Okok banking config. Reload to refresh your session.
Okok banking config. lua file and just replicate the existing examples.
Okok banking config The world's largest fivem & ragemp & gta 5 development community. cfg start ll_config -- Resource A start ll_server -- Resource B Resource A (ll_config) @ll_config/__resource. Forks. Here’s my current progress: server. set SocietyFramework to 710-Management in casino's config. okokRequests; okokDeleteVehicles Others. Limited Config. 129. okokTalkToNPC. canCarryItem(blackmarket[1]. Welcome aboard! QBCore is an ever-expanding framework for Grand Theft Auto V utilizing the FiveM platform. png"; [Config] Click here to see the config file. Today 13:41 itsNocte. Adding images to the items To add images to the items simply drop them in okokCrafting/web/icons . Previous File T1gerDrugs. getSharedObject = "getSharedObject" Config. receiver_identifier) local webhookData = { Navigate to server/main. amount)) then [Preview] Preview Link [Interface] [Features] Personal/society invoices: Society invoices can have a pre-configured list in the config file with the name of the fine/item and its value; Send invoices while not being in a society (okokRequests is recommended for this feature). Apr 13, 2024 #1 Heeeeeeeeeeey, today leak of the best bank script hope you will appreciate it ^^ Hidden link Contribute to visibait/vb-banking development by creating an account on GitHub. Check your giftcard balance by Config. 1 Like. PayForOrder = true -- true = pay for the vehicle when you order it | false = don't pay and only receive the profit when selling Config. No releases published . FuelResource = "native" -- "nothing" - no fuel resource, "native" - will You signed in with another tab or window. [Config] Click here to see the config file. Today 01:15 timothysahakian. UseOkokNotify = true -- true = okokNotify | false = qb-notify ( You can change the notification system on cl Copy Config = {} Config. Find and fix vulnerabilities okokBanking. Add /givecash command Added ox lib and Config, Locales = {}, {} true = The transactions will be registered on okokBanking Config. Fully translatable. net/artifacts/fivem/build_server_windows/master/ insert your society name in Config. okokBilling. Reactions: Seb333, isaiah2332, zelityc and 147 others. Skip to content. EventPrefix = 'okokContract' -- The event prefix that will be used on the script Config. Check your giftcard Copy CREATE TABLE `okokgarage_pgarages` (`garagename` VARCHAR(250) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `coords` VARCHAR(250) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `type` VARCHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `owners` VARCHAR(250) NULL DEFAULT NULL); CREATE TABLE `okokgarage_companies` (`company_name` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, `owner` Hey all, I’ve been trying to make use of server exports between two of my server-sided resources Unfortunately, I’m finding it to be more trivial than it should be. Debug = false Config. UseCullingRadius = true -- true = use culling radius | false = don't use culling radius Config. decode(cData. Joined May 18, 2021 Messages 9 Reaction score 527 Points 286. UseAddonAccount = false/true". Joined Apr 6, 2024 Messages 253 Reaction score 16,620 Points 256 Location s. [IMPORTANT] The 'tableID' field on the config file is used to create the craft buttons, so make sure you ALWAYS set a different ID for each table. Purchase now. Today 20:05 skyarnarp. Today 14:51 We are a duo team of developers who specialize in the creation and distribution of affordable, yet high-end quality FiveM resources. Copy elseif not shouldAddMarker and GetResourceState("okokGarage") == "started" then if not house. okok. lua and after print(#result . PayAutomaticallyAfterLimit then local xPlayer = QBCore. 9 KB · Views: 2,451 Last edited: Apr 9, 2024. All of our members are [Preview] Preview Link [Interface] [Features] Detailed patch notes/updates list; Staff members list (a different image for each member can be used); Music player; Background video/background image slider; Socials; Copy function ESX. Repository files navigation. Deutsch (DE): KB_Banking ist ein einfach gehaltenes Banking Scripts das mit ox_lib so wie NativeUI funktioniert. Silver Elite. 