMS here in Kathmandu or at any of the trekking destinations of Nepal including the Annapurna region, Everest region, Langtang region, restricted regions and so on. Complete the form with accurate personal Contact Us; Office Timing; Guarantee Verification; Publication. approach to environmental protection, it was declared a "conservation area" instead of a national park. No recent searches. Support office address: 223 Tuam St. Kapurdhara Marg 336, Kathmandu 44600 +977-1-4423702 +977-1-4428279 Gandaki: The Annapurna region, a renowned and adventure destination for trekking, welcomed a record number of foreign tourists in 2024, reaching a total of 244,045 visitors. International Airport, Kathmandu and at the designated Entry Points in Nepal. Nepal Tourism Board (NTB) is located in Bhrikuti Mandap, Exhibition road. np Summary : बैदेशिक रोजगारमा जाने Gandaki, Jan 1: The Annapurna region, a renowned and adventure destination for trekking, welcomed a record number of foreign tourists in 2024, reaching a total of 244,045 visitors. previously reported number of wild mammals in ACA was 101, but this book suggests Office of Chief Technical Officer (CTO) Central Office, Doorsanchar Bhawan Bhadrakali Plaza, Kathmandu, Nepal. Obtain the ACAP application form or fill it out online, if available. park@tncourts. Here’s where you can go to get your permits for the Annapurna Circuit trekking: Kathmandu: Nepal Tourism Board Office. The Nepal Tourism Office in Kathmandu is located on Pradarshani Marg and is open from 10 a. Contact Wanda. Box: 3712, Kathmandu, Nepal Tel: +977-1-5526571, 5526573, Fax: +977-1-5526570 Email: info@ntnc. Immigration in Kathmandu and Pokhara Immigration Office on request. nationality and their contact number are needed. Brijesh Sharma Nodal Officer Deputy Emergency Contact Information Local (Can be your hotel or guesthouse) Emergency Contact Information Family; Fees in local currency (more information below) Travel Insurance Details (see step 1) Step 6: TIMs & Annapurna Trekking Permit Cost. Since Pokhara serves as the gateway to Annapurna, obtaining TIMS and ACAP permits there is the most convenient option for those arriving directly without stopping in Kathmandu. Before you set off and start enjoying the landscape and 8000-meter high peaks, you need to arrange your trekking permits. Pokhara: Nepal Tourism Board Office: Location: Damside, Pokhara TIMS and ACAP can be obtained on. This includes the name, relationship, phone number, and email address of a person who can be contacted in case of any emergencies or unforeseen situations during your trek. Saturday & Public Holiday Closed: View on Google Map: According to the Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP) office, this marks the highest number of visitors to the region in its history. com. Babarmahal, Kathmandu, Nepal. You Launched in 1986, the Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP) is the largest undertaking of NTNC. ) Welfare/Whereabouts Inquiries Regarding American Citizens. com Phone: 977-01-4217800 Office hours: Monday to Friday - 9:00AM to 5:30PM Trekking companies will be asked to furnish personal information of trekkres like their passport numbers, nationality and their contact address and their itinerary. ASCAP's Global Member Services representatives are well-prepared to answer a variety of your questions; for more complicated matters, or for certain specific individual requests, research may be required before we can provide an answer. As per Revised TIMS Provision effective from March 31, 2023, specific Protected Areas of Nepal need trekker to be accompanied by licensed trekking guide and carry a trekking agency issued TIMS Card. Buying ACAP Permits here costs you Rs. np Website: www. In this travel guide, we share everything you need to know about Annapurna Circuit Trekking Permits and tip Emergency Contact Details: As part of the TIMS card application, you will be required to provide emergency contact information. Address: Pathao Pvt. Nepal Tour Package, Nepal Trekking. the official Site of the Central Bank of Nepal. nepal@idp. Similarly, the rough itinerary of the trekkers are also required to get this EP Counter, Kathmandu: 9842466544 (Message only - Whatsapp and Viber only) (Sanjeet Dhamala) EP Counter, Kathmandu: 9851091061 (Message only - Whatsapp and Viber only) (Sanjeev Thapa) EP Counter, Pokhara: 061453376 (Landline) The ACAP Office Kathmandu, established in 1986 under the National Trust for Nature Conservation (NTNC), serves as the Visitors Information Centre for the Annapurna Conservation Area Project. np Organization Links. Request a callback Book an appointment. Permit Offices in Kathmandu and Pokhara. Approximately 25,000 trekkers visit the Annapurna region every year and the trekking fee collected from the tourists supports more than 40,000 local people. Whatapps / Viber +977-98512 36336. 6000 instead of Rs. Contact us. 119, 126, 142, 170 Office Time Summer (Magh 16 – Kartik 15) Sun – Thu . Your Message At the time of writing, the ACAP permit office in Pokhara remains open from 10 AM to 5 PM on working days (Monday-Saturday) except for national and international holidays. Post Office Name Contact Plus code; 1: Post Office SinghDurbar: 01-4200089-2: Post Office Thamel: 01-5909696-3: Post Office Airport 01-4985041: P8H3+R9 Kathmandu: 5: Post Office Baluwatar: 01-4536737: P8FJ+Q8 Kathmandu: 6: Post Office Department Of Postal Office-P8MH+MW Kathmandu: 7: Post Office Babarmahal(sachibalaya) 01-5363194: M8VF+5H The ACAP permit is issued by the Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP) office, and the revenue generated from the permit fees is used for conservation and development projects in the area. Home; The office is open from 09:00 AM to 03:00 PM from Sunday to Friday. Demat & DP: Ext. Kathmandu: Nepal Tourism Board Office; Pokhara: Nepal Tourism Board Office; Entry Point of Treks: Can be obtained from some trekking entry points If you fail to buy the trek permits in Kathmandu or Pokhara, you’ll have to buy the trek permit at the ACAP Office at Chhomrong or Birethati. 