1 Config. okokTextUI. Scripts; okokPhone there are additional config settings. SocietyAccessRanks is no longer needed since it now verifies the society boss in a different way. okokTextUI, okokRequests and okokNotify (these are not required, so if you do not wish to use them, look for the setting within the config and set it to false). Societies list in okokbanking's config file. PayAutomaticallyAfterLimit = true -- It serves to enable/disable if we want the invoice to be automatically paid after the due date Copy elseif blackmarket[1]. ATMModels = {} -- List the object models of the ATM machines that can be used Config. Write better code with AI Security. You signed in with another tab or window. Blip = {} -- Define the data used for the bank map blips Config. All legal complaints about vag. Today 19:45 Shotbydayday. they added for example the function, to use the atm a CreditCard is required and as i mentioned the possibility to use per config settings the standart addon_account_data instead of the OKOKBanking Table "Config. Contribute to newstar121/okok-bankscript development by creating an account on GitHub. Report repository Releases. css and add the following to the last line. lua fxmanifest. File Information. Like our previous scripts, it also features webhooks that log the actions. garageMarker then house. lua file and just replicate the existing examples. 99 EUR. Vehicles not showing in the shops The vehicle type or category isn't correctly set, make sure the you set the type of a vehicle in the database ( okokvehicleshop_vehicles ) to a shop type in the config and the category to an existing category. 44. Today 21:26 ScarlettJ00. On this page. RequireItem = false -- true = The player Tebex Store: https://okok. r/UXDesign is for people working in UX to discuss research and design problems, career advancement, and the [Config] Click here to see the config file. This website and its checkout process is owned & operated by Tebex Limited, who handle product fulfilment, billing support and refunds. Today 02:36 sicko_Stricko. GetVehicleProperties(vehicle) if DoesEntityExist(vehicle) then local pearlescentColor, wheelColor = GetVehicleExtraColours(vehicle) local elseif Config. Handles all player interaction with bank/job/gang/shared accounts; Make sure your server artifacts version is above the 5181. Gift Card Balance. EventPrefix = "okokGarage" Config. png. script, esx, paid, qbcore. rar file! 100% okokBanking working!! 1. Locale = 'en' -- en / pt (not yet) / es (not yet) / fr (not yet) / de (not yet) Config. About. QBCorePrefix = "qb" Config. LimitDate is enabled, it is used to define the days of the deadline for payment after issuing the invoice Config. There are no payments coming into the account yet and it is not possible to create an okokBanking [QB] 24. Joined Jul 5, 2022 Messages 45 Reaction score 247 Points 306 Location France. 0 forks. Today 00:54 vreisss. tebex. 0 January 1, 1970; Create an account or sign in to download this. InjuryNotificationFrequency = 1 * minutes -- How often to notify player of injury Config. CreditCardPrice reason: Buy CC . 9 Click here to see the config file. Script 💲💲 okokBanking [LAST VERSION] [QB-CORE/ESX] 💲💲 Random Topic. It offers extensive customization, ease of use, ongoing maintenance and active support! exports['okokTextUI']:Close() How to add new colors: Open styles. AddMarker({coords = house fivem okok script okok okok banking okok billing okok chat okok contract okok crafting okok delete vehicles okok market place okok notify okok reports okok requests okok talk to npc okok textui okok vehicle shop Replies: 45; Forum: Fivem scripts; Tags. 42 kB; 1 Share More sharing options Followers 0. 0; 1. lua resource_manifest_version '44febabe-d386 Configuration instructions for okokChat in okokDocs. 🆗 okokBanking [QBCORE][ESX][PAID] FiveM Releases. Today 20:06 skyarnarp. 441. UseColorID = true. Packages 0. Sep 11, 2022 #10 its giveing me errors how do i fix them . Today 13:43 HARIKASE. okokPhone. Joined Aug 3, 2022 Messages 29 Reaction score 6 Points 166 Location Selangor. DisableNoJumpInjury = false -- Disable when being injured that you cant job on occasion Config. [FiveM Asset Escrow System] This resource is using the Asset Escrow system but IT IS NOT ENCRYPTED. name, function (society) if society ~= nil then -- verified society Add the following line at the end of the vSync/vs_server. 0. DeletePaidInvoicesEvery = 30 -- How often it should delete the paid invoices (in minutes) Config. Locale = 'en' -- en / pt / es / fr / de Config. okokNotify. playerLoaded = "playerLoaded" Config. 000 members value: Config. Support via PM. Joined Jul 20, 2021 Messages 36 Reaction score 9 Points 166. /* Example Notification */. io/Discord Server: https://discord. If you're using a custom framework/resource, you can manage the casino Our banking system allows you to choose if you would like to use the okokBanking integrated system which will create a bank account for your users as well as an additional shared account for your businesses. This interactive banking system is highly enticing for your server and can be configured Copy CREATE TABLE `okokgasstation_stores`(`store_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `store_id` varchar(255) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, `owner` varchar(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `owner_name` varchar(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `money` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `business_price` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `gas_price` DECIMAL(10, 2) NOT NULL DEFAULT Tebex Store: https://okok. elseif v. It also includes the option to use qb-management. AutoCreateSociety = true -- true = Auto Copy CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `okokbossmenu_hours` (`id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `citizenid` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `hours` text NOT NULL, `last_login` text DEFAULT NULL, `job` text DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) Config. Bronze Elite. Limited Time Offer Limited Time Offer. 0 stars. position) TriggerClientEvent('okokSpawnSelector:spawnMenu', src Hello, I bring you the okokChatV2 ESX version converted by me to QBCore (The file contains both versions). 4 OX integration Slight client side cleanup Fix exploit allowing players to highjack sub accounts v1. PreviewPhone = false will spawn a item mechboard which when used will show the list of changes on screen; Note: Spawning the mechboard item, trying to use it and then asking me why it's telling you not to spawn it shows you haven't read Copy if GetResourceState('okokSpawnSelector') == 'started' then local coords = json. It likely functions as a plugin or script that integrates with the roleplay server’s core framework. UseOkokNotify = true -- true = okokNotify | false = qb-notify ( You can change the notification system on cl_utils. Click here to know more about it. okokCraftingV2 [QB] 19. Add server export to get an accounts transactions. For okokNotify it won't be in the config, but in the cl_utils. Popular Product okokBanking [QB] 24. okokChat. Reload to refresh your session. lua server. ' inventories successfully loaded'), add the following code: Copy Config = {} Locales = {} Config. Maybe someone know about the Problem and can help. example-icon::before { font Powered by GitBook. custom society resource . okokPoliceJob [QB] 34. All of our members are responsible for what they share. server. job. 49 EUR. Copy CREATE TABLE `okokreports`(`admin_identifier` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `responded_reports` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, UNIQUE KEY abc_ndx (admin_identifier)); Copy Config, Locales = {}, {} Config. Navigate to the config. zip. Config. gg will be examined by us within the framework of the relevant laws and regulations, within 3 (three) days at the latest, after reaching us via our contact link, necessary actions will be taken and information will be Hello! I added OKOK Banking and OKOK Billing and the Language doesnt change when i edit them in the Config. EnablePainPills = true -- Enable pain pills? Used to aliviate injurys Config = {} Config. Gold Elite. i just recently got okokbanking and im not sure where to put the following stuck on the same config Reply reply Top 2% Rank by size . Next File VMS Multichar Copy Config, Locales = {}, {} Config. PookiTo0. create your society in 710-management menu, and make sure it's installed in the MYSQL table: management_accounts. Hello, I have the problem that some players are stuck in the bank menu and can no longer press anything, not even “log out” in the bottom left it only helps to restart the game. Locale = 'en' -- Choose the language of the script (en) Config. r/UXDesign. lua file instead. gg/okok Images: Webhook: Config: Preview: [ESX] [Free] BK Banking Englisch (EN): KB_Banking is a simple banking script that works with ox_lib as well as NativeUI. Today 21:28 RolePlayMaster24. BankLocations = {} -- Define the coordinates for fivem okok script okok okok banking okok billing okok chat okok contract okok crafting okok delete vehicles okok market place okok notify okok reports okok requests okok talk to npc okok textui okok vehicle shop; Replies: 45; Forum: Fivem scripts; Tags. Stars. Wie bei We are a duo team of developers who specialize in the creation and distribution of affordable, yet high-end quality FiveM resources. Copy Config, Locales = {}, {} Config. timeLeft >= 0 and Config. lua to xTargetName = config. PreviewPhone = true will attempt to use the set phone system to send the player a phone email with the list; Config. Apr 10, 2024 #2 Thank you its a very good script . SocietyHasPrefix = false -- If true, it'll use the society prefix for the transactions (society_job) Config. 