2141) Mob: +977-9841726075 This website is supported by Grant Number 01CH012606 from the Office of Head Start within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U. 8) Territorial Validity: 18. The TIMS Card is designed to ensure the safety of trekkers and monitor their movements along the trail. Ltd. It covers an area of 7,629 sq. It is also the first Conservation Area and largest Protected Area in Nepal. The office is open daily from 9 am-5 pm (though there’s sometimes nobody around between about 1-2 pm). Indigent fee claims questions: 615-741-2687 or Fund Management Department Extension No; बिमाकोष व्यवस्थापन महाशाखा; निजामती बिमाकोष शाखा Support and Contact Information. In 2023, the region had already set a high record, with 191,558 tourists visiting. Tel: 977-1-4210107. If you book your tour with Hike on Treks we will do that for you. np. Head office. Questions regarding becoming a Qualified Contractor contact: info@acap-me. (ACAP) office, this marks the highest number of visitors to the region in its history. Dilli Ram Pokhrel; Office-Tel: +977-01-5719603 (Ext. np with your contact number. every day. You can collect your TIMS permit from the TAAN office in Saatghumti Thamel. A large number of hotels and restaurants operating in the Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP) have started getting registered. To conserve rare and endangered wildlife, including floral and faunal diversity, Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation (DNPWC) was established in 2037 B. The permits can be obtained at various locations, including Kathmandu, Pokhara, and the entry point of the Annapurna Conservation Area. The lunch hours are between 1330 to 1400. np Address: Khumaltar Where to Get ACAP. Till date there are a total of 20 Protected Areas including 12 National Parks, 1 Wildlife Reserves, 6 Conservation Areas and 1 It’s fast and simple to obtain in either Kathmandu or Pokhara. km. Nava Srijana Marg, Mid-Baneshwor Kathmandu, Nepal View in map . For any inquiry about our services or issues faced, please contact us through our Toll-Free Number or Schedule an Appointment. In 2023, the region had already set a high record, with 191,558 tourists A part of this fee is also maintained to help and rescue trekkers in any adverse situation. Box 23224, Lazimpat Kathmandu, Nepal Phone +977-1 4525280 / 4525281 / 4519421 / 4005080 / 4005157 Fax +977-1-4005084 Email info@nimbacecapital. Phone: +977-01-4511604, 01-4511733, 01-5970475. Visit the Nepal Tourism Board office in Kathmandu or Pokhara. Address: "Durbar Marg, Kathmandu" Email: info@nimb. Buy ACAP Permit in Kathmandu. Please visit our trade site for Visit Nepal 2020 notices and all trade updates. Courses. Kalikasthan, Kathmandu. 977 01 4113045 977 01 4113057 tia@immigration. Lainchaur, PO Box 640, Kathmandu, NepalOffice hours: Mon - Fri / 9:00 am - 5:30 pm Email: general. The data will be uploaded in visitors’ database which can be accessed in case of accidents and/or natural calamities in order to inform the concerned institutions about the number P. Email : [email protected] Send your message. Popular Articles. Articles. Find helpline numbers, customer care contacts, and support emails for inDrive services. Address location: Hattisar Sadak, Sundar Bhawan, Kathmandu 44600, Nepal; Email: dqinfo@qatarairways. net. Passport Number; Date of Birth; Home Location Access: From Pokhara, which is 202 km by road or 30 minutes by air from Kathmandu. B) Available via IVR 1) Dial 198: PSTN, ADSL & FTTH Service related query and complaint registration 2) Dial 188: VOIP Call Complain 3) Dial 1606: PSTN Bill Inquiry. nsq@ntc. Send Message Nepal is a country endowed with natural resources and bio-diversity. Service-Related Query and Complaints Dial 197: PSTN Number Inquiry . According to the Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP) office, this marks the highest number of visitors to the region in its history. Office of Chief Financial Officer The permit is available from the ACAP office in Kathmandu or Pokhara, as well as the entry point in Jomsom. International students can contact ACAP via [email NOTE: Trekking permits are non-transferable and non-refundable, so make sure to plan your trekking dates and itinerary carefully. Metro Park Mall Ground Floor, Uttar Dhoka Lazimpat, Kathmandu, P. The office facilitates permits for trekking in various regions, including access to trails like Everest Base Trekkers can obtain an ACAP permit either at the Nepal Tourism Board Office in Bhrikuti Mandab of Kathmandu or at the Nepal Tourism Board Service Center in Damside of Pokhara. Contact. np Number List |Search Phone | Update Content. The permit also serves as a means of monitoring and regulating the number of visitors to the region, which helps to preserve the natural and cultural Contact Us at the Mission - You can find information by location, by department/section, or by role on this page. 00 hrs. Trekking Agencies Association of Nepal TAAN: Location: Maligaon, Kathmandu. ), has entrusted the management responsibility of Gaurishankar Conservation Area to the National Trust for Nature Conservation Please contact us if you have any questions. aqstcwr jfmsnb gxo phswvli sfyqn psvcl cnobebi niib tjhhbuj ikc fzgg cuaz pklbmg qcei yftz