4 . Windows: https://runtime. Today 01:50 Luca11013. README; GPL-3. 1 watching. Today 15:57 TryMeMyLove. lua file: to find your server config go to your fivem server files then it should say server. More posts you may like Related FiveM Action-adventure game Gaming forward back. Create custom invoices; Event to open the My Invoices menu (client side) Event to open the Create You signed in with another tab or window. Debug = false -- true = debug | false = no debug Config. Pay all the invoices with one click or pay them individually; Pay another player invoice through . Zones = {} -- Supply the polyzone box data for the bank access points Config. I turned off qtarget in the config and the option to get to the bank is still missing UPDATE: Everything is fine after update: v1. Aug 29, 2022 #3 AidoNeus said: where is to put this ya Here is the script OkOk banking Picture + script : Attachments. EnableSocietyPayouts then -- possibly a society TriggerEvent('esx_society:getSociety', xPlayer. Watchers. Previews. 8. Views 4509; Downloads 644; Submitted October 7, 2023; Published October 8, 2023; Updated October 8, 2023; File Size 405. 710-management. With over 25. Discord Webhook; Powered by GitBook. No packages published . lua file and set Config. i bought okok banque but it doesn’t work and the sql is missing why? image 2967×130 okokBanking [QB] 24. onPlayerDeath = "onPlayerDeath" Config. Today 00:52 YNGCeeZ. Locale = 'en' -- en / pt / gr / fr / de Config. Locale = 'en' -- en / pt / es / fr / de / nl Config. Can you make it in the config file? Mx5Roleplay September 5, 2021, 10:58pm 26. Features. UseOkokBanking = true -- If true, you need to have okokBanking installed and configured. Today 15:12 Nekin1233. UseOkokChat = true -- true = When a auction starts the notification will be sent by okokChat, otherwise it will send a notification Config. Readme Activity. AuthorReceiveNotification = false -- If set to true it will send a notification to the author Contribute to newstar121/okok-bankscript development by creating an account on GitHub. The tableID field on the config file is used to create the crafting buttons, so make sure you ALWAYS set a different ID for each table. Make sure to read the README. UseOkokContract = true -- true = The vehicle purchase / sell will be handled by okokContract Config. Any update on this? I can’t get those buttons to be responsive Chris-Vendetta February 1, 2021, 7:58pm 259. EventPrefix = 'okokContract' -- The event prefix that will be used on the You won’t need to manually add all the societies to your database, you simply need to add them to the config file, and once someone from that society opens the Bank menu it will okokBanking [QB] 24. Installation Guide; Requirements: Execute the following SQL code in your database: Enable Purchased Character Slots (via Tebex) ESX ONLY; Server artifacts Config. cfg in the main folder. Does it support cash as an item? 1 Like. cardTypes = {} -- Define the card names which correspond to the item Config. OwnedVehiclesTable = 'owned_vehicles' -- The Joined Sep 18, 2021 Messages 387 Solutions 1 Reaction score 6,503 Points 321 Age 19 Location KOCHI Contribute to Rich1818/okokBanking development by creating an account on GitHub. Download (24. Functions. [FiveM Asset Escrow System] This resource is on keymaster but IT IS NOT ENCRYPTED. PapaTijd October 20, 2021, 10:39pm Config. Rhydium January 20, 2021, 1:22pm 258. okokLoadingScreen. lua ) Config Copy CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `okokpolicejob_reports` (`id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `reporter` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `phone` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `date` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `description` TEXT NOT NULL, `status` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'); ALTER TABLE `players` DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS Copy local shown = false local inDistance = false while true do inDistance = false-- your code if playerDistance <= distance then inDistance = true-- your code when you are inside the range else-- your code when you are outside the range end if not shown and inDistance then exports['okokTextUI']:Open('[E] Hello', 'lightgreen', 'right', true) shown = true elseif shown and Help ? i instert okokbanking_transaction in my database . 71 EUR 65. Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. Purchase Latest okokBanking. okokTextUI = true -- true = okokTextUI (I recommend you Theme made with Fragmentor. garageMarker = lib. Ability to see the payments and expenditures made in the statistical graph in days, weeks, months and years. 9. Make sure your server artifacts version is above the 5181. No description, website, or topics provided. Kazuki22. item_id, tonumber(blackmarket[1]. A banking system for the ESX framework, allowing users to manage banking operations within the game. Nelziii. why is there no name for some blips on my map now? Dakalysta March 13, 2021, 4:11pm 260. Today 20:29 oklwi293445. 03 EUR. Purchase Latest Release okokVehicleControl. 12. Flavio_Loiacono January 24, 2022, 2:19pm 101. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Config file; Snippets; okokCrafting. Today 00:28 6IX-RP. open source; Easy adjustable config; Fully optimized; esay to use; qbcore; Deposit/withdraw/transfer money; Transfer money To fix this, go to the config. Game. UseOkokVehicleShop = false -- If In case you had the previous okokBilling version (both ESX & QBCore) execute the code below in your database, otherwise ignore it. Today 02:41 Qwshy. Today 21:32 Zeno6. We're proud to say that over the course of a year, we've managed to establish our name and earn a positive name within the FiveM community. Recent Payments. addAccountMoney('bank', salary) TriggerClientEvent('esx:showAdvancedNotification', xPlayer OKOK Banking appears to be a custom in-game banking system designed for roleplay servers, particularly those built for the video game FiveM. Items: the image name should be the same as the item ID, if the item ID is "bread", then the image should be "bread. LimitDateDays = 2 -- If Config. DevMode = true -- true = Can restart the script in game that everything works | false = You can't restart the script in game otherwise it stops working Config. okokokok September 6, 2021 Zip . You signed out in another tab or window. Debug = false -- true = Debug mode, it will show the debug messages on the console Config. lua. fxmanifest. okokContract. okokVehicleSalesEventPrefix = "okokVehicleSales" -- okokVehicleSales event prefix (if you are using okokVehicleSales) Config. type == "item" and not xPlayer. [FiveM Asset Escrow System] This resource is using the Asset Escrow system. AidoNeus. okokokok September 6, 2021, 12:21am 27. AutoAddDatabaseTables = true -- true = Auto add the database tables | false = You need to add the database tables manually Config. okokMarketplace. About Us . Aug 20, 2022 #2 where is to put this ya please help me . Locale = 'en' -- en / pt / gr / fr / de / es Config. Config, Locales = {}, {} Config. GetPlayerByCitizenId(v. gg/okok00:00 Intro00:15 Animations00:25 Reports00:48 Menus01:00 Escort01:07 Search01:17 Ja Extensive configuration options in the config file. 2 KB · Views: 350 okokBanking (1). There is a log of all transactions (sending, receiving and spending money) cylex; Thread; Mar 17, 2024; animmenu animmenuv2 banking cylex These do not come included with the script, they are only configured to be used alongside the script, if you have them. Our banking system allows you to choose if you would like to use the okokBanking integrated system which will create a bank account for your users as well as an additional shared account for your Copy Config, Locales = {}, {} Config. fivem. config. Today 13:41 HARIKASE. UseRoutingBuckets = true -- true = use routing buckets | false = don't use routing buckets Config. 0 license; QB-Banking. Resources. SetVisibility = false Fix OX integration being ATM only Added Renewed Phones MultiJob Support (Enable in config) Fix onResourceStop errors for QB target users Fixed a couple Account Menu bugs from 1. All of our members are okokBanking [QB] 24. EventPrefix Config Features Problems like duplicating money by lagging the internet are all fixed. ESX11 = false -- set it to true if you are using ESX 1. . Copy if salary > 0 then if job == 'unemployed' then -- unemployed xPlayer. Hi community, Is that okokBanking [QB] 24. Thread starter clea111; Start date Apr 13, 2024; Copy link Copy link clea111. lua View all files. and this is the newest version. md ‼️ UPDATE: ATTENTION [Only QBCore Version] - I notice that the PM command doesn´t work, you need to edit line 824 in server. okokReports. Sign in Product GitHub Copilot. nqmhvpgobiukhezjsguitxmuucaconkqbmqkinvmbbcvfaldlofdobzhlhlvfpxe